Shut it!!!ok, gonna see if people is still up for this, gonna start leading a few ml raids if people is up for it, just need to know what people wants the most nowadays.
you got serious issues.
Yep issues with you.... :kissit:you got serious issues.
first of all, i've never lied about anything that has anything to do with you, second of all, if you stick to the topic and just PM me with insults as you used to do i'd be alot more happy, you're the one who started crying on a forum because you died in an rvr zone, if you wana keep having a go at me, pm me instead so i dont have to troll all the forums to laugh at your shitty comebacks and repliesWell you did ask what people want and as far as he is concerned Shutting you mouth was best thing people could have you lieing twat.
first of all, i've never lied about anything that has anything to do with you, second of all, if you stick to the topic and just PM me with insults as you used to do i'd be alot more happy, you're the one who started crying on a forum because you died in an rvr zone, if you wana keep having a go at me, pm me instead so i dont have to troll all the forums to laugh at your shitty comebacks and replies
let me see. it all started back at blendrake t2 when i was running with 2 of my friends in a trio group, we had 5 albs following us and you chose to shoot on them instead of us when we ran, i stopped up and killed you, and you jump back and take t1 with vrikalokas + rhymin and a couple of other rangers assisting outside grp <i think>, you killed my grp members a couple of times and me twice and i got you once and you guys logged. i check my inbox the next day and i have a PM from you saying: you thick fuck or what ROFL or something like that, a pure harrasment against me, so what basically happend is that you died in an rvr zone, relogged to get help, died once and gave up <it seems.>, i can post my pm's if that's the proof you're looking for, you might actually try to read what you're saying before jumping at me.Lieing twat Grolf who you going to add in you posts now and btw it ok to come on Forums etc Accusing but in you case start backing it up START posting Proof you Lieing twat.
let me see. it all started back at blendrake t2 when i was running with 2 of my friends in a trio group, we had 5 albs following us and you chose to shoot on them instead of us when we ran, i stopped up and killed you, and you jump back and take t1 with vrikalokas + rhymin and a couple of other rangers assisting outside grp <i think>, you killed my grp members a couple of times and me twice and i got you once and you guys logged. i check my inbox the next day and i have a PM from you saying: you thick fuck or what ROFL or something like that, a pure harrasment against me, so what basically happend is that you died in an rvr zone, relogged to get help, died once and gave up <it seems.>, i can post my pm's if that's the proof you're looking for, you might actually try to read what you're saying before jumping at me.
You can ROFL as much as you want m8 but think Score is around 20-3 to me with you death on my Bow.Where Screenies liar
and pm with thick twat was why ? I tell you no di bot with me I was solo tried helping you even made emote of no against as I wouldn't attack and instead of helping you decided to take me down instead that was why the pm and for information I WAS SOLO.
Post Screenies please if you can't then dont bother responding and we can leave this tit for tat crap ok
You can ROFL as much as you want m8 but think Score is around 20-3 to me with you death on my Bow.
Dunnow why you like ROFL all time pretty boring m8 especially as I only hug u 1st but if you want ROFL Spam m8 I gladly give it to you.
Soulja aka Soulbow.
that's copy pasted.
yes i emoted you because you emoted me the day before, same treatment for everybody, it's an rvr zone, there's no such thing as fair play, soloers gets zerged, people gets emoted, relics are AC'ed, it has been since that from the very beginning, if you haven't noticed that by now you need to put your glasses on, as i said 10.000 times before i didn't do anything in that situation that you havent tried before, and yet YOU go and harras me on a public forum, sure if you disliked it you could atleast discuss it instead of acting like a 5 year old
i banned you for emoting more than 3 times, which is in the CoC, i've done nothing wrong, i didnt ban you for killing me, i banned you because youre an idiot xD, i did tell asty to tell you that i'd ban you for emote spamming, i didnt tell her, to tell you to stop it ;p the more evidence the better.ROFL More Bullshit
Well it obvious that you have not got any proof so and as for emotes please post it correctly I Asked you 1st why you kept emoting me as I didn't know what the fuck you problem was.
So as usual GROLF = MR LIAR
as for kill count why did you want get me banned = well it seems I emote spammed you as you were laying dead on floor yet again = you didn't like it you went to get me banned and that is truth.
OR If that isn't then pming Asty on msn and telling her to stop me from emote spamming was a lie ????
i banned you for emoting more than 3 times, which is in the CoC, i've done nothing wrong, i didnt ban you for killing me, i banned you because youre an idiot xD, i did tell asty to tell you that i'd ban you for emote spamming, i didnt tell her, to tell you to stop it ;p the more evidence the better.
do you have any proof that i am a liar? you're accusing me for something aswell as im accusing you for stuff, goes both ways, i banned you for emote spamming and you emoted me plenty of times, doing /bang, /rofl, whatever emotes, you have spammed emotes more than once at me. besides it's a public forum, and retards like you make me laugh, hence im here!lol only way you could of banned me for killing you as that only time I DID emote (Truth)
So GROLF the Liar you didnt like it did you now so what you trying to do now is what on this Forum ??? what you try doing ingame bait people ? I don't know well as I said if you got no proof to back up you accusations then stop posting crap.
do you have any proof that i am a liar? you're accusing me for something aswell as im accusing you for stuff, goes both ways, i banned you for emote spamming and you emoted me plenty of times, doing /bang, /rofl, whatever emotes, you have spammed emotes more than once at me. besides it's a public forum, and retards like you make me laugh, hence im here!
nono, you started this by going on this forum and cry about me in PM, then when i started randomly posting on several forums you had to comment me and get your friends to back you up because you had no real reason to actually harras me, you hate me because i banned + killed you, get over it, little crying noobSo I am a RETARD now ? let me think it was YOU that dragged me into this forum in Bufferer gratz post and now because I responded I am now a retard well GROLF I find that insulting as it was YOU that started all this.
nono, you started this by going on this forum and cry about me in PM, then when i started randomly posting on several forums you had to comment me and get your friends to back you up because you had no real reason to actually harras me, you hate me because i banned + killed you, get over it, little crying noob
Souls not littleyou hate me because i banned + killed you, get over it, little crying noob
i think the odds for people liking me is a bit higher as im not a dumb idiot that doesnt even know what a penis is like you xDSouls not littleHe's a big fat sheep shagger
Oh shit!!111
Grolf though, your a cock, no-one likes you, get a life, or go back to the hole where you came from.... Goodnight
you did at NO time ASK me about anything, it was a pure insult, the first thing you stated was it was 20-3 or so to you, as i said, i dont give a shit. as for the next, yes i did put your name in bufferers gratz thread, but that doesn't necessarily mean that i started. as you were the one who started this on freddys in the first place by pm'ing me. we didn't at any time agree on leaving eachother alone and i have no intensions of doing so.Banned and killed me lol that is a laugh ok for
1.YOU Did not ban me my account went down on 27th December 2007
2.As for killing me re read you post from a pm I sent then it said I am around 20-3 up on killing you so killing me buisness don't wash.
3.Reason I pmed you in 1st place was I asked if you had a problem as you had this thing of emoting me when I didn;t know you from jack shit then correct ?
As for you saying I am starting it Re read you POST on bufferers gratz thread and you will see YOU made 1st entry and then goaded myself/Prodical/Vrik in on it correct.
TBH Grolf you got issues as I added in a post on there don't drag me into the shit you write I was happy as hell not bothering with you.
Grolf as I stated before you not fit to wipe my arse I am not interested in you bullshit or lies but just STOP dragging me into the crap you spout I will now leave this tit for tat crap because now you boring me also you can not back up any of you lies like I asked so the whole point of you thread was to just Goad me maybe trying to get me banned from FH is you objective I don't know what goes through pea you seem to call a brain.
So unless you as I have stated can put proof on here then this discussion has ended.
Well... I'd ratheer have real friends than imaginary ones called Roger,i think the odds for people liking me is a bit higher as im not a dumb idiot that doesnt even know what a penis is like you xD
oh nothing,just that i remember a little incident some time ago where logi had to teach you something i wont say too loud to make you look like a complete idiotWell... I'd ratheer have real friends than imaginary ones called Roger,
LOL!!!! Whats a penis got to do anything with anything?![]()
Wtf are you yabbering on about!!!?oh nothing,just that i remember a little incident some time ago where logi had to teach you something i wont say too loud to make you look like a complete idiot. and what comes to the so called friend part, i have plenty of friends, even you were friends with me once, ah i still remember it like yesterday you made a bonedancer and duoed with me in thidranki, asking if you one day could lend my bonedancer and try it out, so i guess you're one of my so called imaginairy friends. i guess my fantasy world is filled with retarded kids with learning dissabilities like you
USED to be friends? mmh, let me see, we used to group together, you started with AE, i didnt see you on msn for a while, and now this, im not an arsehole for doing anything i have done the last time, i've defended myself that's all. if people followed the rules and didnt harras me i wouldn't be having any arguements with people hereWtf are you yabbering on about!!!?
You talk such a crock of shite you know that?
Yeh okay, i made a BD, yeh me and you USED to be friends, yeh I asked if I could burrow your BD, but now you've turned into a right fucking arsehole....
So what? Whats wrong with people with learning disabilities....
Yes USED to be friends, yes okay, we used to group together when you helped me make that BD in thindraki, Yes! I ran now and again in their groups, not starting with them.... You didn't see me on MSN for a while is because you blocked me, remember? And then you got all funny with me because it was late at night and you were showing off infront of those two girls that were round yours....USED to be friends? mmh, let me see, we used to group together, you started with AE, i didnt see you on msn for a while, and now this, im not an arsehole for doing anything i have done the last time, i've defended myself that's all. if people followed the rules and didnt harras me i wouldn't be having any arguements with people here![]()
yup i brought him up in bufferer's gratz thread, but you havent read the 15 pm's he send me, he contacted me first of all and if you have to contact someone just to call them an asshole, ****,retard,idiot, w/e, you're the pathetic one, if he didnt piss me off in the first place i wouldn't of reported him or even speak to him now, he gets what he deservesYes USED to be friends, yes okay, we used to group together when you helped me make that BD in thindraki, Yes! I ran now and again in their groups, not starting with them.... You didn't see me on MSN for a while is because you blocked me, remember? And then you got all funny with me because it was late at night and you were showing off infront of those two girls that were round yours....
The way you act on here is a bit arsehole like, how have you defended yourself? You brang Soul up in the conversation in the Bufferer thread hehe![]()
Didn't reply to my first bit though...yup i brought him up in bufferer's gratz thread, but you havent read the 15 pm's he send me, he contacted me first of all and if you have to contact someone just to call them an asshole, ****,retard,idiot, w/e, you're the pathetic one, if he didnt piss me off in the first place i wouldn't of reported him or even speak to him now, he gets what he deserves