Mez gives RPs?



Does it give RPs in any patch?
If it doesnt, Im respeccing for 45body. If it does, Im staying in here.


Urm... ugh. Early enough post kr0n? :D
Yeah, someone answer his question, I'd be interested in knowing too for some weird reason even though I don't even have a mez class of any sort.

EDIT: Err... it says "All times are GMT +2 hours. The time now is 06:51." but the clock is in CET when I look at it. Not +2 GMT.


I have a related question.
For some reason I have 2 realm points, but AFAIK, I haven't actually done anything..

I have been in Df when Hibs and Albs attacked.
But I'm pretty sure I haven't done anything...(apart form getting killed)
Maybe I got a couple of hits off against them..and maybe I lightning bolted one or two (pretty sure I didn't kill them.)

I did rezz a lot of ppl who were killed by them...

Any idea where I got them from?


Kron: Mez doesn't give RP I'm afraid

Dansk: somebody you damaged prolly died before you did, thus giving you part of the RP


Originally posted by Soulcatcher
Dansk: somebody you damaged prolly died before you did, thus giving you part of the RP

Ah Ok, That's probably it.
Thanx for the info...:)


Respec from the best AE mezz on the server to some fairly crap nukes.
Atm they're energy, in the patch that makes body-resist lower stun duration, the body specline nukes get changed to body damage. Hence.... damage nerfed.

Elric IA

Mez will not give you RP directly. However, once the opponents are mezzed the rest of your realm rushes in and ganks them so you would get RP from any group member who hit.


Mythic have hinted that RP's will be given for support classes who mez, rez, heal etc...

Nothing definite yet though :(


Aww... Poor sods. Will I get RP's for my speedsong? Will I get RP's for my powersong? Will I get RP's for my mez?


Don't forget to put all yer other points into Mind - sorcerers that can't mezz is the last thing Albion needs :p


Mezzing lets your group get lots of RP...

but only if you can stay within 4000 of them...


Or not die trying to get the mez off, as often happens ;)


Originally posted by Coren
Aww... Poor sods. Will I get RP's for my speedsong? Will I get RP's for my powersong? Will I get RP's for my mez?

But you do for your DD shouts, pet damage, melee. You are also more likely to be grouped in RvR and getting RPs for the kills your fellow members are able to run like hell for :) - I notice you have over 771k RP's, so you don't seem to have a problem :)
Several lines of classes are not damage based in RvR. Sorcs mezzing, cabbys nearsighting, clerics healing - some rarely get a damage dealing spell off.

Support classes get bugger all reward for doing their job unless grouped. Mez, Nearsight, Heal get 0 RP's. The non-support classes get RP's rolling in for their RA's while the supports get 0 unless grouped.

Mythic DO need to sort this out asap.



Actually, they doubled the range to 8000 in this patch =)


Originally posted by fatgit

Support classes get bugger all reward for doing their job unless grouped. Mez, Nearsight, Heal get 0 RP's. The non-support classes get RP's rolling in for their RA's while the supports get 0 unless grouped.

Read your post: support classes. Who would support classes support if they were not grouped ???

When you start a support character, it is my understanding that you know you can not solo efficiently and you intend to always play in a group...


Originally posted by Loth
Or not die trying to get the mez off, as often happens ;)

Aye they need to do something about not getting RPs while dead :( else leading a charge gets you no benefit, even though you might win stuff for your realm.


Fingo - then everyone would do a mad charge all the time... sounds like fun :D


Aye aye I know... Was just thinking, with all the nerfs of mez, no one really wants to be a mezzer, no RPs, not that much effect as before.

And mezzing is even harder to be a support class with all the twats around all sides. Dont get me wrong, I love thanes, but I bet healers dont.

Seems that sorcs are doomed :/


most lvl 50 healers stop playing after a week or 2 during constant RvR.... I wonder why? :rolleyes:


Seems that sorcs are doomed :/

Wouldn't say doomed just yet, but we'll have to find new ways of doing things - dying after a great mez is wonderful for your group's RP's but not for your own :rolleyes:

I have to admit though, I certainly wouldn't roll a Sorceror for RvR at this point in time. We'll just have to wait and see what Mythic have in store for classes like ours.


Originally posted by trigali

When you start a support character, it is my understanding that you know you can not solo efficiently and you intend to always play in a group...

Agreed, however, support classes are expected to support everyone. It is hard to go to Emain as a non-anon Healer and not get spammed by people asking for resses. It is hard to refuse people, but it means lots of downtime for ressers for power regen, and some risk if it is near enemy stealthers. Support classes don't get any reward for the support we do out of groups, and in my experience that is alot of support.

Mythic have looked into this, but it's not as simple as saying give RP for heals, mezz and res etc. Should out of combat heals gain RP?, could you not get a friend jumping of a milegate repeatedly and farm RPs for healing him (and ressing for that matter). Why should you get RP for a mezz that doesn't result in an enemy death ?

Bottom line is, the lack of RP support classes gets sucks, but there is no easy solution, and I don't agree that we should ever get RP for heal, mezz or res. Perhaps they should put a x2 mulitplier on support class RP gained or something.


Well, at least we should get a nice 5-10% cut of the RPs when you mez and someone outside group kills it. I mean you can leech RPs if you DD once or hit with staff or something. Mez is important part aswell but doesnt give anything in return. Except thanks, but they dont raise me in any list.


Originally posted by SilverHood
Fingo - then everyone would do a mad charge all the time... sounds like fun :D

Not if the people you were charging didn't die :) you'd get no RPs...

now if you lost a couple of people and won the day then they should get RP for their contribution? :)


thats why Thanes use AoE rather than charge in :clap:


Originally posted by Loth

Wouldn't say doomed just yet, but we'll have to find new ways of doing things - dying after a great mez is wonderful for your group's RP's but not for your own :rolleyes:

I have to admit though, I certainly wouldn't roll a Sorceror for RvR at this point in time. We'll just have to wait and see what Mythic have in store for classes like ours.

Heh I did the opposite... saw all the nerfs and thought 'ooh a challenge' :)

Sorry guys :( I probably brought on the later nerfs... Mercenary... Cabalist... Earth Wizard... (then again they got improved) now Sorceror...

Mythic will have reduced mezz just to make me feel at home or something :)

(Omg mezz is so sick in the battlegrounds! No aoe insta-mezz to fight against in BG1, so the sorceror can actually cast stuff... sick sick :))


Sorry guys I probably brought on the later nerfs... Mercenary... Cabalist... Earth Wizard... (then again they got improved) now Sorceror...

Can't you go play a Skald or something ? :D


Hrm my alt on Logres is a Shaman... already done
my only archer is a Hunter...

Might start a minstrel alt! (hrm even thinking that was probably what made see hidden apply to minstrels, sorry Landshark :))


Originally posted by Coren
Aww... Poor sods. Will I get RP's for my speedsong? Will I get RP's for my powersong? Will I get RP's for my mez?

Well from now on, use only those skills and lets see how many rp's you will earn, you silly twat . All we bloody do as healers is rezz and mezz, and for that we get zipp nada numbsda rp , so we are more or less un-capable of making a single rp ungrouped , well except if I am lucky enough to surprise a caster and mezz him first , stun him and then melee him for an hour. But than again how many casters do you see run around solo , that your able to sneakup on , and get into mezz range on without stealth ???


Originally posted by trigali

Read your post: support classes. Who would support classes support if they were not grouped ???

When you start a support character, it is my understanding that you know you can not solo efficiently and you intend to always play in a group...

Well because all the UBER RP classes like bow users and backstappers dont like to share there rp's with us mortals ( some very nice peopel excluded ). But actualy you made a point there , maybe we should stop rezzing those peopel if they aint grouped...But then again I play a surpport class to help my realm, not to boost my ego by being the uber rp cow, but I still would like getting rp's for mezz / rezz and stun , as I can use the realm abillities that these will grant me just fine :p

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