MIDS Nerfed ??



Originally posted by Arnor2
Jesus Christ what an inane post

mids NERFED?????

its been this way since retail, and mid 2handers are already gimped compared to the other realms in terms of dmg. (115% vs 140%) but yeah, we get "free" 2h spec, whopee.

And sorry to rain on your parade mr.nakkeost, but they wont own in melee, they will be brought up on par, it's not the gift from god, its a small bone thrown from mythic.

Or, to put it in the right perspective: The way it should be. It shouldn't be 'well, they suffered long enough, now make them uber, so we shift the balance from one tank to another.


Originally posted by hellraisermk2

Now, I ask warriors out there.... how many times have you ran out of endurance in RvR? Unless you get some good duels, like me, that will be never.

Well, slam and whip out 2H for a while... and then move on to next "offender", there u have it. no end...:whip:

But other then this little post, ill leave the rest of the discussion to u, since i havent been reading much of the homework


One for the polearmsmen posting here:

39 slash, 42 shield, 44 polearm, 24 parry

Gives you slam, defender's rage/defender's revenge chain. Fighting a class that doesn't use styles? No worries, slam em, swap to polearm, poleaxe their arse. Warrior/Thane/Ratboy? You got it, rage/revenge and watch em drop :D


Originally posted by hellraisermk2

Base damage means absolutely fuck all in RvR. Warriors will still be the worst tanks in the game RvR wise. Thanks for letting me get to lvl 50 only to realise that any points I specced in Parry/ Shield were a waste of time.

umm if they up your base damage they up your styled damage too...

maybe not the style bonus, but you'll still be doing more afterwards?

I agree though when I hit for 150 (+72) those 78 base damage points meant "absolutely fuck all"

Or do you play a zerker where the base damage is around 3 per hit and the style about 300?


Originally posted by Roalith
One for the polearmsmen posting here:

39 slash, 42 shield, 44 polearm, 24 parry

Gives you slam, defender's rage/defender's revenge chain. Fighting a class that doesn't use styles? No worries, slam em, swap to polearm, poleaxe their arse. Warrior/Thane/Ratboy? You got it, rage/revenge and watch em drop :D

Poleaxe is shit, it does exactly the same damage as crippling blow, but for twice the endurance cost, doesn't open up a better damage chain unlike crippling blow, and neither does it have a short duration movement reduction, unlike crippling blow. Hence why its on the Armsman TL's report of styles that need fixing bad.

Revenge has a long duration stun of 9 seconds, just like slam, so fighting any other sort of styled fighter theres no need for the shield spec, its only useful for stunning casters. I'd rather go for the heavy damage personally.

Typical fight, always use Rage, have Crip blow as back-up, if Rage lands follow with Revenge, there stunned for 9 seconds, fight won, if it fails, try again this time with Mangle as back-up.


urm kagato what about classes that don't use styles or sum1 that engages vs u till u got no end :rolleyes:

poleaxe is a good style to use with no other chain, crippling blow doesn't work anyway


Originally posted by Treniel-
urm kagato what about classes that don't use styles or sum1 that engages vs u till u got no end :rolleyes:

poleaxe is a good style to use with no other chain, crippling blow doesn't work anyway

Erm how on earth can poleaxe be better then cripl ? wether the movement reduction works or not its still the exact same damage for far more endurance cost, that alone makes crip blow better. If poleaxe had some sort of to hit bonus i'd agree, but its no better then crip.

And for classes that don't use styles, Crippling Blow / Mangle, the good ol reliable styles, you shouldn't need me to tell you that. If they run, Phalanx / Defenders Aegis, if they engange don't use styles.

Incidently Rage/Revenge are the cheapest endurance cost styles anyway, cost next to nothing to use.

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