Merc template - comment's plz


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Ging said:
low qui konah, i have 80 qui in current temp and need aug qui 2 to bring it up to 235 or my swing speed is jsut to slow with highlander merc, with 100 qui ill be able to free up them 4 ra points, i happen to know u got qui2 in on your merc as well as u told me.

It will never be 0 energy anyway, as you will get at least 15% from cleric buffs, and for the amount of times ive been pbaoed by a hib in the last 5 months (except for last night damn u stajj, not that my 40% energy resist did much good then :)) i can count on 1 hand.

Imo heat, cold, body, melee resist have to be capped, not many supp sm's about and im an alb so spirit itsn't of great concern. As a FG specced merc i dont take Wl's seriously.

not many active enchanters out there which do actully pbae offensivly.. works well when yr banlords are used and you get grappled.. cant outheal the damage :(

I do not think energy is worth it really except vs us =P


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Konah said:
anyway i care not, going alacritous offhand with my champ suit, perma-capped once that baby fires! :kissit:

so your merc is comming out of retirement? :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Stallion said:
not many active enchanters out there which do actully pbae offensivly.. works well when yr banlords are used and you get grappled.. cant outheal the damage :(

I do not think energy is worth it really except vs us =P

i dont know what u hit me for the other night stajj but my 2800 hp went in less that 1 sec, i think u had some help from a couple of hib caaster form the tower, didnt check logs tbh....


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Varna said:
Yeah, I mean it's not that hard a template to get...

Not capped on body.
Overcapped on your style / melee, wasted util.
HP cap items your not utilizing, wasted util.
Spirit s/c in your temp? Ok.
S/C Parts not fully utilized.

Obviously, your terminology of 'easy to get' is not what most of us share with you, and with the items your using, it's a pretty poor template and for one you kept secret.. maybe you should have.

they are easy to get items (items i didnt have) and items i already have as i mentioned! i knocked that sc up in about 5 min and i have a refined version i.e. more hits better sc parts but as i originaly posted i hate posting MY template so i posted a shrug off template from my one.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Ging said:
Imo these are not easy items to get

Flowing Antalya Shawl
Katorii's Shadow Pin
Statusque girdle of might
Ring of Silent Oblivion

as i stated easy to get items or items i already had and since well i had all them items all ready!

oh and btw

Flowing Antalya Shawl = 40 p
Katorii's Shadow Pin = 25p
Statusque girdle of might = 30p
Ring of Silent Oblivion = 5p

RoSO is easy to farm, so is the pin and the shawl. the only one not easy to acturly farm is the belt. (oh btw you cna farm 7.10 with 12 ppl maybe less)


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Martok said:
as i stated easy to get items or items i already had and since well i had all them items all ready!

oh and btw

Flowing Antalya Shawl = 40 p
Katorii's Shadow Pin = 25p
Statusque girdle of might = 30p
Ring of Silent Oblivion = 5p

RoSO is easy to farm, so is the pin and the shawl. the only one not easy to acturly farm is the belt. (oh btw you cna farm 7.10 with 12 ppl maybe less)

100 plat is _ALOT_ of cash/plat imo.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
well last night i picked my the ring for 4p so heh and also the pin now with cluster is alot cheaper!


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
Just a very dumb question from an old schooler:

It used to be that ppl went for low qui on their tank templates, because it didn't actually add anything to the dmg aoutput. You used to hit faster, but for less damage. So people went for low qui, to do max frontload damage. That was especially true for 2-H users.

I was gone from the game for a year and afterwards people suddenly were obsessed with capping Qui... did Mythic change the way qui affects damage, while I was gone?

Or does higher qui/swingspeed just allow you to to sink in more endu/growth rate in a shorter amount of time?


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Zagg said:
Just a very dumb question from an old schooler:

It used to be that ppl went for low qui on their tank templates, because it didn't actually add anything to the dmg aoutput. You used to hit faster, but for less damage. So people went for low qui, to do max frontload damage. That was especially true for 2-H users.

I was gone from the game for a year and afterwards people suddenly were obsessed with capping Qui... did Mythic change the way qui affects damage, while I was gone?

Or does higher qui/swingspeed just allow you to to sink in more endu/growth rate in a shorter amount of time?

the more quick and attack spd you have means the faster you hit and and the more damage you do in the same time.

eg. tank one has only 75 quick 10% melee spd = hits for 450 every 3.5 secounds

Tank two has 101 quick adn 10% melee spd = hits for 375 every 2.2 secounds

swing spds very depending on what weapons you are using so lets say both mercs are using 2x 4.1 spd weapons! and say in 10 secounds the damage they would do!

tank 1 = 2.85 swings in 10 secounds = 1282.5 dmg were as
tank 2= 4.54 swings in 10 secounds = 1702.5 in the same time

(disclamer these are not actural fingures and maybe off but you get the point)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
I know you hit faster with +qui... but do u actually increase damage over time was my question.

Your numbers proof nothing, since you admit they are made up from the blue. Did anyone actually test this?


Tests in the past (looooong ago) have shown, that that +qui makes you hit faster by factor x but you hit for less each hit by factor 1/x. So instead of doing 10 swings a minute for 100dmg each, with +qui you did 15 swings for 66dmg each. But - with or without +qui - you only hit for 1000 damage after a minute.

Did that change? If yes, what patch?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Zagg said:
I know you hit faster with +qui... but do u actually increase damage over time was my question.

Cba to look up the exact tests but I am 99% sure that higher quick = more damage over time..iirc it was something about it reduced base damage but proportionately the overall damage decrease was less than the decrease in swing speed. Could be wrong ofc as this was going back a while. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Zagg said:
but do u actually increase damage over time was my question.

base dmg is constant per swing, style dmg is constant over-time. which means: swinging faster increases your base dmg but style dmg comes in smaller "lumps". on dw classes the offhand is 100% unstyled dmg.

the old school tanks who didnt cap quick were a) retards and/or 2h b) pre-nerf zerkers abusing thier obscene style growth rates :eek6:

if u kill things in 1-2hits 0qui does it better because u get a larger "lump" of style dmg per swing and the first swing is always 0-delay, more than 2 hits & capped qui does it better. in a good 2-3 man assist train you should rarely need much more than 2-3hits each to drop your target, meaning qui is nice to have but 101 is not essential. if you mainly solo/interrupt bot then ~100qui is more important but hps and resists always are too :m00:

Ging said:
so your merc is comming out of retirement? :)

mebbe... ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
well, as said your base damage isn't affected by swing speed. you will just hit for the same amount, but faster. style damage decreases as your swing speed raises (except if you use artificial haste, ie, fast offhand with slow mainhand)

this means that increasing qui will always increase your unstyled and styled dps, unless your style damage does more then your base damage. in that case it might be worth it to drop qui as low as possible, like the case with prenerf LA. iirc, doublefrost had a growth rate of 2.0. in case you don't know: all taunts got a growth rate of around .6 which is the most commonly used anytime, and with this growth rate it adds approximately 35% to your mainhand damage

so, raising qui is good for all classes who are there for dps. next to that using a fast offhand rocks, because if both weapons swing, the actual swing speed is based on the average of both hands. this way you will hit faster without loss of style damage (style damage is based 100% on effective mainhand speed)

the question is, with albs usually having a lack of reliable stun in tanktrain, melee lag, strafing, and all other things preventing you from styling at cap speed, maybe its worth it to drop qui a little and use a slow offhand, so the hits you land will be bigger.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
the question is, with albs usually having a lack of reliable stun in tanktrain, melee lag, strafing, and all other things preventing you from styling at cap speed, maybe its worth it to drop qui a little and use a slow offhand, so the hits you land will be bigger.

problem these days is u have to carve through 2-3 brittle guards, then Blade turn before you can start eating into the 2-4k DI, this ofc is after your debuffed to fook and diseased and de-hastened :) and fighting to land a hit on a SM whos pet is intercepting approx 90% of your strikes which are now landing about every 3 secs. No point landing big hits on Brittles and blade turn so imo fast swing speed > slow swing speed as it speeds up cutting through the multiple defences allowing u to actually do some dmg to the caster.

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