Mass artifact raid sunday 19th



1 Day to go! :) then midgard has its first arti rush! hurrah! i'll put forward some other rules now and info you already have which arti order is going now for loot etc -

Start Location: Stygia @ Prydwen.

Lotto Location: Stygia @ Prydwen.

Link Dead Info: 5 mins to log back in or we move without them.

RoG Info: shit rogs will be destroyed, high utility ones or decent cap ones will be kept.

Normal Item Info: If i'm pushed for space i will destroy common and useless shit that no one ever uses.

BG Info: If you come to the bg with a stroppy attitude towards people you will instantly be removed from it and will not be able to roll for anything at the end of raid.

Other Info: Bring a few water pots for when we do artifacts under da sea.

What if artifacts are down: Then hard luck its not our right to reserve them :) better luck next time


going horrible so far :p most artis werent up xd


flamedancers went balls up due to mage aoe spam :p bruiser went balls up due to taur aoe spam! but the bruiser fort was quite funny none the less ALOT of scrolls dropped... slow raid over all but next time i know what artis to do and what not to will post all loot that dropped soon

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