Mez gives RPs?



Originally posted by fatgit
But you do for your DD shouts, pet damage, melee. You are also more likely to be grouped in RvR and getting RPs for the kills your fellow members are able to run like hell for :)

Sorcs get pet damage and DD's that outdamage/outrange mine aswell. And why am I more likely to be grouped than a sorc? A sorc in the same group as me will get just as much rp's.

- I notice you have over 771k RP's, so you don't seem to have a problem :)

Because I almost spend every single moment I'm able to play this game in RvR. Take Psi as an example, he played a LOT of RvR the last few days and his RP gain for the last week is 69k. I RvR'ed a even more and mine is 95k. Both of us were grouped most of the time. Not that much of a difference asuming I RvR'ed at least 50% more.

Threads like these just point out that people are doing nothing else than whining about the fact that they can't solo RvR (PvP). In real RvR (groups vs groups... A realm doesn't have only 1 player) every GROUPED person can get rps. Even by doing nothing at all.


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Well from now on, use only those skills and lets see how many rp's you will earn, you silly twat .

You'd be surprised at the amount of rp's I gained by just doing that, you silly twat.


We broke a siege in Thidranki last week... big group of mids just wouldn't move from our bridge... a group of 4 of us attacked from the rear.. killed one or two but didn't make a huge dent... died.

However whilst they were all milling around wondering what we were doing - the rest of our group + the rest of the albion army piled across the bridge.

We forced them back to their telekeep... those of us that went in deep and did the damage got nowt :(

(admittedly we wouldn't have got a lot even if we'd magically survived as we didn't do much damage, but more than nothing would be nice :))

There's no RP for taking keeps ... does this mean it's not helping your realm? There's only RP for killing enemies.


Originally posted by Coren

You'd be surprised at the amount of rp's I gained by just doing that, you silly twat.

Hmm I guesse your the only one in his game who will get RP's for mezzing only, if your not grouped , 3 cheers for you...ohh so your the peopel need to be grouped with you to run faster or get benefits of the powersong..GEEEE peopel dont have to be grouped with me to take advantage of my aoe mezz , and they take my power regain buff without being grouped just fine , never had anyone turn down a rezz cause they where not grouped with me.... You missed my point but then again your a silly twat :p


NM Coren, sorry. I thought the variety of speccing was the key of DAoC. I mean, 3 lines, choose 1 of em, I chose mind. I end up being a support class (OK I dont mind that), but when 90% of people around me are twats and incompetent cnuts? Its hard... really hard.


Amirder says the same thing -- most people rush the mezzed enemies rather than fighting the unmezzed ones first. This is, I think, because most people are only interested in their own realm points and not the groups ... or that their realm wins a battle.

As more high level sorcerer's appear in Albion hopefully people will learn not be so stupid/selfish. At the moment we only have 5, not wonderful is it? :(


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Hmm I guesse your the only one in his game who will get RP's for mezzing only, if your not grouped , 3 cheers for you...ohh so your the peopel need to be grouped with you to run faster or get benefits of the powersong..GEEEE peopel dont have to be grouped with me to take advantage of my aoe mezz , and they take my power regain buff without being grouped just fine , never had anyone turn down a rezz cause they where not grouped with me.... You missed my point but then again your a silly twat :p

If that's the case, go blame it on your realm mates who don't group with someone able to turn the tide on any battle by casting 1 succesful AoE mez (and can heal aswell ;) ), not on stealthers. Guess they are the silly twats. :p

NM Coren, sorry. I thought the variety of speccing was the key of DAoC. I mean, 3 lines, choose 1 of em, I chose mind. I end up being a support class (OK I dont mind that), but when 90% of people around me are twats and incompetent cnuts? Its hard... really hard.

Group with your guildies then. They seem to know how to handle a bunch of mezzed enemies (remember DF ;) ) damn well.

And about the incompetence: Albs just aren't used to AoE mez in their advantage I guess. We maybe have 2 level 45+ sorcs that do Emain RvR quite often. 95% of the battles there isn't even a sorc around and everyone can be AoE smite/nuke happy. So they do the same when there actually is one around. This will probably change when we get more high level sorcs. Just look at Hibs. They have at least 1 bard in every group and seem to be able to handle mezzed enemies quite well. :)


I'm not saying im not getting a group , my guild is actualy quit active in RvR , and I have yet to lack a group..But stll why should we not get rp's for mezz and stun...not that sure on rezz and heal but mezz and stun should yield RP's , or if you dont think so Coren plz tell us why ;)


Sure you should get rp's for stunning/mezzing. And other backup classes should get them for rezzing and healing. But just how would Mythic work that into the code?

Beats me !

Incidental moan: Anyone noticed how many rezzers run past the dead just to get at the enemy and earn some realm points ... anything but stop and maybe miss out on 5 realm points, bit sad isn't it?


bleh it will get taken the wrong way however I word it


I hope they make it so i get RP for catching bolts/DDs and lying face down in the dirt :D

But no.. all i see is:

"CasterX hits you for 800 (+200) for the third time in a row, since you couldnt move they got to pick you out last."

"Oh and btw you are so dead because you rolled a "heavy" tank in the "melee" realm Midgard. M000 you RPcow"

"You have died, but you blahblahblah, you probably know this text by heart you cow"

/release (macroed)

"you will release in 7 seconds. Dont bother to come back you will only get owned again."

"The surroundings change but the fact you got owned and a caster is having a blast is a fact that hasnt changed. f00l"

/quit (macroed)

/turn on tv (not macroed)

:) sorry had to rant a bit ;)


I must be the only one here (bard) who likes charging, mezzing and, in most cases, dying in the front lines. And I don't give a damn about the RPs.


Originally posted by Turamber
Incidental moan: Anyone noticed how many rezzers run past the dead just to get at the enemy and earn some realm points ... anything but stop and maybe miss out on 5 realm points, bit sad isn't it?

It is indeed. But I can kind of understand it. I recal porting to Emain on several occasions and being the only resser there not /anon. I had a group to look after, and I was also spammed with 'res me at ___ please?' messages. Initially I found it a pleasure running around raising my fallen comrades, but the novelty soon wore off.
Eventually I went /anon, stuck with my group, ignored most res msgs (I still did res those that I saw dead) and went for the kills instead.

Everyone plays this game for fun, and it is no fun running around Emain for 2hrs, ressing for 1hr and regenning power for the other 1hr. It is depressing.

Midgard has a shortage of high level Healers that actually play lots because it is not a particularly fun class to play when you are expected to be the doctor on call for the whole of Emain. Eventually you have to ignore the pleas of the fallen, or msg them back and say "sorry, can't come now, maybe you should bring a Healer next time ?"

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