Mid ganking

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Originally posted by censi
omg, I cant beleive this post.

Karam, you aint got a clue about ganking untill you played HIB....

No one from ALB has the right to moan about being outnumbered. ipsofacto.


just plain bullshit

real bullshit

biggest bullshit



jesus christ!

omfg midgard dudes takin the piss........guys You have no relics, god damn it.....guys, NO RELICS. Thats like being 38 years old and having no pubes, just stfu till you get one....jesus



Re: jesus christ!

Originally posted by lamus
omfg midgard dudes takin the piss........guys You have no relics, god damn it.....guys, NO RELICS. Thats like being 38 years old and having no pubes, just stfu till you get one....jesus




fits ya



Originally posted by Treniel
Karam your really geting anoying now....how stupid can u get...10:1 fs thats bull yeah 10 albs 100 mids...idiot

do yourself (and us) a favour and switch servers......oh and Karam theres at least 5 albs with 2 45+.....theres 2 with 2 lvl 50 chars..after u got to 50 1st time its pretty simple to get there a second time

dick head lol

- Pathfinder -

Damn you Excal people, you have all the interesting.. personalities... ^^


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Damn you Excal people, you have all the interesting.. personalities... ^^

Bet it makes u feel really sorry u rolled in Pryd now ;)


Re: jesus christ!

Originally posted by lamus
omfg midgard dudes takin the piss........guys You have no relics, god damn it.....guys, NO RELICS. Thats like being 38 years old and having no pubes, just stfu till you get one....jesus


Hmmm...pubes? What would you know about pubes Lamus??? You got a few years yet for those I believe m8. Maybe you should "stfu" like you say..until you get some ;)

Suggested Poll: Is Lamus the "village idiot" of Barrysworld Forums?


i bet Lamus had nothing to do with the actual work behind the Relic takings.. hes just e freeriding little kid.

Lamus you got two things jack and shit.. and guess who left town .. bi0tch.

Village idiot? .. more likely the global idiot.


Originally posted by Subbiz
hey karam I think you need to reinstall you daoc, those skins seem to be oddly swapped out between alb and mid :)

i honestly dont think i've ever seen alb out numbering midgard. unless there arent any mids there atall. with mids its either none, or 500, they're too homosexual to travel alone for some reason.


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

. with mids its either none, or 500, they're too homosexual to travel alone for some reason.

Now now Karam...thats going a bit far. Don't bring homophobia into the discussion - that is getting a bit heavy, don't you think?

Some of my best friends are gaytrolls....


Oh I'm so sorry to see you find daoc so frustrating Karam mate, I really hope you wouldn't consider quitting daoc. :clap:

Then again I might be bold enough to start an sb or caster alt without having to fear u most of the time. :flame:


all realms have there times of out numbering the enemy . what i have noticed a lot though is you rarely see small groups of mids . mids travel in either 20+ groups or not at all . only people i tend to see solo are stealthers .

im sure when the "BIND at teleport keeps" is here we will see a lot more rvr in all areas . thats if most the people havent gone off to usa servers for pvp cos im sure thats what everybody is holding on for ,. pvp server and x-pac .


i love how the mids/albs tell karam to shut up whining and exaggerating, and the hibs (cough, censi) turn round and say "no, WE'RE the ones being ganked omfg zerg" etc.

:clap: karam for yet another flame-inspiring wonderpost


Originally posted by Karam_gruul
Mid ganking is getting to a rediculous lvl.

i havnt been to rvr once for the past month without being out numbered by midgard at least 10:1.

no matter how big the group/army i go with is, they ALWAYS out number us hugely.

im not even kidding here... i went to rvr today, in a group of 8 lvl 50's, thought we might have some fun.... but oh wait... fun? while mids are around? nop. literally 80+ midgard came pouring through the alb wall which they were camping. needless to say they ganked the crap out of us in seconds.

now... i usually TRY to go to rvr without a group, its FAR more fun, and FAR more satisfying to kill people who are either solo, or who have a small number of people.

i'd get SO bored with constant ganking, i hate rvring in an army of more than 16 really, it lags like shite, crap rps, no skill, and theres no real chance to show off your power.

my question is, why do mids gank so much more than other realms? i hate hibernia, but at least they dont go round in armies of 80+ all the time, probably because there arent 80 players on hib, but still..

is it more fun to gank with a mid than it is with an alb/hib or something? im tempted to go to midgard, train up to lvl 50 (so easy on midgard), then see if ganking is more fun.

nuff said

Its nice to see us doing the ganking at last. Usualy its the Albs that do the ganking.
BG scenario: 8 Mids at port keep fighting 10 Albs, the Albs could not bent our armour so they get another 5 Albs to join them and then run at the 8 Mids with 15 of their number. Needless to say they won that fight.

Just once I would love for a one on one fight. I got the first one in BG against a Lauriken (sp) assassin he got the drop on me but I returned damage with a few good spear blows, if he did not have the healer with him it would of been a close match.



Thanks to Karam I'm sure to have a morning laugh in these forums...

Well we had an evening laugh too yesterday when our 8 people group ran over some lone armsman and we discovered it was you....

Any tank silly enough to do solo RvR must feel outnumbered most of the time I guess...

"OMG!!! Hibs outnumber us 8:1, I was 1 they were 8 so you see I'm not lying!!!!"



Re: hahaha

Originally posted by old.Cuthervaen
Thanks to Karam I'm sure to have a morning laugh in these forums...

Well we had an evening laugh too yesterday when our 8 people group ran over some lone armsman and we discovered it was you....

Any tank silly enough to do solo RvR must feel outnumbered most of the time I guess...

"OMG!!! Hibs outnumber us 8:1, I was 1 they were 8 so you see I'm not lying!!!!"


lol yea and i was surprised at the rubbish damage you were alll doing when i looked back up at it. and THAT reminds me. a CS hero the other day did 198 damage using a STYLE on me. LLLLLLLLOL! i do more than that in a normal hit to any tank.


Feed the trolls!

Don't listen to chesnor he is a troll! ;)


Damn, I've been rumbled.

/me goes and hides under a bridge
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