Mentality of HIb/Mids


Tyrant I

Ok before I start this is no whine thread just wondered what makes you tick...
Ok on two occasions yesterday a Hib/Mid was outnumberd and facing a most likely death.. having a teeny weeny bit of conscience <silly me> I step in and PA an enemy on both occs. one shot kills... on both occasions the peep I saved so as to say,then forgets his original foes,who I state are still there, and attacks me.. just wondered why?? :)

Dont get me wrong Ive learned the hard way.. from now on I watch the fights and kill the sad remnants.

And even more crazy, twice when hibs are bein hunted by a larger no. of mids, Ive stepped in sent a Ickle chanter to the Luri in the Sky.. the hibs chase me to the ends of the earth.. forgettin they are gonna get ganked by the 2fg of mids they were just runnin from but who now they seem to have forgotten...

To summerise : Why do Infils invoke this reaction (Discuss)



Think about it dude.

In group vs group RvR the assassins are the first ones to be targeted along with the casters. Why? Because they are the easiest to kill and dish out the most damage. If you pop up in the middle of the group and kill the caster then everyone is going to go for you. If you are from another realm then people are not going to sit there and ponder RvR ethics, they wll probably assume you are working with the mids and are going to try and punish you for it.

In any RvR you just wanna kill as many as possible, and you want to kill the easiest ones first for the RP's. If you know death is a certainty you will go for the weaker or more annoying classes just to get those extra RP's before you croak.

Doesn't sound like your trying to help anyone, sounds like your just RP leeching off the mids. Do this enough and people will learn your name and target you specifically. Nobody cares who helps who in a fight, if you are from another realm you will get hit. Its hardly a Mid/Hib monopoly.

Take my advice, stay hidden, wait for fight to finish and pick off survivors - you are an assassin - it's what you do. No-one can blame you for playing your class. But they will blame you for making baseless assumptions and then coming here to complain about it.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Same thing happened to me. Saved a heroine and she repayed me by attacking me. Bitch. :p

Tyrant I

Not complaining Hairlock.. just interested :)
I have my answer ... ty


intresting thread m8... i mean, i had a occasion, when there was 2 mids.. a bone dancer and a worrior.. and there were 4 hibs.. two chanters i think, anyway.. the worrior fem, was having sum trouble with a particular chanter.. so i stepped in and sent him on his way to chanter heaven, she spun round to see, i bowed.. she bowed back, and /waved and all that and her m8, the bone dancer sends his skeleton cronies at me :( and i die... my only consolation was the worrior slapping the BD for his actions


Happened to me last night. :(

I was stealthing around, emoting people, ( as you do :p ), when I saw an infi yell for help. 'Hmm' I thought. 2 mids vs 1 alb. Bit unfair yes? So I went to help the alb, but wasn't in time. Mids saw me after I PA'd the healer and the skald insta mezz thinged me. Albs come running and leave the mids alone to gank me :(. BOOO! HISS!. Don't expect anymore help :)

And yes Kougar I know trying a shield pally was daft, but I am still trying my char. I wont make the same mistake again, even if I did kill him ( just ). You didnt need to shake your head at me ^^

P.S. Nasty poison I got dont I? :) how much str/con do ppl actually lose on it?


Was stealthing around near CK last week when hibs had it.
Spotted a SB and thought I would leave him alone as we were both in sight of 1 fg hibs.

Nah the sb decided to try and kill me and the happy hibs nuked us both ?

stupid yes ?




the word.. "dumbass" springs to mind, still thers only a set amount of common sence and the population keeps growing ( saw it some where and thought it was quite fitting )

btw, sorry 4 the head shake thing, i cant exactly say mis tell. it was directed to another alb not you, so my apologies :) but ur rite, trying a shiled pally isnt the best of ideas ;)


Sorry Tyrant, I think I sounded a bit harsh there. :D

But I was very careful to use the word "complain" rather than "whine". :)

But like I said, in BG's, like E-main, everyone goes around killing everyone. If you let the lone stealther run away in the spirit of fairness the chances are he will be PA'ing you 2 inutes later.

I just hate it when people boil it down to the behaviour of a particular realm.... it's people that are the problem.


Well, I can summarize it easily:

ppl from your realm= friends
ppl from other realm= targets (no matter if they saved your ass, there's still a war going on :) )

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