Midgard Roleplayers...


Brannor McThife

Do they exist?

I know that in my early days in live back in Midgard, I tried RP'ing Glauthrong as the dumb troll, but after 25 levels and never receiving a single RP response, I gave up.

Are there any guilds in Midgard Prydwen that actually RP once in a while? Regularly? Always? Out of all the events I've taken part in, I've only once observed a group of players roleplaying, and they were mostly all from one guild.

It pains me to think of the Epic events where most (perceived) of Midgard responds to (e.g.) "Greetings to you fair traveller, do you have a moment of time to spare and aid me with a problem I am having with the local forest spiders?" with a "Np m8, what's up? What u need ganked? Me and my homies r0xx0rs and can gank anything. What uber lewt u gonna give us?"

Please, let me know that some of you exist out there...



Our guild has a go. Bout time we organised another in character guild hunt.

On a personal level I try whenever I can, but am usually greeted with the same responses you got.

An RP server would be nice, but that's too much to ask for.

Brannor McThife

Problem is, so many people once asked/demanded an RP server. But, with the responses I've seen ingame, it would end up a server with lots of Albs, one or two guilds in Hib, and one or two parties of Mids...

Am I wrong in this view?

Thanks for answerring, at least I know there's a few more out there. I remember quite a few of Purple Warriors and Talon's Reach were RP'ers...from the old Tavern days...what/where are you guys?



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Problem is, so many people once asked/demanded an RP server. But, with the responses I've seen ingame, it would end up a server with lots of Albs, one or two guilds in Hib, and one or two parties of Mids...

Am I wrong in this view?

Thanks for answerring, at least I know there's a few more out there. I remember quite a few of Purple Warriors and Talon's Reach were RP'ers...from the old Tavern days...what/where are you guys?


GM of Purple Warriors and GM of Talon's Reach have both sadly stopped playing now......


Hufner, the new GM of PW is equally as good a Roleplayer as his predecessor, as is his darling Ingrun.

Most of Talons are good RP'ers and a fair few of PW are.

Many of the 2 guilds have corss guild characters, give em a yell next time ur in, sure they will be happy to here bout RP events.
Gewn of Head Hunters is an avid RP'er as is our beloved Carrot, look em up too.

FYI I am a lamo RP'er and as far as DAoC goes, I wont and dont like roleplaying, so no sends for me please.


Nyd is a role-playing guild and has been since we formed (www.arthons-place.com/nyd). I know plenty of other role-players on Prydwen, some in Savage Conclave, some in Sons of Nidhug, Sons of Thor is another one and I know some in the Warders. As well as Hufner and the others mentioned here. There's been two player-run events, involving role-playing out the action (see Prydwen Tavern--Room of Midgard's Adventures). So it's not as bad as you think Glauthrong.

We are spread around a bit and it's not that often I am grouped only with role-players. In fact, some of us talked about trying to designate some role-player hunts to draw us all together for an evening's fun. Anyone else out there interested?


In think Roo is a keen RPer and has run many RP XP events in Raumarik, message him too.

Dear olf Brannor, quick to judge the realm you deserted eh :D


Originally posted by krill-nyd
In fact, some of us talked about trying to designate some role-player hunts to draw us all together for an evening's fun. Anyone else out there interested?
Sureness. Not that big roleplayer, but I find it fun when I come to try it out. Main problem is there's so few around where I always am, and I can't be arsed to roleplay against some non-roleplayers. But send me a tell ingame and I'm on ;)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Solid
Dear olf Brannor, quick to judge the realm you deserted eh :D
Oneday Solid, oneday you shall see the light, and knoweldge shall be yours. I know you speak in jest, but know that I still walk the plains of Midgard. Just because you do not see or hear me, does not mean I am not there.

When 1.49 arrives, Glauthrong shall probably return in force to Midgard for Darkness Falls, and will assist in his fair share of Keep Raids to maintain a portal to it. I myself, bare no loyalty to any realm. However, my characters do. Glauthrong will ALWAYS hate Albions, and sometimes he pushes his personality to the fore. ;)



Well here am I.

And yes I try to RP whenever I get the chance but I as mentioned around here this somtimes is hard so I mostly keep quiet the first 5 mins to se if ppl are OOC or not :D

I have some Ideas for small events that I will try on my sorry m8´s in HH :D
( I have been acused of scaring Cuba with all my text in our forums and FYI it´s not easy to scare Cuba I have personally seen him charge all alone into 20+ albs :D)

If u feel for roleplay send me a tell to me. If u want to discuss player made RP events, rant on in here cuz I am relly looking for ideas.

Orin Askhammare

I play pen and paper RPGs and I roleplay there. I would like to be able to roleplay, but when the entire world is pretty much OOC there is not much point to be honest.

I'm in a guild with a lot of UK friends I met through Quake 3 and in the guild channel I enjoy being able to talk about real life things too as we are all people and sometimes people need to ventilate some issues or what not.

Orin hates the Albion scum with a passion but seems to have a weak spot for lurikeens. They are just too damn cute to reduce to bloody pulp sometimes :( I good bolt to the head usually fixes that for a while though. He also is rather miffed about the fact that everyone seems to think that trolls are stupid. His parents made a point out of it to teach him and his little brother Berk that knowledge is important! Still, in the end nothing beats the sound of bells ringing as the Albion platewearers are banged in the head.

Oh and my sig suggest I'm a spy now!

Orin Askhammare

And to add on that. I'm not someone that will roleplay even when everone else is not. I need to be able to ping-pong off the rest or how to say it. If I would be in a group and there would be 3 roleplayers and 2 non-roleplayers I'd have a hard time keeping it up to be honest. I'm not in any way a RP nazi at all and as long as everyone involved is giving it his best shot I'll have a lot of fun. There's no need to make characters overly complicated or speak in "thee and thous" or all that. Characters that need a 100 page manual to fathom or handle can be very disruptive imho :) But maybe that's part of the fun heh.


Well i do my try's but not easy most of the times. Well should be easy with Ayam, but he usually stuns me with his text. Hell he can talk the panties of a male troll warrior. :)

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Thank you Fafnir, it's nice to get some recognition, especially from one I respect. Unfortunately I'm not an every-night player so my involvement in prolonged events would suffer from a staccato rhythm. My attendance in Midgard lurches like Jordheim's very own drunken dwarf.

I'd like to offer many thanks to all those who have roleplayed back to me in kind; I must have been luckier than Glauthrong to bump into and stay in contact with people like Fafnir, Clique, Tay, Kharok, Adrira, Ardrias, Dozigden, Klavrynd, the whole of my guild and others who do respond to me in character.

So yes, roleplay does exist in Midgard, and the roleplay I've seen has been of some real quality. I'll plant an exchange between Adrira, Ardrias and Ayam when I get home, it's one that stands out particularly in my mind.

Ayam - MidPrydNyd


*BURP* Looks up from his pitcher of mead, wipes the foam from his beard.. Looking over at Ayam, shakes his head...

Well i told you. :p


/jumps up and down and waves

UtgardsLoke take you! You trolls and norse are just to stupid to find us dwarves!
Next time I'll have to bite your legs off, might make it easier to see us!

On a related note, as Orin, I have to have a few roleplayers around me to get me really going. But my wife is allways in character.
Both PW and TR have their share of rp'ers as mentioned above, and would very much like to join up for an rp-hunt or ten...

Hufner Knebitar
GM Purple Warriors


Hufner, the new GM of PW is equally as good a Roleplayer as his predecessor, as is his darling Ingrun.

and Kerram, the GM of Talons Reach is just as good, if not better, than that manky old GM who left to play NWN and never reads these boards anymore


<Scratches head> Well then, let's have a hunt. Tomorrow night, and if the Albions and Hibernians interrupt the hunt we can enjoy things even more. The Blackbyrd auction is timed for 20:00cet in Galplen. Shall we venture out a little after that? so I call for 21.00cet or 20.00bst everyone in-character at Gna. We can work out which fearsome beasts to destroy from there.

Is there anyone willing to co-host this? Just in case I'm a little later than 20.00bst (Last night my ISP had a fire in its power supply so no access. I thought of flaming Goa for my lack of game-time, but I'm a forgiving kind of troll.)

In summary: Roleplaying Hunt: In-character: Saturday 27th July, 21.00cet Gna Faster. Contact Krill for chat-group pigeons or contact some kind soul who is about to volunteer to co-organise in case I'm unreliable.


Can we do it Sunday instead? :)
I'm unavailable untill sunday evening :(

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Spug
if not better, than that manky old GM who left to play NWN and never reads these boards anymore
Spug ya wittle gimp. Have to, unfortunately, admit that I miss having you around. I need someone with a little class (hehe :rolleyes: ) to argue with rather than all the gimpy Alb E&E's I have to put up with nowadays. :cool:

Hope things are well with you.

"We misses Spug."

<goes off to see if the old Moderator user group still works.>



Originally posted by old.Spug
and Kerram, the GM of Talons Reach is just as good, if not better, than that manky old GM who left to play NWN and never reads these boards anymore

... that'll be Mr Plug SparkFryde you are referring to, I expect.... ;)


Ah Mr Fartshadow, I think you may be mistaken, Young Spug Darktyde was Never GM of Talons Reach, he was never reliable enough


Aye i tried RPing when i first started..
A Cabalist <yeah I know i Know> called Sable who always spoke in 3 rd person of himself!!
Example: Sable wonders if this is a correct course of action..
This was usually met with a hehe...but most did respond well...
HOWEVER the problem was seeing an add ect and trying to relay this to the group!
"Sable see another monster approaching Sable feels we should restrict its movement...."

compared to: ADD!!!
ones slightly quicker and easier to type and the other just lead to the mob being on you...
RPing great but the spoken word is alot quicker than the typed one I am afraid...:(
However I never m8 or c u ever as my GM woll tell you ;)


Aye sunday better, no work on monday morning otherwise i will need to log 2 hours after we start... :(


'Fraid I just think that's a bit of a misunderstanding of roleplaying Kernum, though seems to be a common one. I can't see any roleplyaer not being able to yell 'another' 'two' 'more' and staying in-character and the same goes for lots of other ways of playing the game. Though I can see if you have a character who always talks in the third person then you'll always have more words.

I don't find roleplaying much wordier and I'm not a hard-core player, there are times to use commonly understood language (like 'amg' or even 'add').

And I agree it's hard when all around don't play but it's still posible, even fun. One of my favourite incidents was being in a group, someone went afk and came back and said 'I got my pizza, I got my beer, I got the comfortable chair, what more do I need?', to which Ayam replied 'a sword?'. Well, I laughed anyway.


Main Entry: el·o·quence
Pronunciation: 'e-l&-kw&n(t)s
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : discourse marked by force and persuasiveness; also : the art or power of using such discourse
2 : the quality of forceful or persuasive expressiveness
allso see: Ayam.

Main Entry: cha·ris·ma
Pronunciation: k&-'riz-m&
Variant(s): also char·ism /'kar-"i-z&m/
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural cha·ris·ma·ta /k&-'riz-m&-t&, "kar-iz-'mä-t&/; also charisms
Etymology: Greek charisma favor, gift, from charizesthai to favor, from charis grace; akin to Greek chairein to rejoice -- more at YEARN
Date: circa 1641
1 : an extraordinary power (as of healing) given a Christian by the Holy Spirit for the good of the church
2 a : a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (as a political leader) b : a special magnetic charm or appeal <the charisma of a popular actor>
allso see: Ayam

Need i say that i worship Ayam? Since the day i met him ("I'll never wear a cloak") until now he never stopped amazing me with his witty comments, his absolute magic way with words and his ability to stay allmost allways in character (i've only known him talking ooc two times in the ages we spent together)

ps: I hope i didn't make you feel unconfortable
ps2 : Krill i like you as well, don't make me feel guilty <winks>
ps3 : Why am I last in row? <grumbles>

old.Ayam Ganbatte

If I had even a fingernail's worth of humility, I would be blushing like a virgin troll maiden told 'Nice shoes' for the first time, but since I don't, I'll nod in agreement with you Klavrynd. <nods with bottom lip pouted out jestingly>


I have tried to roleplay in DaoC having been a big fan of it in UO, however, most do not RP in DAOC and it kinda defeats the purpose. You also need fast reactions in DaoC a lot of the time, and RP does not work in those situations.


"ps2 : Krill i like you as well, don't make me feel guilty <winks>"

Why thank you Klavrynd I'm not sure why I'd try to mak you feel guilty and I don't mind getting second billing to the master of repartee. Though I think it is unwise to tell him so openly he has such fine qualities. All in our guild are now braced for his demand that we build him a statue ...

As for the hunt I called for, well relic raids perhaps put paid to that. If anyone else wishes to call for such a hunt then feel free, I am away from Midgard for a while now on holidays but will try to start them again when I come back.

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