masterpiece cloak



ok, decided to get off my fat arse (buns of steel honestly :)) and made myself a masterpiece cloak last night, anyway i've got one and all, but when spell crafting comes in, what to do with it????

any suggestions? i've heared that you can make a rather nice resist item with it but i'm open to other suggestions :)


first put either a focus lvl or a charge on it i think, that gives it a level.

Then you can imbue it with anything like a normal item of clothing, so you can get specific Mid resist cloaks, and Hibs resist cloaks to tailor (no pun intended) your resists to the enemy you are fighting.



Are we sure we can do this? I mean it was stated a bug in the US and corrected in a later patch. Will GOA patch as the US so we will be able to SC cloaks for a while or will they fix this bug immidiately so we can't "exploit" it? They did fix some things before it would have been fixed in a patch before, like the bow of flames if I'm not totally mistaken.

Hmm, should probably ask RightNow this but haven't got my account details at my dear mothers place :)


well i know a certain lurikeen who's stocking up on masterpiece cloaks right now, to use the bug you mentioned so she can make a killing once it get's fixed :p

would be a bit funny if all that work goes to waste because goa double patches us or something :p


well got 29 mp cloaks in my vault atm if the bug is in ill have some nice cloaks if its not cloak anyone?? :D


given the usual procedure for patchings, we get the bugs as US got them.

Mythic stated that it was a bug - but they allowed any pre-correction cloaks to stay as they were, so it doesnt seem all that horrible :)


the cloaks you are talking about are crafted cloaks that are imbued with a tinkture with alchemy which brings the cloak to a maximum of lvl47. Hence it can be imbued with spellcrafting for a certain amount of points. It worked in 1.54 in US and it will probably work for us here in EU aswell. This bug was removed in 1.56 and Mythic stated that the bugged cloaks that already was made in 1.54 was allowed to continue to exist.

The funny thing is this, if you create cloaks and imbue them to lvl47 you can actually spellcraft them later on, even in 1.56. As far as I know for Hibernia, only the Grand summoner cloak slaps this type of cloak on the fingers regarding itemized value, so it is a very good cloak we talk about here that is possible to create.


Aye and the glacier giant drops one with a higher mval too. Albs shafted again :>


hehe already worked my SC template for my mp cloak :D

ganna have 5 parry/7 slash/7 thrust :D

that to go along side my SC`d mp weapons.. when i get them :p


16 dex, 7 thrust 7 crush 7 slash resistance :>


Meatballs, all realms can kill Grand summoner afaik :)


hits +20, 9%slash/9%crush/9%thrust is my plan for 1 cloak btw :D


just found this:

Q. I heard Alchemists can imbue cloaks to make them Spellcraftable, what's the deal with that?
A. Between patches 1.54 and 1.55 it was possible for an Alchemist to imbue a tincture into a player made cloak. Player made cloaks don't have a level attached to them so couldn't be spellcrafted, however by imbuing a tincture into the cloak an Alchemist would make the cloak take on the level of the tincture and in doing so would give it imbue points. This meant that a spellcrafter could then imbue the cloak with stats. This feature was deemed a bug and was fixed in the 1.55 patch, however any cloaks that had a tincture imbued into them previous to the 1.55 patch are still Spellcraftable.


just make one :) you only need about 10 points in tailoring to get a decent success rate.

i already had 500 tailoring so figured i may as well put it to good use :)


don't get ya hopes up ;) personally I think this bug is fixed :) either that or testing out with the wrong tinctures :p *laughs an evil laugh*


you cant until you use the tincture, at which time it get's it's own qual value's etc... which is why you use masterpiece cloaks, you cant' see anything different about them but they're still masterpiece one's so that they go to lvl 47 100% qual(?) when you add the tincture, and yes aeiedel, they fixed it on US servers, which is why you can't test it now, but the bug was there temporarily during 1.54, which is what we're getting patched too next.


hehe charonel if I am not mistaking, Aeiedil is testing the new patch at that secret test server along with other Eyes and Ears.

Heard brannor couldn't get it to work neither, so don't waste to much money on getting nice cloaks


noooooooooooooooo GoA is shafting us!! :)

and I who wanted to trinket and fipple and fiddle with these cloaks, damnit :)


Fix the RvR dungeon bugs and not the helpful bugs

~flutters eyelashes~

SoulFly Amarok

shaft us some more.


Could we have an official reply from GOA regarding the ability to imbue cloaks? Considering we're hearing rumours that it is impossible to be done on the test server.

This ability was available to all people on US patch 1.54, and not an exploit. Just like being able to use First Aid and Mystic Crystal Lore is an ability which can be used now by going out of combat mode, but is changed in 1.55 so you can't be hit and use it. If you are going to fix one feature, you've got to sort them all.

So, Kemor and GOA. For all of us who are planning our spellcrafted gear setups before the patch, we would like an answer - can we use alchemy and spellcraft on cloaks?


Adding magical properties to a cloak was a bug, as soon as it was discovered, Mythic disallowed it in the next patch.
MCL / FA, although a bug was not changed until many patches later, because Mythic decided it was not acting as they intended it to, after probably much discussion.

The fact is, Mythic didnt want the ability to make magic cloaks at this stage, and so stopped it from being possible. And if the rumors are true, all GOA has done is pre-empted that. For all you know, the patch files recieved from Mythic may have all ready had that change in.

Your not being "shafted", your being stopped from doing something that was not intended at this point.

And before you drag up the MCL / FA argument, dont, its a poor excuse for a comeback and your only grasping at straws.


Originally posted by -GReaper-
Could we have an official reply from GOA regarding the ability to imbue cloaks? Considering we're hearing rumours that it is impossible to be done on the test server.

This ability was available to all people on US patch 1.54, and not an exploit. Just like being able to use First Aid and Mystic Crystal Lore is an ability which can be used now by going out of combat mode, but is changed in 1.55 so you can't be hit and use it. If you are going to fix one feature, you've got to sort them all.

So, Kemor and GOA. For all of us who are planning our spellcrafted gear setups before the patch, we would like an answer - can we use alchemy and spellcraft on cloaks?

RightNowed it quite some time ago, still no answer though. I guess they're busy playing with their christmas presents :)


Originally posted by Vorcyn
Adding magical properties to a cloak was a bug, as soon as it was discovered, Mythic disallowed it in the next patch.
MCL / FA, although a bug was not changed until many patches later, because Mythic decided it was not acting as they intended it to, after probably much discussion.

The fact is, Mythic didnt want the ability to make magic cloaks at this stage, and so stopped it from being possible. And if the rumors are true, all GOA has done is pre-empted that. For all you know, the patch files recieved from Mythic may have all ready had that change in.

Your not being "shafted", your being stopped from doing something that was not intended at this point.

And before you drag up the MCL / FA argument, dont, its a poor excuse for a comeback and your only grasping at straws.

That's why all cloaks that had a tincture added to them pre 1.55 were allowed to remain. All pre 1.55 spellcrafted cloaks remained in the game.

At least give us the same chances as the US population. Is this the first bug to be fixed, that got fixed in the same patch as it arised when it should have been fixed in a later patch?

I.e. a 1.39 bug that should have got fixed in 1.40 but instead got fixed in 1.39 ?

Also, as you stated, we will be able to make cloaks properly in the future, so is it that much of a big deal by fixing it before 1.55?


No, we don't want an ANSWER, we want to not be snubbed by having this most beneficial bug 'fixed'. I.e. a promise that we will get 1.54 as the Americans got it.
I invite GOA to fix the first aid 'bug' as mentioned, and I'd also like them to correct the over-50%-evade-rates some bug abusing assassins seem to have atm. Not to mention the "clerics can't currently get battery heal" bug, and so forth etc etc whinge


And please give us 1.56.. like NOW!

Or atleast introduce the long awaited, much needed hunter boosts like NOW!

(we are all waiting for different things from different patches. GOA removes a bug before introducing it, oooh big deal, only means we wont get anyone exploiting it, i think everyone agrees that it is a BUG)

Tafaya Anathas

Yes! Give us 1.56! Make the scout the gimpest class of all :flame:
I can no longer wait for the moment when a hunter hits me in my epic armor 1000+! WTG Mythic!

Sorry for the whine, Happy New Year everyone! :)


It's a bug like 1shot-stay-stealthed assassins was a bug....
Can GOA kindly just translate it, keep the servers running and not fiddle with the code? Either that or hurry the fuck up and patch to 1.58...? :>

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