Meh arti raids!



Thats the last one i'll ever run on mid.... because of the 3 following reasons...

1. People not reading thread and asking stupid questions constantly which they can find the answers to here= stress
2. People whining because we won't do an artifact that isnt even on the list
3. Foppish bugged on this raid.. i used the head and he still kept healing... and somone said something like "you didn't do it properly" which pissed me off.. i spend my own time hosting raids on artis that i'm not even going to use and idiots like that just turn up do fuck all but stick and afk then whine when something bugs... well i cba!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 16, 2005
xGenocidex said:
Thats the last one i'll ever run on mid.... because of the 3 following reasons...

1. People not reading thread and asking stupid questions constantly which they can find the answers to here= stress
2. People whining because we won't do an artifact that isnt even on the list
3. Foppish bugged on this raid.. i used the head and he still kept healing... and somone said something like "you didn't do it properly" which pissed me off.. i spend my own time hosting raids on artis that i'm not even going to use and idiots like that just turn up do fuck all but stick and afk then whine when something bugs... well i cba!

Now thats a real shame and i hope you reconsider mate, i had no complaints about the well run and organised raid you did. :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Please reconsider Geno - was an extremely well run raid - ignore the few n00bheads that pissed u off :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2004
I loved the raid and was very well led.

I PM you at start of raid just to say GOV was up and that was all, you will always get some AFK idiots and fools on a raid, but all in all was a superb well run raid.

Please reconsider as it was good for me got the artifacts I needed (well the encounter)

And many many thanks for running it.


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Well add a FYI-person that is in charge of infomation during the raid. Someone who is a like a faq for entire raid. This way you can concentrate on the acctual encounter, and not have to be bothered with ''stupid'' questions, acctualy you could remove /send from chat box.

Suggestion for a FYI-person.
-People that doesn't pm the FYI-person and use the /bg for questions regarding raid, will get warned and then booted.

-FYI-person should be officer in /bg so he can remove/invite to the bg if it's set to private.

-FYI-person should answer questions about where zerg is and what enc is next, info about what arti will be done and witch that are not to be done. Information about the acctual encounters should not be FYI-persons responsibility, thats raidleader task to type in /bg.

-FYI-person will also hold a /cg where peps can yell LFG and sutch unwanted in /bg spammage.

But the ofc this is just some suggestion, and I do hope you keep organizing these raids in feature.:worthy:


Joohl... everything i got asked they could find the answers in this thread literally everything... i shouldnt need a FYI person... what i need is a bg with people in who arent lazy and dont mind checking a thread before asking stupid questions - and i told this to atleast 30-40 different people who after being told CONTINUED to ask the same question

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
xGenocidex said:
Joohl... everything i got asked they could find the answers in this thread literally everything... i shouldnt need a FYI person... what i need is a bg with people in who arent lazy and dont mind checking a thread before asking stupid questions - and i told this to atleast 30-40 different people who after being told CONTINUED to ask the same question

If you so think that your way is the correct way to handle why are you complaining about the reaction of the raid attenders?
If your way was the correct way surely everything would go according to plan, right?


Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
If you so think that your way is the correct way to handle why are you complaining about the reaction of the raid attenders?
If your way was the correct way surely everything would go according to plan, right?

Everything did goto plan... if you'd even bother to read of find out you'd know that.. rather than posting things before you even know the facts... i was complaining because of people asking questions like "What arti is next" "Are we doing malice yet" "are we doing erinys on this raid?" "Can we side track to get such and such arti" hence me posting its all in the thread.. the list the order all the answers to the questions they asked... obviously you've misunderstood whats been said and decided to try start a flame wagon up... nice try

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
xGenocidex said:
Everything did goto plan... if you'd even bother to read of find out you'd know that.. rather than posting things before you even know the facts... i was complaining because of people asking questions like "What arti is next" "Are we doing malice yet" "are we doing erinys on this raid?" "Can we side track to get such and such arti" hence me posting its all in the thread.. the list the order all the answers to the questions they asked... obviously you've misunderstood whats been said and decided to try start a flame wagon up... nice try

If everything went according to plan, then why were people whining and getting on your nerves?


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
If everything went according to plan, then why were people whining and getting on your nerves?

because the raid didnt go to their own individual plan, and not how they wanted it, even tho it was someone else's raid. You always get the know it alls, and ones that want to do others things.

If xGenocidex feels it was a success, that means he set out what he want to do, and completed it. Just becuase it doesn't look that way to others doesn't mean it failed.

Well done xGenocidex for organising the raid

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