ML1 and 2: Sunday 22nd


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Well yeah, the moment the harpy took my sm alt when runi was on 11%, I knew I was gonna miss 2.10.

This can't be helped, most of the attendants are lazy and selfish phools, incompetent of leading a raid, so they follow the 'I am in, NOCARE if someone isn't' technique.

Can do a raid later anyhow, just pisses me off that those sheeps aren't even aware of some people missing the encounter because they have to act like the way they act.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Was a good raid imo. You have to take into consideration that chronic was under a lot of (undeserved) flak.

2.7 is a 2fg max encounter, and since it wasn't set as a pre-req chronic handled it in the best possible way under the circumstances. 3fg at the start of the raid, Xfg in the middle and the rest just before the end. This saved a lot of time, in contrary to the whines from "healmypet" and others.

Chronic once again handled the matter of people missing 2.5 very nicely, taking a 40 minute break between ML1 and ML2 so people could do 2.5 and 2.7. ( or get some fresh air! )

Thanks for a good raid Chronic. Looking forward to the others. :)

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