Midgard Class's :)



__( Warrior )__
The warrior is the master of defense, most specialize in both shield and parry along with a weapon type. These are the ‘meat shields’ of Midgard and last longer in combat then any of the other classes. Most are optimist of their defensive ability, and feel the need to let the group know every time they save anyone from physical damage.

* Scenario of Defensive Warrior:
Warrior: hi, thanks for the group invite.
Group: npnp
Warrior: I put protect on the healer and guard on the shadowblade!
Group: that’s great…
--( skirmish )--
Warrior: did you just see the 4 blocks I saved you with? I even used engage on that archer to block on average 4.123 arrows out of 7 arrows. If it wasn’t for my shield stun that Hero would have ran through our group and killed our Healer!
Group: nod great job… now should we all /release since that solo Armsman 3 hit you with styles and is now camping our group’s corpses?

The other type of warrior is one that has specialized in throwing weapons. Most people that specialize in throwing also own a Playstation 2 and an Xbox, since they are usually forced out of groups and spend 97% of their time riding on horseback.

__( Berserker )__
The berserker is the master of melee offense; most specialize in high weapon skill and high left axe. They are blessed with the ability to change into a demonic bear. When this ‘demonic bear’ form is used (also known as Vendo Form), a big flagged marked, ‘Mez, DD, DoT, Blast, Melee and Stab!’ pops in a little balloon above the users head on other Realms computers. Reports have shown that the ‘demonic bear’ form is a bit too scary for other players in opposing realms to witness. Mystic has reassured the opposing realms that they never meant for it to be a scary image by chain nerfing the @#%$ out of bezerkers.

* Scenario of an Offensive Berserker:
--( Huge Battle )--
Group: YES! We won! Omg that was unreal, we won a battle!
Berserker: that was the most fun I have had in ages! This calls for a special occasion!
Group: woohoo
Berserker turns into a DEMONIC MUSKRAT!
Berserker dances.

__( Thane )__
Thanes are a hybrid of caster and a tank. They are a great class for RvR and PvE. There are 2 wonderful braches a Thane can follow: 1) go 2h Hammer for big hits 2) go 42 in shield for 9 second shield stun. Thanes can also improve their damage and strength with spells, and are the only class Midgard has with PBAoE. They also have the coolest looking AE spell in the game!

Scenario of a Shield Thane and 2H Hammer Offensive Thane:

Hammer_Thane_01: I’m serious, if you ditch your shield you will get 12.534% more damage per swing, and a good offense is a strong defense.
Shield_Thane_01: There is no way I’m dropping my 9 second stun, it helped me more time then I can remember!
Noob_tells_you : Would you recommend Shield or go higher in 2h weapon and parry?
Hammer_Thane_01 tells Noob : 2H weapon is the only way to go
Shield_Thane_01 tells Noob : if you don’t take shield you will gimp yourself.
Noob tells you : Thanks! I think I’m going to roll a Hero!
Hammer_Thane_01: here come the bad guys! I’m going to roll them over with 2H hammer!
Shield_Thane_01: I’m going to slam them with my shield!
Healer: I’m going to @#%$ myself because Lame_Thane_01 just AEd my Mez.
Shield_Thane_01: crap I’m mezed
Hammer_Thane_01: sigh, me too

__( Skald )__
Skalds are the musically declined light tanks of Midgard. They are commonly mistaken as bar maids and 95% of all Skalds turn off their speakers due to high pitched annoying sound effects used when swapping war chants. Other then a few minor bugs, Skalds are a very fun and versatile class to play. Another strength of skalds is that 95% of them under level 35 are complete liars. They spill random trash on how a skald can dd, dd, mez, rest, dd, dd, snare, run, dd, dd, style can kill any class on the game! Why is this good? Because board readers listen to them and actually make Midgard characters!

* Scenario of a Skald:
Skald casts DD, DD, Mez … @#%$ resisted… /release
Skald casts DD, DD, Mez … wtf purge… /release
Skald casts DD, DD, Me… wtf I’m mezed.. ok now I’m stunned.. ok now I’m getting smited /release
Skald casts DD, DD, Mez… … YES IT WORKED! Skald sits…
Random_1_out_of_732_infiltrator stabs you!
You die!
Random_1_out_of_732_infiltrator high-5s Random_1_out_of_732 infiltrator!
Skald casts DD, DD, Mez… /y /y /y /y /y /y 5 Mids jump in and kill the mezed!
You gain 32 realm points!

__( Runemasters )__
Runemasters are the masters of ping-pong. Huge armies have often stared in wonderment, holding ground waiting to be mezed while watching little blue balls fly back and forth. Most Runemasters specialize in runecarving for the powerful bolt and fire spears of raining death. Secondly, some runemasters specialize in darkness to do insane damage during a charge or in-your-face encounters. Last and by far the least, some runies specialize in suppression – these are usually the same people you have seen in your chemistry class raise there hand for every question trying to kiss ass. You always give them a hard eye when it comes to them getting groups before you, but you NEVER turn one down when you’re already in a group.

* Scenario of a Runemaster specialized in RC
Runemaster: Lets retreat back to the fort!
Group: WTF, we outnumber them 3 to 1!
Ruenmaster: We have to retreat now so I can rain down my AE’s and bolt them to rise in stats on www.camelotherald.com!

* Scenario of a Runemaster specialized in Darkness
Group: Charge them!
Runemaster has left the group.
Runemaster hits F8 and begins casting like mad.
You gain 1017 realm points.
You gain 512 realm points.
You gain 316 realm points.
You gain 783 realm points.
You gain 108 realm points.
Runemaster tells group: invite plz, I dunno what happened.
Group: wow, I got a total of 250 realm points that battle! We rule!
Runemaster: wow, congrats man!

* Scenario of a Runemaster specialized in Suppression
Runemaster tells group: Do you guys need a sup runie?
Group tells Runemaster: sure, sec
Group kicks Hunter from group.
Runemaster has joined the group.
Hunter says: WTF?

__( Spiritmasters )__

__( Healers )__
Healers are the bread and butter of any raid / charge. They have resses, heals, buffs, mana regen, and most of all … MEZES and STUNS! The majority of Healers (the good ones anyways) are re-rolls from a person that was pissed off at another healer. They are the most loved by their realm and the most hated by other realms. They have no way to deal damage, but can turn any battle into a victory.

* Scenario of a Healer
Random_Person tells you: PoM plz
Healer: plz don’t break mez guys, I promise it will work if you do it this way
Random_Person tells you: Ress plz
Healer tells Random_Person: I’m not even near Spind, I’m in upperlands.
Random_Person tells you: that a no then?
Random_Person tells you: heal plz
Healer: ok, lets charge! AE MEZED THEM!
Healer: … … AE MEZED THEM AGAIN!!!
Healer: wtf you damn idiots you stupid worthless low life scum of fetal waste
Group: ?
Healer: why the hell must you *censored* *censored* *censored* break mez *censored* mez works so much better then stun you *censored* *censored* why must you always cast your *censored* *censored* AE spells when we are *censored* charging, it just takes one *censored* to *censored* the entire battle!
Group: dude, we won
Healer: I *censored* quit

__( Shaman )__
Shamans are the master buffers and can turn any spec. screwed up class and turn it into a powerhouse. They also have AE root and poison and are lethal if used property. They can also ress and heal! They are a very nice addition to any group, even thou 98% of their spells are still not working correctly!

* Scenario of a Shaman
Group tells Shaman: hey man, we desperately need ressers on the battle field. I think we could win this war if we had a couple ressers.
Shaman tells group: plz send tells to Random_Solo_Pk_God, I’m just a buff bot (tm)(r)(c2002)


__( Hunter )__
Hunters are basically spiritmasters with a bow. Their charm ability is less then most charming classes and they have very weak buffs to buff their animal. They also get one of the coolest looking weapons in the game… the spear. In fact, they get a spear around lvl 20-25 that procs! Together with their spear and charming ability, they are a very fun class to watch. To top off their ability to charm and use a spear… they can also stealth! So they can find a pet to charm a little easier. And they can run fast too! Oh yea! And they get a bow (I think). Still odd they can still specialize in bow though, but some hunters still see this as a template to take compared to their _uber_ charm and _uber_ spear. Because the class has so many options, they decided to give them paper armor.

* Scenario of a Hunter
Hunter tells Healer: need a hunter in your group?
Healer tells Hunter: uhm.. we aren’t really killing for exp, we are just testing our weapon damage on monsters and seeing how fast we can kill them ………
Hunter tells Thane: need a hunter in your group?
Thane tells Hunter: uhm.. well.. *cough* we are just doing logs for testing purposes and not really killing for exp…….
Hunter tells Shadowblade: Hey man, need a partner?
Shadowblade: tells you, uhm…… actually, I really would like to just solo since I’m always in a group……..
Hunter yells, ‘I’ll show you all when I rack in the RPs, buahahaha !!!’
((( POST 1.5 PATCH )))
Hunter tells you, ‘hey man, is NWN out yet?’

__( Shadowblade )__
Shadowblades are one of the only classes it is impossible to screw up. The 4 types are as followed (all have stealth): 1) Shadowzerker (high left axe, axe, poison) 2) Critblade (high axe/sword, high CS, poison) 3) Soulblade (left axe, axe/sword, critical strike, no poison) 4) Muttblade (a mixure of left axe, axe, poison, cs) also known as 5spec Shadowblades.

* Scenario of a Shadowblade in PvE
Group tells Shadowblade: Hey man, you can join our group if you want.
Shadowblade tells Group: ok, tnx!
Shadowblade: What classes are herer?
Group: Bezerker, Thane and Skald
Shadowblade: oh cool! No warrior?
Group: Nope
Shadowblade: ok, I have Dodger I’ll tank

* Scenario of a Shadowzerker in RvR
Infiltrator01 has been killed by Shadowzerker!
Nightshade01 has been killed by Shadowzerker!
Infiltrator02 has been killed by Shadowzerker!
Infiltrator03 has been killed by Shadowzerker!
Infiltrator04 has been killed by Shadowzerker!
Shadowzerker has been killed by Infiltrator!
Shadowzerker: damnit, you can only kill so many before you attack one with 50 thrust


Just read the original posted on IGN :)

and hear I was thinking you masterminded this genius


Originally posted by old.Bubble

* Scenario of Defensive Warrior:
Warrior: hi, thanks for the group invite.
Group: npnp
Warrior: I put protect on the healer and guard on the shadowblade!
Group: that’s great…
--( skirmish )--
Warrior: did you just see the 4 blocks I saved you with? I even used engage on that archer to block on average 4.123 arrows out of 7 arrows. If it wasn’t for my shield stun that Hero would have ran through our group and killed our Healer!
Group: nod great job… now should we all /release since that solo Armsman 3 hit you with styles and is now camping our group’s corpses?

that is so like me its scary :puke:


rofl :) :) :)

now do spiritmaster...no you cant cause there perfect

muhahahha :D


Thanks for the hibbie version, now I've read them all :)


Nah i'm no genius :)

Hehe a m8 of mine posted them on the pellinor boards and i thought u mids would like them :)

My fav bit is the Supp runie asking for group lol

It doesn't happen but i'm sure everyone has thought about doing it :) /em Kicks Scout out of group :p


Shadowblades are one of the only classes it is impossible to screw up.

They have in next patch's by removing the 1 hit and stay stealthed feature which is a huge part of the sb critblade :/



hahahhaha - very good..

oh pudzy, you're getting me down. It's not a huge factor tho.. for Albion.. their infs might as well still have that remain stealthed 'bug' via the realm ability, 'VANISH'.

(((SB after 1.50)))
When's SWG out? Maybe they've managed to balance that game before they release it.


Svartalf: So true. Another of Mythics infamous 'nerf all realms but alb' actions.

I've said for a long time that this game is named Dark age of CAMELOT, not Dark age of Jordheim, or Tir Na Nog. And we are sure seeing what that means... :/ [Edit: Hmm, maybe I should put that in my sig... ;) ]


Sounds fair to me!

Level 50 Infiltrator
Order of The Knights Templar


Sorc one is SO me.
You could add there the line "You know what mez is, right?"


i agree with Bubble

Originally posted by old.Bubble
* Scenario of a Runemaster specialized in Suppression
Runemaster tells group: Do you guys need a sup runie?
Group tells Runemaster: sure, sec
Group kicks Hunter from group.
Runemaster has joined the group.
Hunter says: WTF?

It is the best part, and in some cases true :(


This can't be true! Bcz hunters hardly get invites. I'm good if I have 2 groups per week.

Btw I wonder whats peoples problem with hunters...

Give them a dex buff and they hit like tanks. (Even support tanks eat lots of buffs bcz they might get aggro if the main tank misses twice.) They won't moan about shitty exp but just enjoy the grouping. K, maybe they will talk a bit to much but you can tell them to shut up and they will bcz they will still enjoy the grouping. Well if they run outa arrows they might do a bit lower damage but hey I'm allways carrying like 1k arrows with me and thats enough for at least 2 hours.
Another point: Bows use almost no fatigue and at several occasions I was able to use my spear taunt to peel while all tanks were ooe.
Last thing: Don't make hunters pull! (To you hunters: If they make you pull fire only 1 normal shot - never ever crit shot pull ;)) A hunter getting aggro will drain a healer in no time. A hunter getting no aggro will do alot off damage without ever bothering your healer (not even for buffs - dex is all we need).

I would like to hear why you people avoid us in groups. Maybe there is a point I don't see?


No hunter has ever been turned down in one of my groups.
Nor any other class for that matter - unless what we really need is a healer :)


i know :)
no dis to midgard grouping intended :)

it happens in albion too :)
my poor scout lol


sad to say this.. but


read this post like 6 months ago or something


Originally posted by Cush
sad to say this.. but


read this post like 6 months ago or something

But sweetie, this whole thread is 10 months old :)

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