MAX & Reaver = Easy mode?



Had PS now for 5 day and what can I say, it's fun having large scale battles and closely fought contents until one side or the other brings in these huge armoured mechanical beasts that tear people apart and totally ruin the whole game.

Same with Reavers, you'll be having a great shootout with a few people then one Reaver comes along and kills 17 people with 3 missiles.

I've not got Reaver or MAX skill, dunno if I ever will as I like to use at least a little skill when I play something, not just hit 'teh win button' as PS seems to have come complete with.

I think these at least shouldn't be as easy to certify for as they are, even n00bs can get them, rack up 100's of kills and claim to be 'uber'.

SNIPER = 5 points - a few complicated and well aimed kills.
SNIPER + REINF = 8 points - Still can't live as long as MAX or get as many kills for over 2x the points.
AI MAX = 3 points - 100's of easy kills.
AI MAX + REAVER = 7 points - i r teh oober killz0r playa with 2000+ kills already cos i got da skillz0rz.
Surely these machines should cost at least twice the points in order to maintain some kind of balance in the combat?

Anyway, these are my opinions, and no doubt it's been raised on more than one occasion but anyway..


Anti-Vehicle weapon = death of max and reaver.

Since I went AV I no longer fear Maxes especially, I actively look for them. Much fun blowing them away from long range.


I agree these units are both incredably offensive. But, MAX's are slow, can't turn very fast and can't (ever) hack doors etc. So straifing and such is good against them. I agree mabey making each MAX outfit 2 more points than it already is would be a little more sensible. However, (if you check in VR) certain weapons are very effective at killing them.

Reavers are just silly.


Originally posted by Saturnine
straifing and such is good against them. .

I do this.. thanks to lag or something else bizarre happening I get blown to pieces even though I am behind them and they are firing in the wrong direction :mad:


I got rid of sniping to get AV.... MAX'es are no worry

especially as the lancer doubles up as a sniper for medium range


Reavers would be fine if it wasn't for everyman and his dog thinking "I am elite pilot" all getting reaver and then finding the need to fire 50 missles at one infantry man running .... weird.

As for maxes like has been said they all have their strengths:

AV MAX: Anti-Vehicle outside and Anti-Max - Shit vs infantry

AI MAX: Brilliant vs infantry - Shit VS vehicles/maxs (Depends on empire here)

AA MAX - Anti-Air nuff said - Everything else :(

Anyway i have an Xtro with me so im ok :p


Vanu AA maxes are absoloutly sensational for killing reavers. You fire energy-pusles willy nilly, but as soon as your cursor even hovers over the bratty-gunship for a moment, all airborne energy-orbs home in on it, doing damage thats not to be sniffed at.

Similar damage as the pulsar to most other targets though (if that).

The TR AA Max is pretty cool too, anchored it just pours (there is no other word.. well mabey floods) flack into the sky that does big AoE dmg, and is hard to avoid. Unfortunatilly, it's even worse than the vanu one for non-aerial attacks.

Not tried the NC ones.


Reavers tend to unload half their ammo stock at me :/
Same with rocklet users.


Mosq > Reaver
Rocketrifle > MAX

Cheer up Cornell!


Check out the leaders board, not many MAXs on it. Some have mosq/reaver skills .. mainly its just reinforced grunts.


I have found the NC AA AMX very usefull against all MAXs.


I specced out of AI MAX, because I disliked having a turning circle that could only be compared to a very obese Elephant cought in a small cupboard. The main things I missed when I ran around with my Sniper Rifle was the autorun speed and the jumping on walls with my rocketpack.


Yeah, I found the turning speed of the maxes to be almost elephantine.
So to get round this, I set the mouse sensetivity to maximum.
Now they positivley spin around like a more spritely elephant.


Max's and reavers are good for the game, every person i've introduced i've pointed at the TR DC/Reaver to get to know things, once they know how the game works they almost always spec out of one or the other. Both machines are good for introducing n00bs and can easily be beaten by a half skilled player with the right equipment.

BTW they should be called ED209's not maxs' imo :cool:


well i have tried bouth MAX and reaver and i getting killed in seconds :) prolly coz i suck at it :)


basically, any vehicle is a non-skillful bit of equipment in PS. MAX's are probably the least skillful in the whole game tho, anyone can press W while left clicking at little blobs on your screen. theres no strategy in using one, no jumping (unless ur vs of course), no crouching, no hiding, its just... walk and fire. i found it increadibly dull when i played a max. i like a challenge. killing a MAX with a couple of grenades and a pulsar is probably the most satisfying thing on the planet, i say probably because i've never actually managed it, because max's are over powered.

but i wouldnt say they ruin the game. they're useful for people with crappy cons, or people that just arent any good at FPS's, which is fair enough. they do make the game fairly varied too, its nice not always fighting normal players, its fun and a challenge to fight a vehicle of some description.

reavers are ok, but i got so bored of mine after about a day, it really is just too easy. just fly in, bombard someone with missiles and fly out, without dying.

bolt driver + shotgun = teh skill uz0r = me


getting kills with a max does take skill... more than I thought when I first got one :)


Agreed Silver. Played wrong they are 100% cannonfodder for anyone in the area. None of the weapons are spectacularly accurate as well (cept AA vs Reaver/mosquito) so you have to lead yer target and hope for the best.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Rocket Rifle - secondary fire - six rounds of pure luv = dead MAX. :D


MAX does take a bit of skill to play.

90% of reaver pilots spend half their time camping towers so they can fire a full volley of missiles at a cloaker :), you have only to watch reaver vs reaver 'battles' to spot that they have almost zero skill in dogfights.

A decent mossie pilot can wipe out several reavers before buying-the-farm, and reavers are easy fodder for decimators, coz they dont move, they just hover in the same spot begging to be shot down :)

That being said, a good reaver pilot can live a long and prosperous life getting 10-1 or better kill ratio's (you know who you are) but is it a 'Win' button? No.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Get a bard, two mana chanters = lots of dead MAX'.

pbaoe for teh win. :p


Hehe, wonder how long it will be before they introduce "Stun" grenades?


I agree that MAXs and Reavers are quite overpowered and can sway a battle in their own empire's favor pretty easily in numbers but they do have weak points like any other class on this game.


Reavers aren't overpowered.

If there is AA in the area Reavers will sod off altogether as frankly they cannot win except under the most infrequent of conditions.

This is a war game and not CS and 100 years of RL warfare show that if you ignore the air war then you will lose.

But are the players complaining, outfit players who actually put together a functioning squad or platoon or people who more often find themselves in adhoc teams?

There are weapons that will beat each target in game, just make sure you have one nearby.

MAX's are the same. MAX in your base? get your special weapons guys to take him out, rocket or decimator. And at range your choices are better as you can then out maneuver the guy.

The more I play the game the more I think its VERY balanced. Its just that not everyone is discovering the strengths and weaknesses of each unit type at the same time leading to a "flavour of the month" scenario.


Faeldawn hit the nail on the head with dumbo-reavers hovering about waiting to have some mag-shots shuffled over to them :p


Originally posted by old.Dillinja
I agree that MAXs and Reavers are quite overpowered and can sway a battle in their own empire's favor pretty easily in numbers but they do have weak points like any other class on this game.

If NC had nader MAX that TR have, i would definately consider speccing it, insane range and decent damage output due to rof. Get a few of them to pound for suppressive effect, that makes them support ..yes.. but at the end of the day thats what max units are.


world + dog has AV or anti max weapons these days

so might as well loose the MAX


yeah I took out two maxes together with a rocket laucher this evening.

honestly even the so called overpowered Terran DC aint that bad really. It aint as bad as DAoC was for balance.

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