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- #31
Yep Yep same problem here, IE6 is an arse for reeel....
damn m$
damn m$

Originally posted by SoWat
Could be a transparent cache I suppose.
Try putting a '?abc' (without quotes) at the end of the current address when you're browsing the forums, then do a refresh.
Originally posted by SoWat
Could be a transparent cache I suppose.
Try putting a '?abc' (without quotes) at the end of the current address when you're browsing the forums, then do a refresh.
the site is undergoing heavy maintainance work, most consist of removing presentational attributes from the html, and converting still more into css, running into different browser implementations in the way. did you know that IE doesn't recognize "white-spacere", which is spec'ed in the css level 1, yet, the newest IE beta (which it was tested on), still remains fully css compliant, since the CSS1 Core says that a UA (user agent = browser) may ignore the white-space value. NS6 on the other hand, doesn't ignore it. bah
Anyway, expect garbled text, weird colors, and messed up pages as long as this goes on. not much will change in other words.