ML 1 to 10 rush overe 2 days


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
Golena said:
I'm all for flaming idiots but I think you've misread this part of his post..

He's saying that he is going to move at normal speed but people should turn on speed in other groups in order to keep up.
This actually makes alot of sense, since it means the other groups will actually be moving faster than he is, so when they lag they will then quickly catch back up to him.

Groups without speed will be moving at the same speed as him so if you don't have a speed class your at no greater disadvantage than normal.

ahh kk my bad i seen to have miss understood that section of the post that case, as by running normal speed i took it as sroc/therg speed and not mincer speed, guess i am an old fuddy duddy and used to the term tank speed


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 9, 2006
All his doing is trying to help people out, i agree that claiming all the remains was a very bad idea some people only go on the raids for the remains but im sure shan will agree with me , the only way she got better was getting experience from each raid she did and taking advice from friends.No one wakes up and is great at ML raids it takes time

when u claim all the remains back was that the first raid u run ? if so it was a bad idea to give the impression that your a greedy person

What im saying is Let him learn from his mistakes aslong as the MLs get done then OK its the only way people get better and gain expirience just stop flamin him and let him get on with it

i agree wih many peoples points but i also agree with reaveruse he set out to do a good thing and by putting negative replys you are probaly making him feel a bit like "why should I bother"

instead of flming him give him advice and hopefuly he will accept the help this time

I would also like to state i agree with what someone said in this thread start off doing single MLs don't jump in at the deep end with 1-10s straight away mate

Lol just don't claim back phoenix remains <<that would make people very angry lol including me :flame: lol anyways mate good luck with the raid

Ill be there



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
shadowofthenight said:
All his doing is trying to help people out, i agree that claiming all the remains was a very bad idea some people only go on the raids for the remains but im sure shan will agree with me , the only way she got better was getting experience from each raid she did and taking advice from friends.No one wakes up and is great at ML raids it takes time

when u claim all the remains back was that the first raid u run ? if so it was a bad idea to give the impression that your a greedy person

What im saying is Let him learn from his mistakes aslong as the MLs get done then OK its the only way people get better and gain expirience just stop flamin him and let him get on with it

i agree wih many peoples points but i also agree with reaveruse he set out to do a good thing and by putting negative replys you are probaly making him feel a bit like "why should I bother"

instead of flming him give him advice and hopefuly he will accept the help this time

I would also like to state i agree with what someone said in this thread start off doing single MLs don't jump in at the deep end with 1-10s straight away mate

Lol just don't claim back phoenix remains <<that would make people very angry lol including me :flame: lol anyways mate good luck with the raid

Ill be there

i was tring to help him with usefull comments and he's not pre-cliam the reamins this time he's preclaiming two drops worth over 200Plat but i do stick to my guns and say i think its a bad idea for him to lead ml rush just yet as he dont have the skills to do it but he's gotta learn them by running single or even 2 mls at once


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 9, 2006
yeh i agree but its a bit too late for that now many people are probalys till going to his raid, i say let him learn the hard way if his not taking advice off people, and if people don't like his methods then why bother to read the thread, go to shan's raids if u read my reply i also say it was bad of him to pre-claim and he shoudl start off with smaller MLs and not 1-10s


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
shadowofthenight said:
yeh i agree but its a bit too late for that now many people are probalys till going to his raid, i say let him learn the hard way if his not taking advice off people, and if people don't like his methods then why bother to read the thread, go to shan's raids if u read my reply i also say it was bad of him to pre-claim and he shoudl start off with smaller MLs and not 1-10s
i was agreeing with yourself m8 oh and my raids tomorrow too :) so peeps can come on that if they want too as well as shans


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 5, 2006
the order we will be doing the steps in

Master level 1
1.6 / 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.3 / 1.10 (1.3 only if the bg wishes to do this 1 as its easy to do with less than 1 grp of peeps)

Master Level 2
2.3 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.4 / 2.7 2.9 / 2.6 / 2.10

Master Level 3
3.7 out side / 3.6 / 3.8 / 3.1 / 3.5 dijin stone / 3.3 / 3.9 / 3.3 / 3.2 / 3.4 / 3.10

Master Level 4
4.2 / 4.4 / 4.6 / 4.7 / 4.8 / 4.9 / 4.10

Master Level 5
5.9 / 5.10

Master Level 6
6.4 / 6.2 / 6.6 / 6.3 / 6.7 / 6.8 / 6.9 / 6.10

Master Level 7
7.1 if needed by the Battle Group 7.7 / 7.8 / 7.9 / 7.10

Master Level 8
8.6 / 8.1 / 8.3 / 8.2 / 8.5 / 8.8 / 8.10

Master Level 9
Whatever order they tern up at !!!

Master Level 10
10.1 / 10.2 / 10.3 / 10.4 / 10.5

if i have made a mistake in any of the steps plz say so thanks


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
reaveruse said:
Master Level 9
Whatever order they tern up at !!!

Master Level 10
10.1 / 10.2 / 10.3 / 10.4 / 10.5

ml9, its advisable to go north from the entrance... otherwise you'll have to run through the entire dungeon again just to get to 9.10

there is only 1 step for ml10... for granting credit perpose's its 10.1


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 5, 2006
psyco said:
ml9, its advisable to go north from the entrance... otherwise you'll have to run through the entire dungeon again just to get to 9.10

there is only 1 step for ml10... for granting credit perpose's its 10.1

thanks m8 for clearing that up i Couldn’t rember wich direction form the portle it was we need to head

the ml10 steps are for them ppl who havent yet been on a ml10 as of yet so thay no how meny steps there is :)


Can't get enough of FH
May 27, 2004
ml 10 have 5 mobs but only last mnob give credit

the first 4 mobs is called 10.0 you might say as the last mob called 10.1 Draco is the only of those mobs give credit


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
Shannesa said:
ml 10 have 5 mobs but only last mnob give credit

the first 4 mobs is called 10.0 you might say as the last mob called 10.1 Draco is the only of those mobs give credit

also /master 10 will not show credit
you need to do /quest and it will show up there (think it say draco completed)
so be sure get get peeps to look there or you will have loads saying i dont have credit


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Shannesa said:
ml 10 have 5 mobs but only last mnob give credit

the first 4 mobs is called 10.0 you might say as the last mob called 10.1 Draco is the only of those mobs give credit

heh, thats why he suggested there was 5 steps...

but thats like saying 3.2(might be wrong, the one where you have to kill leomona then 3 others) are 4 seperate steps

or the 6.3(once again might be wrong, but the lateef one)

even 1.1 would fall into that catogory(i know im right on this:))

but really that didn't add anything to what i said :twak:

ps. yanks are slow:(

Twoeye said:
because of the 5 mobs ?!?

most of the ml steps require you to kill more than 1 mob you know:p

ps. reaveruse, why dont you use your other FH account to post these?


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 5, 2006
BG will be on Reaveruse-e meeting place volcanuse Excalibur

I am pres claiming keys. They will not be rolled for

I am pres claiming 1 of 2 items saying it drops the cleric chain vest or astral blade of illusions

I will not be rolling for any other items from any of the master level drops at all as I am pres claiming 1 of 2 items (if the cleric vest drops before master level 10 and blade of illusions drops on master level 10 then I will ask 2 random player with in the bg before next lotto to roll for me to see which 1 of the 2 items I can claim) this I think should be fare to the bg but if non of them 2 items drop then I do not pres claim any item drops just the keys

Your responsibility is to see the arbiter before the raid starts if you do not see the arbiter then it is not my fault or bg’s that you do not get credit for any step we do or have dun

We will be doing master levels in there chronologically order

Be there at least 20 mins early as we will be moving out no later than 5 minutes after sed time on sed date if you are late then u will have to catch up we will pores for 3 to 5 mins at each ml step for granting credits

There will be a 20 mins brake after the lotto has been finished between each master level to allow ppl to get see the arbiter and allow me to get next master level items out of my vault

And all lotto rolling for drops will be dun in the next town/zone we heading for that I say WHEN WE ARE THERE ALL STICK TO THE BG LEADER FOR GRANTING CREDIT

Dates 2nd and 3rd December

Start time for this will be 11 am GMT on sed dates

see you guys and gals there


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2004
I will be there on my Fire wizz Reaveruse m8.

Gwyri lvl 50 Paladin
Ceaporlvl 50 Cleric
Ceamborn lvl 50 Infiltrator
Ceator lvl 50 Necro
Ceatha lvl 50 Fire Wizz
***Proud GM of Legion Flavia Firma***


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 5, 2006
sundays riad canled thanks to ppl who flamed on this post and stoping sum ppl from terning up for ml2

ml2 faled becos of lack of numbers on 2.9


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
reaveruse said:
sundays riad canled thanks to ppl who flamed on this post and stoping sum ppl from terning up for ml2

ml2 faled becos of lack of numbers on 2.9
you can do all of ml2 with 1fg m8 so may look closer to home and think about it and most people have been trying to help you m8 i knew after your last attempt and then you preclaim drops this raid trun up would be low m8 that and the fact 3 ml rushs in 3 weeks is way to much but i hope it has taught you some thing may be

again not ment as a flame but you really need to take the blame your self rather than blame others


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 5, 2006
thergador said:
you can do all of ml2 with 1fg m8 so may look closer to home and think about it

na m8 we had at 2.9 more than 1 fg

any ways thanks to sum not saying names who poosted on this thred and stoping uthere ppl from seeing the facts of it help to stop the players who wanted to com along not to com along

any ways this hasent put me off a mlrush

sum times next year if i do resub after dec 24th wich is when all my subs run out i will run a ml1 to 10 in 1 day

pluse the fact that this game seems to be deing a death of sorts i dont think i can be botherd resubbing

and se then what happens

as of this thred ime outa here


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
reaveruse said:
na m8 we had at 2.9 more than 1 fg

any ways thanks to sum not saying names who poosted on this thred and stoping uthere ppl from seeing the facts of it help to stop the players who wanted to com along not to com along

any ways this hasent put me off a mlrush

sum times next year if i do resub after dec 24th wich is when all my subs run out i will run a ml1 to 10 in 1 day

and se then what happens

as of this thred ime outa here

then you need to learn tactics better as i have done ml2 1fg and its not that hard tbh 2.1 and 2.2 are harder.

i wouldnt do ml 1 to 10 in one day just yet m8ty your leading is way to so took you about 24hours over todays to do them (a fortnight ago) plz try leading single raids 1st m8 you should be aim for

ml1 45 to 60 mins
ml2 45 to 90 mins
ml3 60 to 120 mins
ml4 60 to 90 mins
ml5 20 to 60 mins
ml6 50 to 90 mins
ml7 40 to 90 mins
ml8 45 to 75 mins
ml9 60 to 120 mins
ml10 50 to 60 mins

ofc getting the lower end times means having a large bg but even with minimal peeps you should be aim for the slower end, as the big thing with ml8 rush is that poeople get tried/board after 7 to 8 hours longer than that and most are afk giving you the worng idea of numbers you have at you command as it where


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
reaveruse said:
sum times next year if i do resub after dec 24th wich is when all my subs run out i will run a ml1 to 10 in 1 day

for that you need a rather humongous zerg, so 3 weeks isn't enough notice for people to level them... also i joined your bg at ml2 it was around 2ish... thats 3 hours for ml1 + a bit of ml2, you need to learn how to speed things up a bit m8


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2005
I was lead 3½ fg on ml3 yesterday and it was done perfkt so u need to learn alot m8 how u do the step ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Arelas said:
I was lead 3½ fg on ml3 yesterday and it was done perfkt so u need to learn alot m8 how u do the step ;)

i agree was fucking awesome


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 5, 2006
psyco said:
for that you need a rather humongous zerg, so 3 weeks isn't enough notice for people to level them... also i joined your bg at ml2 it was around 2ish... thats 3 hours for ml1 + a bit of ml2, you need to learn how to speed things up a bit m8

omfg yet agane he trys to say things yet he dont rember the ml9 and ml10 he fucked up for ppl uthere day i meen by fucked up as in cliaming recliams at or on the lotto he help go away lern sum deplamises befopr trying to slag sum 1 els down dude

pluse ml1 was dun with in 40 to 50 mins not the 1 hours pluse u may thing get ur facts rite


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
reaveruse said:
pluse ml1 was dun with in 40 to 50 mins not the 1 hours pluse u may thing get ur facts rite

i never specified the duration of ml1, and as i said... i was only there for a short period during ml2

reaveruse said:
omfg yet agane he trys to say things yet he dont rember the ml9 and ml10 he fucked up for ppl uthere day i meen by fucked up as in cliaming recliams at or on the lotto he help go away lern sum deplamises befopr trying to slag sum 1 els down dude

that was no fuck up, that was always intended

i wasn't putting you down, i was just agreeing with zeus

but remind me, what were your other accounts on FH called?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
psyco said:
but remind me, what were your other accounts on FH called?

im pretty sure its darkho/graeme, you can imagine my self disgust when i realised who it was i was previously defending.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Toggers said:
im pretty sure its darkho/graeme, you can imagine my self disgust when i realised who it was i was previously defending.

so im not the only one:p


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Toggers said:
im pretty sure its darkho/graeme, you can imagine my self disgust when i realised who it was i was previously defending.

It is Darkho so no real surprises that things didn't go well. The guy is a cretin and now he is leading ml raids?...LOL

btw what the fuck is deplamises?

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