Mids at Nottmoor



Originally posted by Belomar
Hehe... Likewise. :D I targeted you a few times, saw you waving your hands at me, and in the end I think I got you once with my mighty DoT. And to think, I wasn't even fully buffed! ;)

Anyway, wherever there is a keep raid, wherever there is RPs to be had, you will find me... The lanky Avalonian in a sunburst cloak and a wicked grin on his face. :) Too bad I had to LD run into the Mid zerg and die, or I would still be there.

Btw, you should get rid of that silly hat, you're sooo easy to target. :)

EDIT: spelling

Actually I have 2 kinds of hats, same stats. One for not drawing attention and one for when i don't care :) And yes, for the first time you killed me with your DoT, had put str items on me for carrying which made my resists crappy. You don't kill a dorf with over 30% in all magic resists and 1150 HP unbuffed (over 1500 buffed) that easy :)


Plz stop now....i wanna sleeeeeep! :) (its getting bright outside :()


btw.. foeget that little flame i posted earlier! i was blinded by rage but its all clear to me now and im totaly calm. :)
This was just a nice keep fight.

anyway.. im giving up now.. nn


Lots of fun.
Respect to the mids not giving up. Good fights.
Nice rps and fun to be part of.
More to come ;)


Originally posted by Gordonax
Would you like some cheese with that whine? Do you realise how much like a 12 year old you sound? "Blah Blah Blah Albs would be too scared to try taking it Blah Blah Blah". Grow up.

Well, to all the other Mids there tonight, /salute - especially the ones still there now.

My point is keep takes are fun if you are the defender, twat :great:


Originally posted by solersor
BS you obviously wasnt around when Albs ahd relics ??

It's been great while what so ever when albs have attacked keep with alot of mids inside, and it's been along time when you had relics more than 1 month :D


nicely played by both albs and mids :clap:

:wub: to all mids for not giving up


Been a damn long battle so far :)

I didn't see much fun it in...i did raise a rr, but it sucks being a tank outside the keep unable to do anything. I did try with my throwing axes, but some albs found that too uber and starting instaing me :-P

Seems like most mids was tired too....when we yelled CHARGE...4 mids charged and the rest slept outside :-/
In the end if what i saw most got tired and logged....we then got charged by the 6fg albs....dunno how many we were, but not enough :)

Nice battle albs.....although i hate all that ae stuff and gtae spots :)

Btw...a minor newbie question. Wth was that summoner inside our keep?


it's the same for us tanks inside
all we can do is wait till some poor sod of a zerker can solo a few FGs and them jump him together :p

the Corpse Summoner is placed on level 10 keeps so, when you're dead outside, you can do a /corpsetransfer <keepname> and your corpse gets moved to that keep. a very nice way to get defenders inside, or lead charges outside without completely loosing the party for the rest of the defense
(if you use /corpsetransfer it does mean you can't gain rp for 30 minutes tho)


Just like to add never seen such impressive GTAE fire...




Thanks all for the fun

:clap: :clap:

Loved AOE'ing you all with my catapult, hit over 20 people at one point, and manged to do 1048 damage to one person in a single shot ;) (yeah they were probably green con, but I'm a cleric and not used to doing any damage)

Great attacking, great defending, and volley is really anoying, doesn't really do any damage, but really really annoying.

Thanks to everyone that came out to help defend.


Originally posted by phule_gubben
Thx for the 14k rp's i got from u guys, made 7 realm lvl's tonite so I'm pretty happy. Brought me Cave shammy this time, so far he's lvl 40 but he can still ae dot. Just ask Puppethealer, and a bunch of others at the doors all evening repairing like crazy.

Were you one of the ones who kept sneaking round the side and deseasing our healers? Gits! :)


Originally posted by horil
My point is keep takes are fun if you are the defender, twat :great:

Wrong! I've been in a good few defended keep takes and it's lots of fun, especially when trying to stealth up the walls with crappy mincer stealth and mezz everything. Makes it more fun if you don't all just run up to the lord room and hide until the enemy's within pbaoe range, of course...

Just goes to show how limited your mind is, I suppose.


Originally posted by phule_gubben

Time to go to bed.

Thx for the 14k rp's i got from u guys, made 7 realm lvl's tonite so I'm pretty happy. Brought me Cave shammy this time, so far he's lvl 40 but he can still ae dot. Just ask Puppethealer, and a bunch of others at the doors all evening repairing like crazy.

But my guess is the only ones repairing was necros, who cares too tired to care now.

Nitey Nitey

Yup, lots of DoT's flying around. I died a few times, but not very often. Been repairing alot and I think I died 3 times.Two times because of lag and getting hit by a zerker while no absorb buffs up, once because of some dude volleying while a SM was pbaoeíng the doors and once a STR/CON debuff who made me rooted at the doors and I just died because of DoT's/GTAoE etc.. Couldn't cast, couldn't move

BEing a friar means having cure disease/poison so atleast you can do something yourselves about it.

Nice work all!


Originally posted by jetsetminer
Great attacking, great defending, and volley is really anoying, doesn't really do any damage, but really really annoying.

Agreed to all of that. There was some archer (Bode?) who kept hitting me for zero damage. I think he must have a lot of money, because he sure used a lot of arrows. Must have been running off every half hour to cut down some local trees and make some more! :)


Originally posted by Kindar
Been a damn long battle so far :)

I didn't see much fun it in...i did raise a rr, but it sucks being a tank outside the keep unable to do anything. I did try with my throwing axes, but some albs found that too uber and starting instaing me :-P

You must be confused, Albs don't have ínsta's :)


Great fight - though towards the end I think I got so tired and reactions so slow that I died about 7 or 8 times in the last hour-hour and a half when I had namaged to stay alive up untill then form the begining of the seige ( one of which when I lagg ran off the keep wall DOH! took a hunter with me and thanks to the paly how pulled me back in with very sneeky rez from under the feet of a troll :-] )

oh well 7 odd deaths probably worth all the fun that was had and and 27K rps to boot. Thanks to everyone who came to retake Beno last evening and especally the 6fgs who then went on to take Nott and held it for the evening.

/salute to the Mids for giveing us a good fight and for giving us a run for our money you nearly had us several times, bad luck there


Originally posted by Gordonax
God... I left at 2am BST... what time was that taken at?

Check the QB in that pic. Im sure you will notice something strange there...........


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Check the QB in that pic. Im sure you will notice something strange there...........

yea its a old keep take for nearly a year ago :)

mids still had the same zerg keep realm refense back then


Originally posted by Gordonax
Wrong! I've been in a good few defended keep takes and it's lots of fun, especially when trying to stealth up the walls with crappy mincer stealth and mezz everything. Makes it more fun if you don't all just run up to the lord room and hide until the enemy's within pbaoe range, of course...

Just goes to show how limited your mind is, I suppose.

Coming from well experienced lvl 4x minstrel? K, It's gotta be much true then

ps. I don't like much keepraids, don't enjoy the lag wars etc.
Maybe you belong to "rvr albs" and go with mass and pop keeps, if thats whats fun for you got nothing against it. :)


Horil does have a point tbh i dont think you should be dishing out about your massive keep taking experiance, and also being a lowbie Alb i doubt you've ever tried to take a keep before thats got a decent amout of people in so its rather hard for you to know what both sides of the fight look like.

Not a flame, just the way it is.


Originally posted by Gordonax
Agreed to all of that. There was some archer (Bode?) who kept hitting me for zero damage. I think he must have a lot of money, because he sure used a lot of arrows. Must have been running off every half hour to cut down some local trees and make some more! :)

Arrows dont cost that many though :p. 2k arrows cost around 78 gold :) (thats if you buy them from the merchant ;)). And I think I used around 2000 arrows myself during that fight, but she might have used some more. Btw gordonax you had bof then turned on or you blocked/evaded it then? Because how did she hit you for 0 damage?:)
And about volley, you occasionally kill people with it and atleast you make people use up mana or wait for them to regain that health:). Ow and I sometimes helped breaking down the door with volley :rolleyes:


Originally posted by xevius
Lots of fun.
Respect to the mids not giving up. Good fights.
Nice rps and fun to be part of.
More to come ;)

No respect for Albion that gives a shit about their frontier and their keeps.

Show up as we do!


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
In all honesty: Mids are by far the worst when it comes to taking keeps at 'odd hours'..

Have it crossed your mind meele suck in keep take/defence , go figure ...


Originally posted by Puppetmistress

In all honesty: Mids are by far the worst when it comes to taking keeps at 'odd hours'..

In all honesty: Alb's are by far the worst when it comes to taking keeps


Show up as we do!
Yeah you did well by showing up, and was held back well by the Albion force.

Shame you had to spoil the fun by taking it back this morning at 10:30am GMT ;/

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