Mid Lamers




If i get insulted i will insult back,period..im not taking no shit from anyone...so whipe the shit out of ur eyes and read what ur fellow-mids read wrote,that made my reply on them insulting


anyone else thinks that maybe hatjitjai is some south european 17 year old male with no gf, very large pride and (just guessing here ofc) a rather small genital? :m00:

i bet 10 € that hell use at least 3 swearwords in his reply. :sleeping:


U dont get it do u? Melee in general is gimped in RvR, thats what will be fixed next according to Mythic. And yes, we suck solo, thats not the point. In big battles we get mezzed/nuked/rooted etc, so why even play a melee-class?

And i didnt even respond to his "sidenote"


After reading ur latest post, i wont bother post here anymore. U seem to be too foolish to chat with ;)

I bet NP is proud over u now, fancy post m8..



nice one infozerg

hatjitjai is some south european

very large pride and (just guessing here ofc) a rather small genital?
ppl with the smallest genitals always try to make joke bout other ones,to hide from their own size

first if i was under aged + no gf i would be making 40+ chars delete them reroll them on another realm just becos i have to much time on my hand..and what the hell maybe delete them again once they are lvl 40+...still too much time on my hands cos i cant jerk off every seconde of the day...so what to do with that time? well like i said before making chars 40+ and delete them and so one...yes im gonna be very annoying :)


Re: infozerg

maybe you are right on that. but you cant help to notice some cultural differences when playing online games. :rolleyes:

oh and i lost my wager, nice going. :clap:


Since when has melee in RvR been broken btw. I believe polearmsman and spear heros can hit for 500ish with 1 swipe. That hardly qualifies as broke. I know first hand how much dmg a troll with a 2h hammer can do in RvR. You tanks cant roll a char with laughable ranged offense and zero spells, and expect to own casters in RvR everytime. It's like caster moaning they cant melee.....And may I ask, what exactly are you asking Mythic for to make your life in RvR easier ? 100% mezz resist?, invulnerability?, a private duel arena where you and all the other tanks can go and bash each others brains out ???? Please do tell me what exactly you want ?

Sure tanks get a rough deal if they solo, but they dont if they sensibly group. Its mezz or be mezzed right now, until mezz is nerfed. Until then, support your local mezzer and make sure they are first the mezz button.

As a footnote, I played a Healer to 46, and deleted him because RvR was 90% depressing. The reason....tanks with bloodlust leaving the support classes stranded whilst they chased other tanks miles across emain to 'own' them. If I did survive, I would then have to haul my ass to their corpse at great personal risk in order so they can do it all again when res sickness wore off. Inconsiderate gits :p


sorry have to dissapoint u

im not southern european :)

wouldve been to easy for u :)

btw i was wondering when u see thread topic,read the threadpost,u click on postreply..have u ever replyed the subject?
guess not
u were too busy finding out what ppl's ethnics are

go play hitler in auswitz or something instead of daoc


OMG I think I might actually agree with infozwergs point for a change.

Ok if I saw Hat or Tilde and realised they were trying 2 duel with people maybe I'd leave them alone cause I know them although I might join in and try to kill their opponent thinking I was saving them from getting killed if I didn't realise what they were doing.

I've never had a tank over lvl23 so haven't experienced the problems they've had in RvR but I don't personally like the idea of duels although I can understand why Hat and Tilde do.

I think I may have interrupted duels when playing a m8s scout though and will continue to do so if I see others I think but if the duel happens out of the way I won't see or try to kill anyone.


Originally posted by infozwerg
tilde, i admit that i (playing support class) dont know jack about duels when you (playing tank) admit that you dont know what rvr is all about.

until you do admit it, i say that i do know what dueling is about: some tanks that dont have thefriends/social skills/imagination to get a rvr group going try to pretend they pretend they still are playing diablo barbarians.

to give you a little hint: back in diablo, all the other classes were laughing at barbarians. barbarians still believed they owned, cause they only fought against other barbarians. funny how the same applies to armsman and (snicker) paladins.

face it: you suck solo, without group everyone owns you. thats the reason why tanks have to go to some far away places to duel under themselves, cause you cant win a "fair duel" with any other class.

but then again, dueling barbarians in diablo involved some skill. in daoc, you just test if you are a complete retard or gimp vs. knowing the very basics of your class.

on a sidenote, you completely failed to understand what ody said.


Stop talking about tanks in general.You are talking about the people who are playing the tank's.you cant generalise. how do you dare saying that the reason why im/we are dueling is that we aint got "friends/social skills/imagination"?? have you totally lost it?
Just do your stuff and we will do our's!!
I am really startet to get pissed off, when i see ppl like you, who think they have the answer to everything.
And im gutted that you believe so much in yourself that you can write this crap!!


I think this thread just got out of hand.

<leaves thread for good>


Melee is broken in RvR, but yeah u arent a tank so..

And for the infozerg and other non-tanks, who gives a shit? u dont know our situation so shut up. As a healer u have a primary role, as a tank u dont.


A Solo Day in emain for a Tank:

Mezzed,Stunned,Dead,Release :clap: :clap: :clap:

But in Groups it is ok :D

Icebreaker<Celtic Fist>


*Grabs some more popcorn*

*takes anohter sip from his coke*


* gets bored of listening / replying to hatjitjais moaning *

* nabs sum popcorn and coke from arthwyrs dead body *

* sits back and relaxes *


I think this really shows how much we need a Dueling area free of RP......

Come on PvP servers


Originally posted by infozwerg
tilde, i admit that i (playing support class) dont know jack about duels when you (playing tank) admit that you dont know what rvr is all about.

first of all, who are you? Tilde is an intelligent player for his class and is nearing rank 4 as far as i know. This leads me to believe that he does in fact know what he's talking about. Due to the fact i dont know who the fuck you are, ill assume you know 'jack' about duels.

some tanks that dont have the friends/social skills/imagination to get a rvr group going try to pretend they pretend they still are playing diablo barbarians.

You retard. The reasons tanks sometimes end up dueling is because (in my case) /who Bard 40 50 = zero matches. I imagine the same applies in albion for minstrel or another class which has top speed and crowd control. You will hardly ever see Tilde alone in emain unless he needs his RvR hit and there's nobody to go with.

to give you a little hint: back in diablo, all the other classes were laughing at barbarians. barbarians still believed they owned, cause they only fought against other barbarians. funny how the same applies to armsman and (snicker) paladins..

I never played diablo, I would say the majority of hib tanks also haven't. It's an irrelevant point really, which only serves to insult like the rest of your post.

face it: you suck solo,


without group everyone owns you.

isn't that the same as the point above? senility setting in?

thats the reason why tanks have to go to some far away places to duel under themselves

you idiot! without a group we are owned... yes... so what do tanks do? get a group! how unbelieveably simple, even you should be able to understand it. No wait .. I confess .. there is an underground network of fight clubs which go on every night so we can all meet up and ph4rm rpZ! :rolleyes:

I think you should get some levels and get into emain, and find out what real RvR is like. Getting to 40+, making a couple of trips to emain and taking X keeps or X relic doesn't make you knowledgeable by any stretch of the imagination.

The whole tone of your post is that of a l33t D14blo kiddie who realises he's a nobody in Daoc. Well I advise you fuck off back there m8. One realm has already rejected you, so you moved on to the next. Still, who needs friends when you're in finsters warm pocket the whole time? :)


how rude nova :p

infozerg had a 40+ char
but deleted it for a reroll,cos he has to much time on his hand :)


I must say that I know nothing about dueling. However every time I have gone into Uppland or Yggdra to xp my group has been wiped out by Purples (we are currently only L23ish).

I do love the way purples always wait until we are in combat and then kill the healers (yep I'm a healer) so that the fighters will lose xp.

Due to this as you can imaging I will mez or stun any enemy I see regardless, and then expect my tanks/casters to kill them.

Marabeth, sick of being splattered by bored purples.


i like to refer to it as: "When possible, keep your enemy from getting exp that makes em stronger" :p


Originally posted by Hatjitjai
wtf is ur definition of duelling? mezz the duellers while they are resting and kill them?

where is the honour in that?
im speaking to generally here,i know there are lots of good mids(even tho they are mids :p)

well to : kithara,solarias( who lamed killed me twice),first they teamed up,than the wipe-out ....also Onk,head etc... FU all

btw solarias was nice killing u one on one even u had bt,no wonder u have to team up...u are just too weak...go duel some lvl 1 fighters..maybe ull stand a chance

FU all who were there

thats how duels often ends :p
get on with it already


Originally posted by old.Marabeth
I must say that I know nothing about dueling. However every time I have gone into Uppland or Yggdra to xp my group has been wiped out by Purples (we are currently only L23ish).

I do love the way purples always wait until we are in combat and then kill the healers (yep I'm a healer) so that the fighters will lose xp.

Due to this as you can imaging I will mez or stun any enemy I see regardless, and then expect my tanks/casters to kill them.

Marabeth, sick of being splattered by bored purples.

sorry to say but I dont think u will be mezzing many 40+ as lvl 2X ;>

but yea exp killing is a bit lame, but its just one of the riscs when exping in the frontier..


rvr *can not* be organized crossrealm, this is considered rp farming afaik.
duelling.. well.. I dont mind it actually its fun to compare classes. but imo there is no "supposed" in it, it all depends on the minds of the ppl participating. most of my duellings have been random encounters where neither parts have just jumped the others.. instead they jump around silly for a while then beckon some1 etc :)


U earn shitloads of more rp in standard RvR. So i wouldnt wanna call it rp-farming, they who do suck in RvR imho


well that depends imo.

if u get 800+ rp every 15 min in a duel, thats more then what u get in a 6-8 player grp.. but alot slower than solo rvr.

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