30% of the GOA's servers : http://faq.goa.com/scripts/rightnow...29ydD0mcF9yb3dfY250PTE1MiZwX3BhZ2U9MQ**&p_li=
However I don't think they are DAOC servers because GOA don't only handle DAOC and these photos are on goa.com (goa.com was a kind of jolt.co.uk before DAOC Europe) and not camelot-europe.com. The date of the page is 25/09/2002.
However I don't think they are DAOC servers because GOA don't only handle DAOC and these photos are on goa.com (goa.com was a kind of jolt.co.uk before DAOC Europe) and not camelot-europe.com. The date of the page is 25/09/2002.