Minstrel Spec



After recently starting up a little Briton Minstrel, I decided to spec something along the lines of 45 instruments (gives final aoe mez, DD etc - I only miss out on the last regen health and power songs) 41 slash, and 25 stealth, for climb wall - would be a laugh to climb a keep wall and mez the archers/defenders... however, would it be better to leave 25 stealth and get the level 44 slash style?

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by the_chimera
After recently starting up a little Briton Minstrel, I decided to spec something along the lines of 45 instruments (gives final aoe mez, DD etc - I only miss out on the last regen health and power songs) 41 slash, and 25 stealth, for climb wall - would be a laugh to climb a keep wall and mez the archers/defenders... however, would it be better to leave 25 stealth and get the level 44 slash style?

Climb Wall = Assassin ability, that's Nightshade / ShadowBlade / Infiltrator ONLY

I would go 44/45ins 39weap 29/28stealth or something like that.


Sure minstrels don't get climb wall? According to the catacombs character builder they do, maybe it's in a later patch.


I got 29 slash Wels for my minstrel and that seems to be enough. I haven't heard about us climbing walls but if I do I'll respecc :))

I find that 45 Inst with amethyst enough and the rest on stealth cos we don't have camo like the scouts tho 'see hidden' is a bitch and stealth points seem wasted there.

But if anyone can advise me better I'd be grateful cos I really miss the camo that my scout has. The lack of it has resulted in death a few times:(

ALSO any tips on RA's would be appreciated for a minstrel. I'm lvl 48 atm and have FA lvl 1, AA lvl 2 and MCl lvl 1. and tireless lvl 1. I have got 3 points atm to spend but really not sure where to spend em. With a 30 min timer how useful is sos ?

thanx in advance


My minstrels end spec will be 45 Instruments for the last AE mezz, which by the looks of it will be de-nerfed, or changed by another ability in the future.

34 Slash for the fun of it, we're on a shit damage table anyway so highering this to an insane ammount is not very viable at the moment, imho, that is ofcourse.

34 Stealth, which can be easily brought to 50 with Realm Ranks and Items. Mainly due to the fact my minstrel is planned to be cooping with my friend infiltrator 24/7 I can't let myself get uncovered by any class other than the Assassin See-Hidden ability. Besides, the stealth will be nice for the more formal Tank/Wizard ganking, rather than to be seen from 10 miles away.

Basically what I'm saying here is, don't let See Hidden affect your character if your going to be grouping with Assassins in RvR, such as scouts/infils with high stealth. (Yes there are Scouts with High Stealth out there :p) If your going to be a support minstrel FG 24/7, take stealth low.

And what I said about slash, since that we're on the most crap damage table in town, I would not recommend it taking it that high, same would go for thrust damage wise. The styles in slash, the only really all-time usuable will always me Amethyst Slash at 29.

Hope this helped you a bit, merely just my opinion about minstrels and it's abilities, though.

-The SevenSins


on my minstrel i'll be going

45 inst
45 slash
and 17 stealth

^^ enjoy


44/44 21 im

good luck with your setup looks interesting

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by the_chimera
Sure minstrels don't get climb wall? According to the catacombs character builder they do, maybe it's in a later patch.

stealth line is bugged on catacombs, every class which gets stealh ability can see the "Styles" that missguides people


28 Stealth
40 Slash (could go 39 and dump the points gained into Stealth)
44 Instruments

I find this an effective template, i didnt go for 45 instruments because i hardly use the AE mez. My stealth is good enough for me not get noticed by none assasins unless they are ontop of me ;)


I wouldn't recommend a spec with less than 39 weapon, due to damage variance. We may not hit hat hard but I for one don't want to gimp my damage more than neccessary - melee does account for the majority of my damage.


so can any of you give me any tips on the best RA's for a minstrel ?


Personally I wouldnt spec instruments past 44 unless you intend going all the way to 50, the AE mez is about the most useless spell I've seen so far.

Regarding realm abilities initially your most likely going to want Speed of Sound and IP, not a massive fan of IP personally but since everyone and their mother has it you cant really win ANY 1v1 encounter if the person your fighting has double the hit points you have (at least), all first aid is actually pretty good now when you get rezzed.

My template is 45 / 45 / 19stealth, I still havea full respec after the messing about and will probably go 50 / 39/ stealth after next patch when its easier to get +11 weapon skill (spell crafting) as Im quite happy with my current items.


I a currently have SoS and am RR3L2 once i hit RR3L3 i will do my RA respec and get IP, ive been in to many solo fights where ive lost due to not having IP. SoS has its uses, but i can see many more uses for IP.


I had SoS, respecced it to IP. Very happy with the change. SoS may save your life a few times, but IP saves it more, and you get RP more often with IP. :p


My spec

50 Inst
39 Thrust
18 Stealth

The use of high instruments comes into play more for charming than anything else. Mana song 5 is nice but not essential unless you are chained to a Theurgist like i am.

As for RAs call me old fashioned but i think SoS is a must. Then if you have enough go for IP otherwise play around with things like FA and dodger and i don't know what <grins> Actually purge is a nice idea too considering we have the demezz, it's quite useful to be able to purge the effects first, then you can start working on your groupmates.


I'm not that surer about purge and demezz, if you purge and start waving your arms about you're going to attract a lot of attention and you can't demezz when dead. :p That said I was in a situatiuon where it would have rocked the other day. a bard insta mezzed us, but didn't have enough support to attack us right away. Had I purged I could have mezzed him then demezzed everyone else (as it happens the wizzie purged and killed him so it worked out anyway ;))


The realm abilities one specs very much depend on ones style of play, and not just the character class you play. Ondor's minstrel excels in zerging the Lord's room so he has SoS ... Danyan can outtank my paladin so specs IP. Fair enough. And as far the "lol" is concerned, Ondor, I know who I'd rather have in my group :)


I was 50 inst, 34 thrust, and 26 stealth, and had fun with that and all was fine. (Higher weapon skill only reduces variance so the amount of weapon damage we do will never be great. ) Highest mob I charmed was level 57 but it was a bitch to hold onto.

Respecced to 45 inst, 39 slash, 28 stealth, and I like it better, but it isn't a radical change. Stealth is still very useable (especially if you can sneak your way into a stealth group, which is probably the most fun I have had in RvR), although I suspect that when the patch which removes IP from assassins come in, a lot of them will get See Hidden and we'll suffer some more. I think 45 inst, 34 slash, 35 stealth would also be quite fun, and very viable.

The differences are subtle (apart from slash which is definitely noticeably better than thrust for me due to the styles), but mana song 5 is not enough of a change over 4 to be noticed by anyone, charm is fun but I have not noticed it being any worse at 45 than it was at 50 -- I never much bothered with higher than low orange anyway and I can still hold those fine. I feel more effective now than with the old spec, but it still wasn't a bad one if you want high instruments and still to keep your stealth useable.

(But however much I practice, twisting does mean I am less sharp on the mezzing than I would be without a pet. Twisting with power and/or speed is easy, though. And it also ruins the fun for me when you are so busy pressing buttons to hang onto stupid pet that you can't talk ...)

My RAs are SoS and purge. I like being able to purge and demez (or purge and SoS) -- they work very well together. I suspect Danyan is right and I'd have more fun with IP though :)

(But I am a n00b and still only RR3L2 so could not afford it even if I wanted it -- need to leech RPs off someone)


Originally posted by Garian
My stealth is good enough for me not get noticed by none assasins unless they are ontop of me ;)

You mean like the other day when I destealthed and killed you twice in the space of about 10 mins?? ;)


Originally posted by Turamber
The realm abilities one specs very much depend on ones style of play, and not just the character class you play. Ondor's minstrel excels in zerging the Lord's room so he has SoS ... Danyan can outtank my paladin so specs IP. Fair enough. And as far the "lol" is concerned, Ondor, I know who I'd rather have in my group :)

My friend Turamber, as far as i know SoS can save a group rahter than a single IP. Can help you zerg the Lords room as you have allready said, also can pass you through the camped melee gate. Forgive me but i'll choose Pazuzu. Not that i don't like Danyan but if it is to judge according to the more group friendly.


Has anyone tried a saracen Minstrel with 50 thrust, rest instruments and 1 stealth? Heard with high levels of dodger this is a good combat spec.


Saying the 44/40/28 template works is just a silly excuse for all those minstrels who looked at the wrong screen while respeccing to the classis 44/39/29. ;) Like Danyan said, going lower than 39 will just make your variance look rather bad and won't give you the lvl 39 style backslash, which will be a must when the "can't turn while mezzed or stunned" patch comes.

As for RA's: just take both SoS and IP. Don't bother with anything else before you got those 2. :) Would say IP before SoS though, since you'll do more good in a battle by having 2 lives than by allowing 8 to run away.

Nilo Lupinion

i've got 49slash 44instru 4stealth, the thing bugging was stealth, but with decent gear and decent rr level (i'm rr4), it should be ok. +12 or +13 from items and +5-8 ;P from rr's, stealth would be 21+ which is enough to hide from the nonstealther nmy's.. i wub it ;P


my minnie will be
45 instr
45 thrust
17 stealth

with this instruments i`ve easily charmed an orange con level 49 elyll windchaser ( hmm nice ) no resists at all well not many :)
my instr skill is at 54 currently
he`s a saracen and currently has
dodger 2
aug dex 2
aug quick 2
resist magic thingy 1
aug acuity 1

i evade loads currently and hoping to go dodger 3 not bothering with SoS as running away isn`t my style if i`m there then i`m there to fight and invariably when using SoS someone gets left behind
i`d rather we all stand and die and come back as a full team that have to mess abou trying to regroup which putsthe whole team out of action anyway

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