Saturday (20:00 GMT) WEST OF SKONA.
Bit short notice, but if i get enough peeps to fill spots ill do this, will be my first time ever organizing anything like this so im gonna stick to Blej's plan since it was pretty full proof. Few things i want to get clear tho
. Mostly sticking to (and ripping
) Blej's plan, however would like if Warriors and Savages had as much Determination as possible as it affects the Stun, just incase she releases those stupid pets while everyone is stunned
. Also Healers and shammys, if you AE Mezz or AE root spam it on those bloody retriever pets, as far as I can see they are the main cause for wipeouts, well that and pbaoe. Btw, AE Mezz and Root dont make the dragon do wierd things do they?
!!!By the way, I am very much open to ideas, as im not fully familiar with all the Dragon raid quirks and things. Speak up if you have an idea or improvement.
Shaman: Battlefield
Healer Mender: Melachi
Healer Mender: Mirae
Healer Pac: Funkdokta
Warrior: Silvester
Warrior: Youkay
Savage: Ottar
Supp Runey 6s pbt: Avonleah
Shaman: Tormax
Healer Mender: Elasto
Healer Mender: Fina
Savage: Muuuuh
Savage: Schwarz
Savage: Trixxy
Savage: Lubricator
Supp Runey 6s pbt: avehkai
Shaman: Yulius
Healer Mender: Zapsi
Healer Mender: Fayle
Berserker: Werewolf
Savage: Fetid
Savage: Frostagor
Supp Runey 6s pbt: Skizzor
Hunter with rapid fire: Tesla
Warrior: Kantor
Healer pac: Pakk
Healer mend: Vondra
Hunter: Snornig
Supp rm: Ariraden
Shaman: Benke, Denthor
Berserker: Bluesky, Coolan
Loot pickers / Gimps / pink bunny vendors: Tasllehoff,
Few little rules and things:
1. Hopefully we will get her killed buy it might take more than one attempt so please be ready to give a second or third attempt.
2. Theres 24 people on the raid, so you will all get a RA and Skill stone, and we will lotto what ever loot drops if your char or other level 50 alt can use it. Any cash that drops goes to the group thats able to pick it up, its not that much so Im not gonna give it any time.
3. In your post, you must tell me all your RA's and Specs and if Cold resist is capped.
4. Backups go in order of written above, first come first server in terms of backup. First team will be hand picked as I want people ive seen on the raid before or ones I think will be well suited.
5. Purge isnt a neccesity, would be nice but not compulsary.
6. Bind at Galplen in the rare case that we all have to release, however hopefully we will have a few buffbots that can rezz in the case of a wipeout.
7. This is my first time doing some sort of raid like this, so gimme a little break, if I make any mistakes do please tell me, but dont go nuts at me
8. Read the stuff i robbed from Blej's post below ;x
Bit short notice, but if i get enough peeps to fill spots ill do this, will be my first time ever organizing anything like this so im gonna stick to Blej's plan since it was pretty full proof. Few things i want to get clear tho
!!!By the way, I am very much open to ideas, as im not fully familiar with all the Dragon raid quirks and things. Speak up if you have an idea or improvement.
Shaman: Battlefield
Healer Mender: Melachi
Healer Mender: Mirae
Healer Pac: Funkdokta
Warrior: Silvester
Warrior: Youkay
Savage: Ottar
Supp Runey 6s pbt: Avonleah
Shaman: Tormax
Healer Mender: Elasto
Healer Mender: Fina
Savage: Muuuuh
Savage: Schwarz
Savage: Trixxy
Savage: Lubricator
Supp Runey 6s pbt: avehkai
Shaman: Yulius
Healer Mender: Zapsi
Healer Mender: Fayle
Berserker: Werewolf
Savage: Fetid
Savage: Frostagor
Supp Runey 6s pbt: Skizzor
Hunter with rapid fire: Tesla
Warrior: Kantor
Healer pac: Pakk
Healer mend: Vondra
Hunter: Snornig
Supp rm: Ariraden
Shaman: Benke, Denthor
Berserker: Bluesky, Coolan
Loot pickers / Gimps / pink bunny vendors: Tasllehoff,
Few little rules and things:
1. Hopefully we will get her killed buy it might take more than one attempt so please be ready to give a second or third attempt.
2. Theres 24 people on the raid, so you will all get a RA and Skill stone, and we will lotto what ever loot drops if your char or other level 50 alt can use it. Any cash that drops goes to the group thats able to pick it up, its not that much so Im not gonna give it any time.
3. In your post, you must tell me all your RA's and Specs and if Cold resist is capped.
4. Backups go in order of written above, first come first server in terms of backup. First team will be hand picked as I want people ive seen on the raid before or ones I think will be well suited.
5. Purge isnt a neccesity, would be nice but not compulsary.
6. Bind at Galplen in the rare case that we all have to release, however hopefully we will have a few buffbots that can rezz in the case of a wipeout.
7. This is my first time doing some sort of raid like this, so gimme a little break, if I make any mistakes do please tell me, but dont go nuts at me
8. Read the stuff i robbed from Blej's post below ;x
Stuff i robbed form blejs post
PBAE warning is: "You feel a rush of air flow past you as Gjalpinulva inhales deeply!"
AE warning is: "Gjalpinulva glares at PLAYERNAME and unleashes a horrendous blast
Usefull stuff.
Have main chat in yellow/red color to see dragon warnings.
Seers fix macro and spam cg when a AE/PBAOE is inc.
Notes for Melee:
1. Do NOT stick. /face the dragon, and keep on your toes.
2. Do NOT run if you have agro. (unless your glared at)
3. DO USE positional styles with bonus to hit, and make sure you are not all facing the dragons front. Spread out, use side and rear styles and attack points. Also under the dragon is good.
4. DO NOT style if you see one of 2 messages. Instead /b or /c the appropriate responses.
* Gjalpinulva glares at <someone> and unleashes a horendous blast
(response: RUN <NAME> )
* Gjalpinulva takes in a puff of air, gasps air, or inhales deeply, and the last PbAE says "with a last heave of breath" or something.
(response: PBAE INC, RUN)
The one melee style you miss is worth helping the raid to live!
5. DO NOT let your ego get in the way of the raid. If you have been glared at, run. If you see "PbaE INC", run! Your not a sisseh, your saving the raid. Also, dont try and pull off your uber styles. Use only the high % to hit styles.
Every spell you do should be in dragon melee range.