I will be there with Toomb-bd
M Moberg Loyal Freddie Joined Jan 24, 2004 Messages 100 May 5, 2004 #31 I will be there with Toomb-bd
Svendoc One of Freddy's beloved Joined Dec 22, 2003 Messages 319 May 5, 2004 #32 Svendoc Healer Pac (48) - Roll for Healer & Svenbone BD Need Ml4 and ML5
Keeilb Fledgling Freddie Joined Dec 26, 2003 Messages 240 May 5, 2004 #33 would love too come too both ml4 and ml5 raid (needs ml5.8 as it wasnt there last time) bufffffmeeee aug shaman
would love too come too both ml4 and ml5 raid (needs ml5.8 as it wasnt there last time) bufffffmeeee aug shaman
Er-Murazor Fledgling Freddie Joined Feb 2, 2004 Messages 81 May 5, 2004 #34 I'll join with Siiri, mend/aug healer and will also roll for her.
D Drew Fledgling Freddie Joined Jan 25, 2004 Messages 42 May 5, 2004 #35 Would liek to join ml5 raid, with my zerker
O Orkit Ablatio Fledgling Freddie Joined Mar 17, 2004 Messages 28 May 6, 2004 #38 coming as orkit lvl 50 aug healer on both raids will be rolling for seer items
O Orkit Ablatio Fledgling Freddie Joined Mar 17, 2004 Messages 28 May 6, 2004 #39 Orkit Ablatio said: coming as orkit lvl 50 aug healer on both raids will be rolling for seer items Click to expand... wont be able to make it to the ml 4 raid tomorrow, but still coming to the ML5 raid
Orkit Ablatio said: coming as orkit lvl 50 aug healer on both raids will be rolling for seer items Click to expand... wont be able to make it to the ml 4 raid tomorrow, but still coming to the ML5 raid
Lenore Loyal Freddie Joined Dec 26, 2003 Messages 334 May 6, 2004 #41 ill be at both raids with my healer
V Valr Fledgling Freddie Joined Feb 8, 2004 Messages 22 May 6, 2004 #42 I'd like to go on ML 5 raid with my Shadowblade Myrkr (who I will roll for) and also Shammie Buffr if possible Cheers Valr
I'd like to go on ML 5 raid with my Shadowblade Myrkr (who I will roll for) and also Shammie Buffr if possible Cheers Valr
S slaktarfar Fledgling Freddie Joined May 3, 2004 Messages 44 May 6, 2004 #43 ml4 wil be there lv 50 warrior
S Sarnat Fledgling Freddie Joined Feb 3, 2004 Messages 439 May 7, 2004 #44 Gonna be on ML4 with my healer... What time is the ML4 part? Edit: n/m, cant read...
X Xier Fledgling Freddie Joined Feb 7, 2004 Messages 20 May 7, 2004 #45 I will come whit my savage (Wickedweasel) and my shaman (Kaffe)
Megarevs Loyal Freddie Joined Apr 22, 2004 Messages 875 May 7, 2004 #46 Megarevs Signing 50 healer up, pac/mend, for both raids rolling for seeritems
T Tumleratin Fledgling Freddie Joined May 7, 2004 Messages 78 May 7, 2004 #47 signing up : Tumleratin 50 Runemaster rolling for caster
G Grim Fledgling Freddie Joined Jan 9, 2004 Messages 87 May 7, 2004 #48 Ill be there 4 both with Skald, rolling 4 Skald too
A Animus Fledgling Freddie Joined Dec 26, 2003 Messages 546 May 7, 2004 #49 Animus said: Tinah will be there. Click to expand... Just for clarification, i only need ML4 and I will roll for healer.
Animus said: Tinah will be there. Click to expand... Just for clarification, i only need ML4 and I will roll for healer.
R Redan Fledgling Freddie Joined May 3, 2004 Messages 31 May 7, 2004 #50 Truls 50 shammy rolling for shammy
Gizor Fledgling Freddie Joined Dec 24, 2003 Messages 453 May 7, 2004 #51 my mate will probably run Mirea for me on the ML4 raid till I get home from work at 22.30cet, be nice to him if hes the one playing
my mate will probably run Mirea for me on the ML4 raid till I get home from work at 22.30cet, be nice to him if hes the one playing
svartalf Can't get enough of FH Joined Apr 12, 2004 Messages 1,632 May 7, 2004 #53 I'll try to attend with Svartaijj Imposter L50SM