Minstrel Help...



I have gotten my Minstrel to Lvl 24 tonight from Lvl 12 on Friday and took her to BG.

There BG was pretty empty, but the method I adopted was sprinting towards the enemy, quickly switching to Flute, then mezzing them. If I was on my own I'd leave them, and if there were others I'd DD Shout, then Melee.

If the mez would not stick first time, I'd stun, then mez.

Is this the right way to play my Minstrel, or am I a million miles away?

TIA :)


DD as you're mezzing, then dd again and start meleeing, use stun shout at a suitable time. :)


If you are fighting a caster, use the stun to mess up their qc spell as you hit em with your sword. If you surprised them you should be able to land a mezz and dd's on them before they get their first spell off on you, and you can save the stun for later. Not many mages should survive a couple of sword swings and 4 shouts.

If you are fighting a pet class, drop a stun on the pet as you mezz/DD the guy. Just hope for no resist on either :) If are late with your mezz, and know the enemy will get thier spell off first (likely qc) you can stealth and it will lose thier target, pop out again, and mezz immediately and you should have enough time land the mezz before they can retarget and get a spell off on you.

Always grab a pet if you are in a 1vs1 and one is available, while the enemy is mezzed. Even if it is grey con, it will make it harder for them to parry/evade which is always good with your poor weapon skill, and even if you get CC'ed by a mage/skald/whatever, your pet will hit them interrupting until the pulse runs out, at which point it will attack you often breaking a mezz on you :)

With chanter pets, if you land any form of spell on them while they are casting, they will often stop and go into melee mode on you. It's a nice use for the confuse shout if you have space on your macro bars for it :)

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