ML 1-3 Sunday 22/1


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Will attempt to drag my 2 handed (Cry irl) Armsman along... already got MLs 1-3 completed, just joining in for something to do and the MLxp. Have done those MLs a few times, will try to help out if necessary.

Stria Furrow

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2006
change of plan ......

gonna bring my 47 sorcs along insted. cba with my merc atm!!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
friendly advice for raid leader
1 read up on how to do raid before :ie dont say with 132 in bg that you will do chess step then after pms say you will not (2.5 take about 4 to5 mins per grp)
2 farm items for ml1 (ie rubies) ml2 staffs sword ect
3 make a CG for spam then there is on need to bg listen
4 relax and dont stress
5 dont preclaim stuff till you do the above 1st


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 17, 2004
zeusmdk said:
friendly advice for raid leader
1 read up on how to do raid before
2 farm items for ml1 (ie rubies) ml2 staffs sword ect
3 make a CG for spam then there is on need to bg listen
4 relax and dont stress
5 dont preclaim stuff till you do the above 1st

agreed, luckily i had all the items for the raids that i brought but note to anyone running a ml raid plz read on how to do it before hand and what items u need, and plz take ppls advice when they try to help u


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2005
Thank your for the raid!

I was very stressed out so it went very bad, thank you to those that helped me during the raid, Pinkey, Zanker-e, Fickle and heavenly! I will read the advice more on the next raid! But i would like people to follow the leader! As alot ran ahead of me during the raid, also people started encounters when i told them in the BG not to do!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
i do understand the presures of running a raid, and i think it was a brave attempt... but i don't understand a few things...

first thing was why the BG password ? secondly, why constant BG listen mode ? and finally, why did you do ML1.6 and 1.7 again ?

good effort for actually running a raid though mate... i bet many of the ppl who were whining couldn't run their own raid... and think yourself lucky that you had a few experienced people with you else it could have been a vveerryy long raid :/


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
limpit said:
i do understand the presures of running a raid, and i think it was a brave attempt... but i don't understand a few things...

first thing was why the BG password ? secondly, why constant BG listen mode ? and finally, why did you do ML1.6 and 1.7 again ?

good effort for actually running a raid though mate... i bet many of the ppl who were whining couldn't run their own raid... and think yourself lucky that you had a few experienced people with you else it could have been a vveerryy long raid :/

i totally agree, good effort for doing it mate, the ppl who were whinging should do one themselves to see how hard it is. We got there in the end so well done all.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003

Thanks for running it guys, most appreciated.

I have been on better raids, but .... I have been on far worse too! ;)

I have run raids and tend not to any longer, people can be very selfish and inpatient over pixels in a game.

The afkers make me laugh, there were so many at one point we nearly got wiped when we ran back for the afk death dude.

Grats mate anyway, and let’s roll out ML4,5 and 6 soon :D




Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2005
Limpit, i dont really know heh :) was to see if peeps actually read the threads. wont do that if i do it again. Well i forgot that i had it on sometimes, i was stressed out alot. I was sitting speaking to Ysoso on skype and he can confirm that i was stressed becaus i didnt even answering him sometimes when he asked me questions. I thank you alot for the tips you gave, just stupid of me not using some of them :( but ofcourse i will do it when i do it again. I really hope that people dont think i sucked, and i wont say its the people on the raid's fault either as it was mostly mine. I was just shocked to see that 126 peeps came to the raid, wich was ALOT more than i expected. And yes Zanker-e got a special thanks from me! I thank you alot for doing ML 3, tho i let down the other! The reason i did .7 .6 again was becaus i got alot of PM's from people telling me that they didn't get encounter. I know it was not my fault as the raid started as planned but i felt kinda sorry for them! this was a long answer hehe :p

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