
I think there are only 2 lvl50 kobie skalds on mid, and 2-3 maybe lvl40+, not that common a race to choose.

I went 10 str/con/cha
solo'd (90+%) my lil blue ass to 40 in 8days.
My final template will be 46bs/44sword/17parry.
I kept songs 2 below lvl for pve till i hit 40, too ensure my sword skills were always over 2/3, didnt bother speccing parry till I hit 43
Great fun to play, I block okay for non-spec and parry quite well.

Great fun so far in RvR, run behind trolls, never get seen till you rush forward and mezz the enemy's cleric/bard etc
Sometimes get into a crowd of enemy in the confusion and take down a caster before they notice you. 1 caster even thought to tank the ickle kobie in front of him, till I pulled out the 2h sword :)

Kobies arent the perfect skald for RvR, weaker with lower hits, but great fun to play :)

43 skald


I did 10 str/10 con/10 cha ... With items I hit my cap on Dex/Str/Con/Cha anyways

This quote is something that can get wrongly interpreted so easily. The points you put into your character at the char creation screen have NOTHING to do with caps in the game.

- Caps from items are 1.5 your level (max +75 at lev 50)
- Caps from baseline buffs are 1 times level (+50 at lev 50)
- Caps from spec line buffs are 1.5 level (max +75 at lev 50)

Now a skald doesn't train DEX (one of the more reasons you should ALWAYS put +10 DEX in your skald from the start) so that means when you have no healer or shaman around, your maximum DEX is that what you start with at level 1 with the +75 from items if you ever reach level 50.

Assuming the kobold skald.
Example one: You don't start with extra dex. Your naked dex is 70 at level 50. You get to level 50, assuming you reach your cap with items, you then have 70+75 dex = 145 DEX (read: piss poor). Assume you get Augmented Dex 2 which adds 6+6 extra dex, then you have 145+12 = 157 DEX (read: still piss poor)

Example two: Do a kobold skald, get +10 DEX and also get augmented dex 2 (realm ability). Your max dex cap with items is then 70+10+6+6+75 = 167 DEX (read: still piss poor)

Now for a kobold skald the choice is yours, you can end up with 157 DEX or 167 DEX capped (unbuffed at level 50). Those 10 points difference are depending on what you do before you are even a level 1 viking. It still is not high (because skalds don't autotrain) but it's the best dex any skald can have.

IMO starting points DO matter as they give you +10 more in a stat, regardless of caps! If you think it's not worth it, well ok, but you might as well put them in INT/EMP/PIE then.


BTW, something else. If you indeed have capped STR/DEX/CON/CUI/CHAR as a skald you must have really poor resistances. With my warden in epic armor my goal is to get a lot of crush/slash/thrust resistance. Then second goal is a lot of magic resistances, especially spirit & body. Then only after that I'm looking for STR/DEX/CON/QUI/EMP gear (of which a little +parry & blunt never hurt).

I have all the diamond jewelry I want from the DF merchants and also a couple of really nice lvl 50 drops from the Bog of Cullen & Cursted Forest. With my optimal 'all round' gear I have the following stats (unbuffed):

24% crush / 15% slash / 0% thrust
24% body / 23% spirit / 10% energy / 18% heat / 20% cold / 24% matter

then primary stats, with my caps between ( )
STR 190 (168) - this one is thus capped at 168
CON 144 (160)
DEX 110 (145)
QUI 76 (135)
EMP 165 (192)

As you can see the only capped stat I have is STR but that's because almost every good item has some form of STR on it. Also DEX is hard to find in Hibernia, otherwise I would definately have a bit more of it. 12 of those EMP points (both value & cap) come from Augmented Acuity 2.

Things I'm not happy on are :
1. Zero % thrust resistance
2. Very low QUI
3. STR 20 points over cap
4. DEX deep below cap

Things I am happy aboout:
1. Great crush resist and solid slash resist.
2. Very good magic resistances, especially with my group buff that does an additional +24% to all three body/spirit/energy (my warden has 49 nurt).

BTW that data comes from a spreadsheet. I created a spreadsheet for my 50 warden that includes all the good items I have. By tossing around those items I can see which stats come above cap or nearby or which ones are far below.


Originally posted by old.Hendrick
You are tempting me to make a female troll skald....

Is that a promise? *blink blink* :p

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