melee relic



we passed thrue that army when the 2 hours limit to return relic was about to exceed.and not only that we had to open The damn doors also !

/em Clicks The doors 3423948405703753 times(hibs resting) Run, sprint, Run in Rl Too ,haha that was fun

Madeleine 50 skald - Elding Vakten
Miposimetrelos 41 hunter
Ertai lvl 20 DRM
~~~~White Rose! ~~~~~~

Cheers :>


GG all mids!

Atleast we dare to take a relic prime time! ;)

And a special thx to Sub for getting lost! Get a map ffs :D


He did have a map

Sub : ahhh shit i got lost on the map
sub: sorry guys!




Did you not hear the sonic boom as we came roaring down the hill toward Mid mile gate? We are talking top skald speed plus everyone on sprint :p

Kiranians little legs were going like bee's wings :D

Like someone said above I think the time and the manner of the relic capture is somthing that's going to be hard to beat.


hehe I cant belive you made it...
after my second /rel at mmg ( hib side, as normal I was the only rusher :( ) I went to Mjollnir to do some /cry's at the lonely Relic, I didnt think that the relic team would make it, and all the sudden I see " The Forces of Midgard has captured Hibernias Streght Relic"...
Takes a middie to rush 60 pbaoe abuseing hibbies mages.. and make it...


Takes a middie to rush 60 pbaoe abuseing hibbies mages.. and make it...

I was with you in fat d0rf and gimped healer form Atrox, pbaoe does have the ow effect but even still i to my suprised made it to the left hand hib side. A few reheals a mezz and im back on my way......then dead :)

Pity healers get nothing offensive spell wise :D


*sigh* yet again the midget gets ignored :) I tried to get some hibs to storm crauchon about 20 minutes before you left but they were too busy on the wall to send a few down :\ ah well :)

many grats mids :) hopefully some hibs will wake up, had a great 3-way fight at crauchon when the hibs retook :) the albs stormed in followed by teh mids :D saw some very nice fighting :)


Indeed this was a great raid :clap: :clap:

I tryed to rush through into the hibs at mmg, i thought if i could make it through i could get them from behind (yes i know silly thought) but i made it half way then ended up in a circle of PBAE'ers which as you can imagine wasnt pretty :) but shortly after i /Released and was on a horse back to uppland i hear on /as that mids made it through the hibbie crowd :clap: :clap:

PS: hibs at mmg must of been :m00: :m00: to let our mids past, but well done to the peeps that made it through and the brave warriors that charged :clap: :clap: :clap:


OMG very well done mids !
Too bad i missed the fun :( ....lucky for you though i think :p
No serious well done but as nova said enjoy while u can ;)


Originally posted by old.¥ØÐÄ

alb was 1st realm to succesfuly raid your relic keep :p

you took your own, not a hibs :)
and if you class that as a raid,


Yea, and most of all, thx 4 not whining...


I want to say thank you to all the mids who showed up.

Special mention goes to:

Sub (for getting the idear in the first place)
Killgorde (and his 1337 team of ram builders)
Madeleine's mad 100 yeards Hibbie dash team (w00t!)
And to the rest of all you beautifull trolls, kobbies, dorfs and norsemen and women that made it possible.

You all know who you are! You did a fecking great job, made me proud! :D

Im gonna have a sore neck and sore fingers for a week, because I was typing non-stop for almost 4 hours trying to get this together! Totally worth it though :clap:

And WR, you rock!

Arghhh so much fun, can't stop smiling :D

Here comes the (tired) cow :m00:


Originally posted by old.LandShark
/cheer @ mids for a well done relic theft, just don't get ideas about Excalibur...

<Studies Siege Storage Char inventory and then remembers fondly the peaceful glades of Forest Sauvage and the friendly purple guards of Excalibur Keep>

But seriously...well done guys...particularly Hulbur, Sub and Kiranian for putting her nuts on the chopping block (err...that dont sound right) and risking all with that last dash through MMG.

/salutes Midgard


I felt so fucking embarrased when I found out we were in gorge... I will make sure to learn the way 100% before I lead anything else, havent been so ashamed for long, the biggest n00b move to make ;/


could be worse, you coulda stumbled into fomororian nastythings or drakes ;)


This show us midis can do other things apart from write in forums.
well done!


Well done middies =)

:clap: :clap: :clap:

/me wonders why all relic raids happen when she is not there.


Another problem we faced were 10 Hibs experiencing at the mushroom camp just SW of Relic Keep as the Mid army were en route. Me, Sheba and Aragorn had the task of dispensing them as we felt to commence the raid with them alive would jeapodised proceedings due to how close they were.

By taking this action was also risking higher lvl Hibs coming down and investigating. And that's exactly what happened. Just as the Mid army started Ramming the first door, Talivar and several other Hibs showed up surveying the corpses at the mushrooms. As we took down Talivar, the others began running towards the Relic keep as we gave chase. We killed 2 but the last one made it and that's when we thought we'd blown the raid. Luckily no one turned up and we got on with the job in hand :)

Anyway, well done to everyone that took part. That was the most fun I've had on a raid due to the what seemed an impossible task of us successfully getting the Relic safely through the masses of enemy players in Emain and on to our TK. To accomplish this was some achievement, so well done Eos, Dez, Madeleine, Kiranian and the rest of the group giving support and all those that turned up at MMG to lend a hand.

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Wd mid's

Too bad u got the relic, but still this have been one of the best RvR night's ever.

And now all u Hibs let us get back to Emain, and not use all our time at Bg' playing alts :)


Originally posted by Aeiedil
*sigh* yet again the midget gets ignored :) I tried to get some hibs to storm crauchon about 20 minutes before you left but they were too busy on the wall to send a few down :\ ah well :)

many grats mids :) hopefully some hibs will wake up, had a great 3-way fight at crauchon when the hibs retook :) the albs stormed in followed by teh mids :D saw some very nice fighting :)
hehe yes we were standing outside crauchon and then madeleine says that we've been spotted by Aeiedil, we all ran inside expecting 70 angry hibs pounding at the doors wanting their relic back :)




btw what did you think when you saw 50 albs at mmg? :p


Originally posted by eös

hehe yes we were standing outside crauchon and then madeleine says that we've been spotted by Aeiedil, we all ran inside expecting 70 angry hibs pounding at the doors wanting their relic back :)

lol celtic fist /as went somethhing like this

random slan1: let's zeeeerg crauchon, relic must be inside
random slan2: yeeeeeeeah gogogo
random slan3: no mids aren't that stupid to hold relic inside crauchon. let's go hold mmg
random slan4: ok

next time we WILL expect you to be that stupid. :p

edit: typo


Was mantinex that said they wouldnt be that stupid wasnt it? hehe,,

Any way nice way of gettin through the wall i swear i hit one of u... problem was i lost you because of the crappy fps...:mad:

but other than that... Nice raid:clap:

(edit spelling)


If we had gone to take Crauchon we would have lost the mid wall, which we were then holding against huge waves of incoming mids and albs - a huge mistake that would have made it easy for you to slip out while we were banging on the gates. We stuck to our strategy and it was the right one - trying to keep you stuck in emain until the two hour timer ran out, or get you trying to rush the milegate. A bit of strategy, a bit of skill, a bit of luck, and a TON of lag got you through our blockade. ;) Cheers to our leaders for making a tough call and cheers to the hib defenders for sticking to it. One mezz in the right place and we would be here now gloating about the greatest relic save in the history of our server. :p


So did you actually hold the relic in crauchon for a while? the reason i said in alliance to not attack it was because if the mids see the hib zerg move towards crauchon, it would be alot easier for them to sneak through and get past their wall to take home the relic, but they still got it, somehow.


I think , the bigest mistage was that no one /y "be rdy. for the mids with the ralic must come soon"

If some one did say that , then i think we was rdy. to mezz you mids with the relic :(

I for one did not even see any mids with any relic, and i was told that the person with the relic , got some kind of spotlight on him ??????

Bleri McThrust

Gratz on getting the Hibbie relic.

Your prime time relic raid led to just about the best nights RvR for a long time.

3 way battles in Emain brings back such fond memories :)


I even saw the group but i didnt notice that they carried the relic... (should /effects self prevent seeing the reliccarrier effect too...) :(

anyways i tried to snare madeline i think after blasting her but, surprise!, she resisted my l33t lvl 22 valorspec snare :p

i didnt even have time to warn the others about the group rushing past us and since i didnt see that one of them carried the relic i figured they were only a group that decided to join their fellow mids on the other side of mmg... :(

But still, grats mids on a great relicraid, and at a great time :)

I can imagine how half the lowlvl expgroups in hib looked: "damn, gtg mids attacking the relic"
<insert alt here> has just left the group :D


Thanks Golenstadt and Hibs and especially Mids for an absolutely great RvR night. Took 20mins out after the Dragon killing, was in the mood for something exciting and alliancechat pops up this. Couldn't ask for better. This was so good it should almost be allowed a regular event.

Gratz to Mids for pulling this off, but seriously Hibs I can't believe you let the relic through. You must be so gutted.


It wasn't stupid holding it at DC, that was sensible. What was stupid was running it though 50 or so hibs at mmg, but as they say, fortune favours the brave.

The clock was ticking, and as it turns out it was good that we moved when we did, because not very long after we left the albs started to attack DC. You missed by about 5-10 minutes albs.

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