Making a Infi


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 11, 2004
SoulFly said:
More slash more ws, it's all about WS.

briton lvl 50:

90+75+26+93+62 = 346 str, 50+11 slash = 1508 ws @ rr1

90+75+26+93+62 = 346 str, 50+11 slash = 1383 ws @ rr1

Arent the numbers the same ? how the ws is different ?


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 9, 2004
Infils gets Primary DEX, Secondary QUI and Tertiary STR.
To get max packback, i would choose 10 on STR/CON/QUI, independent of race.

How do you want to act in prmary way?
If you relay on CS-Styles, 50 CS is a must, if you prefer to be a shadow-merc, choos 50 DW.

Max dam is calculated via skilline skill is used from.
Min dam is calculated on base of weapon you use, but skill beyond 50 has very low to no effect, as tests have shown.

Based on RR5 and full AT:
50 CS
35 Stealth
35 Slash
35 Poison
34 Dual wield

For ShadowMerc switch CS and DW.
If no AT, you need to sacrfy either Envenom or DW.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
I used to be a 50 DW 44 Slash infil, tried on 50 DW 50 Slah and noticed a significant increase in dmg output by uppening slash...modyfied 50 slash dont do as near the ammount of dmg as if you specc it fully...

Currently I am testing out 50 Slash , 44 CS maxing envenom to use lifebane with Viper 3...Viper 3 is very nice and it hurts, not only in rvr but also when you pve in df for example..not bad dotting a nightmare for 200+ dmg a dot..

I´d like to try out my old specc of 50 slash and 50 dw again and loose viper for some other ra´s to see how that works...I really like the DW style of play but with Viper around I think its valid to have high poison...

Any 50 dw infils out there that can tell their experience about it in NF...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Not an inf, but . . . .

With 2 handed and a base style, base style over 50 (or could be 51 I guess) makes no difference on WS when using 2 handed. With CS, the same applies.

Duel Wield is different, and the WS depends on the base style, not DW, so it's worth taking that to 50. Duel Wield skill simply gives you more styles, and a higher chance of swinging your left hand weapon.


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