Religion Mental Health Services?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So, my arsehole younger brother is over from Oz and I'm looking for advice. I'm not sure how much detail I can be arsed to go into and I'll be doing my own research but Freddies might already have been through something similar so the TL: DR is: Is anyone aware of any services that give family members advice for dealing with someone with severe mental issues?

Long Version:
I left home at 18 and fucked off to Uni. Couldn't get out fast enough. Wasn't just mum, it was my younger brother too. He was a grade-A arsehole. (My sister is lovely). Whilst I was at Uni he ended up fucking off to Australia I think, in part, because he'd burned all of his bridges in the UK and thought he could make a fresh start.

I'd been avoiding him for ages and we've seen each other a handful of times since. I went to Oz to visit him for a couple of weeks before he got married in 2010, which was a disaster. Ended up telling him that I thought he was having real mental problems, that his relationships with everyone (not just his wife to be) were unhealthy and that I couldn't see anything but disaster ahead for him. He was divorced less than 12 months later. (Blames everyone but him).

I was banned from visiting him again (by the o/h) because I came back worn out and depressed.

He came over about a decade ago, clearly in some sort of state of nervous breakdown. Angry at everyone, blamed the whole world for his ills. Joining the conspiracy theory wagon-train that we all know (if you're in the venn diagram bubble of "covid was a conspiracy designed to kill us" then you're also likely in all of the venn diagram bubbles of <insert your own conspiracy here>.) He stayed 9 months in my mum's sheltered accomodation until I said "look, if you're going to stay in Blighty then you need, for your own self-respect, to get your own flat, move out of the old people's home and maybe get a job". So he fled back to Oz.

He's back. Ostensibly for 4 weeks, but that's already turned to 12 (at a minimum). Same deal again.

Reached out to him, took some holiday and asked him to come stay at mine for a few nights early on - do some kayaking, walking, bike-riding. Was a disaster again. But I've learned a few things - I think he's actually hallucinating his own reality. He's utterly convinced, truthfully, that he's stayed at my house (in deepest darkest North Wales) before. He went to Spain to my sister's holiday flat, utterly convinced that he's stayed there 20 years ago too.

I think he's nailed-on Narcissitic Personality Disorder. He ticks every single box in the symptoms category and hits "environment" head-on in causes (too much adoration, but nowt can be done about that now).

He's also on some spectrum of a schizo-type disorder (the delusion and paranoid part - maybe my description of hallucinating his own reality was off the mark - he has delusions. Many of his beliefs are utterly delusional and irrational but he cannot see that. Even in the face of irrefutable evidence - he has an inability to piece time together. E.G. he accused my sister of "buying the family home out from under him" during his A-levels when my mother actually suggested a house-swap when he was in his early 20's. He's apparently held that belief a long time and my sister said it really shook him when she pointed out that we went to his 21st birthday at that house, when he was living there long after his A-Levels.

Lots of things in the "causal" (or "related to") category: Far from ideal childhood (dead father, increasingly alcoholic mother, inappropriate parenting from her (he was the "golden child who could do no wrong" (and still is)).

For me, it's tragic. We're never going to be close - he's far too much of a drain. He's utterly disruptive to my own mental wellbeing - and I've a partner who's my primary concern and a job to hold down - so "best mates" we'll never be. Unfortunately, he's got zero close lifelong relationships - he simply can't maintain them and after a while people run a mile.

So, ostensibly, he's here for another few weeks. I've got maybe half a day where I might be able to see if I can convince him that he really has a very serious problem and he needs to seek help. My sister's on the same page but we're both worried about how to approach him without him kicking off and actually getting a result. I suspect when it's broached, he'll bring his flight forward and fuck off back to Oz - as happened last time when I said "flat and job is what's required if you're going to stay".

He's had some sort of diagnosis previously, some sort of therapy, I think some sort of medication - but he won't tell us about it.

Of course, he's well on the way to being full-blown alcoholic (I think he's there tbh). And there's plenty of other substance misuse which isn't helpful. That's been there since early teenage years.

Anyway. This has helped me get my thoughts straight, so it turns out I typed more than I needed to :)

Yes, I know the answer is "get professional help". But if any Freddies have some similar experience, or have pointed friends or family in the direction of help, shout up and let me know what that help is, and where it can be found. I'll do my own research, of course, but you lot are included in that.

I'll be asking a question about network design for my house renovation soon too. I expect diagrams in response to that one :)
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I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Mental health services in this country are a joke. I'd look what's available in Australia.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Mental health services in this country are a joke. I'd look what's available in Australia.
I agree. I'm tempted to see if there's a pay-for service at least, and stump up the cash to get him in for a few appointments, if he's willing.

Which, ofc, he won't be. If you read through that narcissitic personality disorder symptom list how receptive are you going to be to someone telling you:
  • You have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance
  • You're not special and don't deserve privileges
  • You're not superior, and you've achieved absolutely dick
  • You're an arrogant arse
...and it's all because you're mental, not special.

It's a hiding to nothing isn't it really :(


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
How does he manage to get by in Oz when he retreats over there?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
How does he manage to get by in Oz when he retreats over there?
Who knows really. At one point he absconded from an advertising agency with one of their clients and made a load. Didn't last though, business collapsed, got divorced, never got back on any wagon (including a job wagon).

Can't trust a word he says. I suspect he's on the dole tbh, had hints about that. He's currently renting a millionaires' mansion and sub-letting all the rooms - so he'll be rent-free, living in a gorgeous place, in a very precarious position as people ain't going to share a house with him for very long.

He's 46.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Tough one, hard to make someone get help from half a planet away. Did the ex ever say anything?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Mental health services in this country are a joke. I'd look what's available in Australia.

As someone who is still going through mental health issues closing in on nearly 2 decades now, I can absolutely agree with this. Mental Health services here are shite, underfunded and underqualified people working in them mostly.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
A hard one mate. Tbf your bro will happily consume anything you give him, help or otherwise, while hes ill. He will never realize why you do this, or that he needs help, because he is ill. He needs authoritative psychological help, therapy, and probably some kind of medication for a bit. I know you already know this and as said, the mental health care in Blighty isn't the greatest. Tbh I'm with Tom on this one: Oz might actually yield a better solution. Unfortunately with such persons I reckon its unlikely that you'll convince them without professional help. Good luck dude.

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