First of i do remember you taking the relics of us at 5 am.
Second hasnt hibs had a line of sight promlem say SINCE THE GAME BEGAN.
So if goa and mythic cant be arsed to fix it thats though luck mate.
If there is bugs in the game there to be used if not then email goa and mythic to fix them, so as far as i can see your just saw losers.
And for takeing keep after keep and up grading them isnt that tatics as we tryed attacking the relic keep so many times just to be kill by guards so taking keeps to lower the guards at the relic keep is fair and is what is soppsed to happen.
Friend to the mids always deathcloud
Second hasnt hibs had a line of sight promlem say SINCE THE GAME BEGAN.
So if goa and mythic cant be arsed to fix it thats though luck mate.
If there is bugs in the game there to be used if not then email goa and mythic to fix them, so as far as i can see your just saw losers.
And for takeing keep after keep and up grading them isnt that tatics as we tryed attacking the relic keep so many times just to be kill by guards so taking keeps to lower the guards at the relic keep is fair and is what is soppsed to happen.
Friend to the mids always deathcloud