ML 1 and 2 prestep


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
postponing the raid 15 mins, so 18:15CET/17:15GMT.

1. Thane / Nuxtobatns - Confirmed
2. Shaman / Octo -Confirmed
3. Healer / Dedly -Confirmed
4. RM / Kolomparis -Confirmed
5. RM / Ixoth + FoP bot -Confirmed
6. Zerker / GrIrcSpammer -Confirmed
7. Skald / GrIrcSpammer -Confirmed
8. Skald / Amagad -Confirmed

1. BD / Bowyer
2. Skald / Oulli -Confirmed
3. Berserker / Lay
4. Healer / Gisi -Confirmed
5. Healer / Moneo -Confirmed
6. RM / Lueclin
7. BD / Djezuz -Confirmed
8. Tank spot for 1.1

if the people that havent confirmed shows up on the time set, ill announce in as for free spots.

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