ml 5 groups steps -- need tanks


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Trying to get group for ml 5 group steps so more people can make bg steps tonight on Animus' raid . Need tanks , moritam has bg in game .


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Oh, thank you very much if it happens the steps are down. I appriciate your concern. :fluffle:


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
pfffft thats just a bug cant blame anyone for that ... should have been planty of time for them to repop ... msg a gm and get them reset


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Azathrim said:
Oh, thank you very much if it happens the steps are down. I appriciate your concern. :fluffle:

What kind of comment is that? Hopefully you just having a laugh and posting for fun...if you are serious then...EH? Done at least 6 hours before the main group steps tonight...zarb was making sure those who didnt get a place were at least able to join the bg tonight. Anyway, there are 2 wings of the dungeon and the repop is extremely quick. In fact, I will take your comment as a jokey post, surely thats the way it was intended. Perhaps I'm just a little slow in understanding the humour.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Gustav said:
What kind of comment is that? Hopefully you just having a laugh and posting for fun...if you are serious then...EH? Done at least 6 hours before the main group steps tonight...zarb was making sure those who didnt get a place were at least able to join the bg tonight. Anyway, there are 2 wings of the dungeon and the repop is extremely quick. In fact, I will take your comment as a jokey post, surely thats the way it was intended. Perhaps I'm just a little slow in understanding the humour.

There are two wings and Animus' raid held two groups. There is a bug though, were some of the trials spawn in the wall, effectively making them take ages to pop in a place were you can kill them. This lead to these group steps appearing to have an incredible long spawn time. I was told yesterday though, that this bug was fixed recently - plus Ysanne was helpful making sure things indeed was in its right place.

However Gustav, say this bug still had been in - wouldn't you think it had been a tad rude to do something like this? (And yes, Ysanne knew it wasn't the case so all is good).


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
No, I don't in anyway think she was being rude.

If the bug had been in then it wouldn't have been Zarbs fault. And if it was bugged then there was the second wing, both wings have quick respawns. And if the second wing was bugged then well I guess that would be just plain unlucky.

She even went more than 8 hours before the raid went to the dungeon. 11BST in the morning. And if by some bug they hadn't respawned she had done it well before the main event to be polite enough. Personally I can't see how her actions can even remotely be considered rude when she had bent over backwards to make sure the there was plenty of time for respawn (which as you know from last night isn't long at all as we had to redo 1 encounter 3 or 4 times), and that the evenings raid had her croc ring pbt, an ml10 bot for fop and enough experienced players to help with Gimlie running the group steps and bg steps (which Baldgrim and Gimlie did a fantastic job). Without those, the raid wouldn't have finished. I even believe she called in Requiel or someone to check on the steps after reading your post, thats how thoughtful she is.

If thats rude when would have been a good time for her to prepare and come along? The day before? I know her in game and she's anything but rude, always giving up her time to help others inside and outside her guild.

It is a buggy dungeon, there is no mistake on that. So I appreciate your concern over whether or not the steps would be up, but to flame her here and call her rude is a bit off.

Gustav Hunter
Gustavson Skald
Hagussar Cave Shammy
Shaarmain Bot
Proud Member of Clan Chaos


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Gustav, did you read my post? If not, try to do so again.

Say you had announced you would kill the dragon at 20:00 CET and I go out and kill it at 11:00 CET. Would you find that rude?
It was a similiar situation I reacted on. Fortunately it turned out I were mistaken as these issues had been fixed in the last patch (which I thus learned). Get it now?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Yes I would find it rude that someone had killed the dragon the morning of the day I was running a raid. I would find it rude to have someone run a Tg raid the same day as well...or even run a full ML raid when I was doing the same thing. But these are group steps. Group steps are by design fairly quick repops. And in my experience in ml5 they respawn almost as fast as it takes to run to the other wing. I haven't heard of the bug you mentioned or come across it so I am guilty of ignorance in that respect. You comparing the ml5.6 5.7 5.8 group steps to a Dragon raid is a tad over the top. I'm not sure what the respawn timer is on the Dragon but I would imagine its vastly different to the ml5.6 5.7 5.8 group steps.

Anyway back to the issue. She wasn't being rude, she was being thoughtful by making sure the others had the steps so they could come on the raid...and she did it well before the main Animus raid that evening. She even called in a moderator to make sure it was all ok. Her actions aren't rude and I am defending her.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
And just a quick question...when would it have been polite to have done the groups steps? Not all who signed up got a space and the post said the bg steps were open to all.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
As I hinted, I was unaware of the thing being fixed this patch and thus the issue gone. The respawn timer of some of these encounters could often be counted in days - compared to the dragon that usually spawns within a day.

About being thoughtfull... yes, I am sure that was the intent. Had the bug been in place still, it might've meant that Animus' raid had been cancelled as the group steps weren't up. That was what I reacted on.

As for your question... The evening before perhaps?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The evening before when we were on a different ml raid .... and the repops on all the solo steps are always within an hour mostly a lot lot shorter ...

When ever there is a bg steps raid (which u invited ppl to attend) there are always groups trying to get the group steps done before the raid so you cant expect otherwise. Also the fact that you put that you intended the raid for the evening ... on something like an ml you cant book the whole thing for 24 hours ... you have to share sometimes.

An to take it out on one person because of a bug in the respawn of those steps instead of just seeing if a GM was around to assist was wayy out of line.

Sometimes you have to realise its a person at the other end of the char you see in game and not just a npc. People deserve respect not just flames when things don't go completely your way.

Next time think before you throw your toys out of the pram maybe.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I think I did .. i read it thro a second time just to make sure .. perhaps you didnt understand what i wrote


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
"... and the repops on all the solo steps are always within an hour mostly a lot lot shorter ..."

And as mentioned above, I wrongfully thought it was longer and that was what I reacted on as it had been announced here. Get it now? I -wrongfully- thought it was longer. I -wrongfully- thought the steps would be down for the 2 groups. I -wrongfully- thought this would destroy the raid itself. That was what I reacted on with a sarcastic comment to Ysanne.

Ok? Want me to cut it out more for you?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yes but then you contradict yourself by saying that cause you wanted to do the dungeon that evening it was impolite that we had a raid there during the day and the polite thing would be to have it the evening before

'As for your question... The evening before perhaps?'

And what i was saying is that you can't expect everyone to stay out of the dungeon for 24 hours. k


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
"And what i was saying is that you can't expect everyone to stay out of the dungeon for 24 hours."

Ofcorse I can't. I can find it impolite though if the raid was announced on FH. (that is, if there had been the issue of long spawn timers, which there wasn't).

Anyways, last post from me, this has dragged on enough and you seems to refuse to understand my argument, so take it to PM's if you absolutely must continue.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Azathrim said:
And as mentioned above, I wrongfully thought it was longer and that was what I reacted on as it had been announced here. Get it now? I -wrongfully- thought it was longer. I -wrongfully- thought the steps would be down for the 2 groups. I -wrongfully- thought this would destroy the raid itself. That was what I reacted on with a sarcastic comment to Ysanne.

So far you admitted you were wrong about all your information. All I'm waiting for is the apology to Zarb. You jumped the gun, flamed someone without even bothering to check the facts or the situation and still continue to argue a case that is frankly very thin. Even if your supposed bug existed at the time it would not have been her fault if the mobs did indeed spawn in the wall or something or take ages to respawn, I mean how was she supposed to know about this 'bug' of yours? I can't find reference to it anywhere (and by all means correct me if I'm wrong). And as for going 24 hours earlier...I think not. The groups were actually finalised at 11.30pm the night before...leaving her and a few others who signed up scrambling for another way to join the free invite to all bg steps later. So under your assumptions (wrong but hell who cares really) when would it have been acceptable to go and do these steps?

If you read VoS it clearly states that up to 4 groups can run around the 2 wings at once, effectively doing all the group steps. Hell, we been before with more than that, and it does take longer but the respawns are quick before and after the recent patch 1.69 I might add. Yet still you argue that if all you assumptions were correct she would have ruined the raid, if and only if the bug occurred. And admit that all your assumptions were wrong. I am not getting what you are arguing about still. If it was a dragon raid...yes...a TG raid...yes...a full ML raid with all BG steps yes...anything annouced on FH that involved a large amount of ppl and a lot of time invested yes. But group steps for a ML that may or may not be bugged? Which it wasn't. If everyone had to tiptoe around group pre-requisites for a bg raid then none of them would get done. You jumped in with both feet without even bothering to check if you were correct or not.

I can understand that if the bug was a really well known one and occurs regularly to groups going through that dungeon you may feel a bit miffed that people went in before that main raid to chance their luck. Hell, I would be a little annoyed if that was the case. But if that was the case and it was a recurring bug that happened time and time again...don't you think it would be mentioned everywhere and that Mythic or GoA would have it down or at least a moderator to keep an eye on it immeadiately? Or even mentioned by the raid leader himself/herself in planning for the raid? But no, you just figured you would flame here before even really thinking it through or even checking up on it.

If you want to keep it to PMs then no. I can't be arsed. You have admitted you are wrong in your assumptions on the respawns, your assuptions on the bug, and your assuptions on pretty much all of the group steps. A quick check of VoS ( or should have been enough. Or even a few minutes of perusing VN boards.

Group steps are designed to be quick and fast and the respawn timers are set accordingly. This is a basic premise of the damn things. They are a pain in the arse but generally work quick. Basic DaoC ToA info.

So if you still feel you are correct in saying someone was rude for attempting group ml5 pre-req's 7 or 8 hours before the main event which has 2 wings that respawn very fast, because it may in a remote chance be bugged, then thats ok. I think you will not find many who can say they feel the same.

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