Make clerics please



Originally posted by old.Kal
I dont understand whats wrong with that ? Are you just after death spam or something ? :) Even tho we dont have any decent CC root etc. We are the best healers albs have got so theres not much choice in the matter.

Even though I quite enjoy getting deathspam with my wizard, no, thats not what im saying at all..

After playing cleric a long while im pretty much fed up, which is my point, at constant nerfings, ungrateful albs and the general attitude towards clerics.

For example people always making a big deal about protecting the casters but always, always, forgetting about the cleric. If the cleric cant heal, wtf is the point in guarding anything.

People very rarely helping with pets attacking the cleric.
Cleric 1: "Pet on me! Help!".. "hello?"..
*group dies because of no heals*
Tank 1: "What happened???"

etc etc etc, I cant be arsed to keep making scenarios, you get the idea, people dont appreciate or help the clerics one bit, unless possibly in experienced guild groups ofcourse...

What a cleric ends up doing most of the time is rebuffing resist buffs, using insta-heals, using bof if its up, occationally getting off one spreadheal. Which was my point in an earlier post ;)

After going out into rvr time and time again to be constantly interrupted because I get no help and have no way of protecting myself after the smite nerf and end up sprinting in circles with tanks and pets after me while the rest of my group is whining for heals, I decided I didnt want to play my cleric in casual rvr anymore, so sue me.
The fact remains, the clerics are the lifeblood of albion and groups without clerics are not even a tenth of what they could be and most mix groups leaving apk dont have clerics at this moment in time.
So if anyone wonders what classes are needed when they roll anew, look no further.. However, be warned.

And oh yes, im a very disgruntled cleric painting a bleak picture, im sure its not half as bad as I say it is but as long as I have the option of playing what I fancy I will use that privilege.


All right, I can see the viewpoint of some of you flaming. However, you also have to realize that Vile has been playing his cleric for a long while (all right, not all the time, but still), and that people need a change sometimes (unless they happen to hit exactly on the class that fits them perfectly). Many of the rejuv clerics in my guild are trying out new alts (mostly high damage dealers) because after a while it gets old to only be a support class and not being able to deal any damage at all. (Just think of never getting your name on a deathspam and you will see what I mean.) It is a natural osmosis of players between the different classes and roles, and it is IMO actually quite unfair to the rejuv clerics since they have tremendous pressure on them not to play their alts and instead continue with their clerics even though they would rather try something else.

So very true, over 60 days played and my kill tally is 13 people...

For example people always making a big deal about protecting the casters but always, always, forgetting about the cleric. If the cleric cant heal, wtf is the point in guarding anything.

Is probably the second reason why most clerics play for a few weeks then roll a another class:rolleyes:

What a cleric ends up doing most of the time is rebuffing resist buffs, using insta-heals, using bof if its up, occationally getting off one spreadheal.

No ! not the good ones anyway :p

Dye your armour black and put your weapon on your back instead of by your side

lol now that i will try, but as Asha(Kate) said i cant see them not killing me when im standing there waving around my arms doing the cleric dance. ;)

TBH we dont need to make any more clerics, we just need to give the ones who play a little more slack when they first enter RvR and then maybe more of them will stay.


Originally posted by Ambulance
lol now that i will try, but as Asha(Kate) said i cant see them not killing me when im standing there waving around my arms doing the cleric dance. ;)

TBH we dont need to make any more clerics, we just need to give the ones who play a little more slack when they first enter RvR and then maybe more of them will stay.
You would be surprised. Reaver has a similar spellcast to what you see for spreadpool, it really is a good disguise. When i wore my undyed epic armour i was ALWAYS attacked first. But now that it's dyed i'm usually attacked last :) usually i pretend i'm mezzed it keeps them away from me for a while (two pieces of my armour are spellcrafted i have roughly 45% resist to body magic so it's rare when i am actually mezzed :))


Originally posted by acei
45% resist to body magic so it's rare when i am actually mezzed :))
Knocking 45% off 60 secs is still quite some time (especially with the fast pace of RvR these days). I have 58% body resistance when fully buffed and I still wish I was not such a damage fanatic so that I would be able to get purge. :p


Originally posted by Belomar
Knocking 45% off 60 secs is still quite some time (especially with the fast pace of RvR these days). I have 58% body resistance when fully buffed and I still wish I was not such a damage fanatic so that I would be able to get purge. :p
I thought the resist also prevented from being mezzed? Since getting the 2 pieces and the 16% body resist buff i've noticed a massive decline in how often i'm mezzed at all.


I had a go the other day with a Cleric in a RvR group and it was great fun.. Normaly i play my wizard, Dont get me wrong nothing better that MoCing and Taking down 2 zerks both in gerbal mode but what made it happen.. the cleric spamming that heal.. and i got the chance to be the other side and to be able to see a group take down another group and know you play a BIG part is great.

As for Name Spams ... I know ive hit a 5 spam before but only cos others tell me.. as a rule i forget or dont ever think to bother looking at who killed who.. im more concernd with the winning :)

Rejuv cleric... theres one on the way here... but dont know it till you try.


Cleric 1: "Pet on me! Help!".. "hello?"..
*group dies because of no heals*
Tank 1: "What happened???"

This is the other reason clerics don't group with pick up groups.

That along with....

Tank : HEAL ME
Cleric : <seethes while doing something else, like healing the person actually at risk>
<group scatters>
Out-of-range Infil : HEAL ME
Wizard on the wrong side of the fricking mile gate : HEAL ME

I used to have a bunch of macros....




But funnily enough - other clerics were the only people who found them amusing.


Like someone said above the drop-out rate of clerics in RvR is pretty high.

A lot of ppl lvl up a cleric till 50 rather fast (funfunfun), start to hit RvR (funfunfun still) and then get burned out pretty fast (it's frustrating / no kills / whatever reason).
An often cited reason is that cleric is to demanding. It's one of the classes ppl flame easiest and that always get pestered for heals/buffs/rezzes. You also end up having to drag your cleric to every guild undertaking, wether you like it or not. In the end many players just abandon their cleric and go play a less-needed class.

Personally I've been around till august 2002 and I'm well over 2 Million RPs and still going strong, but I can count the number of equally dedicated (rejuv) clerics on one hand.
I'm one of the very rare cases of someone who has a cleric as main and usually ONLY play that cleric.

Now that's not THAT bad on first sight (most classes are in such a state), however for a class that is vital in EVERY single group it is.
Again I see few upcoming clerics, it's not that clerics don't start to RvR, it's just that only few seem to persevere, so there are tons of low to mid RR clerics, but comparably few high RR clerics.


Oke Oke i will listen have lvl 50 rej cleric now so inv me then when iam yelling in odins :p

greetz :p


wait until my exams are over, taking my cleric (41rejuv 35buffs) to 50, and will be active _rvr_ as opposed to active _afk_ :p

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Lochlyessa
omg no!!! I can't get death spams if I only heal!!11 must re roll.. (thinks of a FotM class) chanter!!!



Yibyib, let's roll mana chanters are pwn Excal :m00:


Well i love my cleric - its fun to be important in the realm, but rvr is fun - if u got a cleric from 5-50 then u must be used to be screamed at for heals and bitched at even tho the persons out of range.

Personally i havent noticed a shortage in clerics - whenever i go rvr i always see every grp with a cleric.

This whole thing about running round in circles during combat does happen now and again but ure grp should be able to deal with it, and it they cant thats what ure aoe mezz is for. If ure with a good grp then the people on u will be mezzed or stunned.

If u hate going rvr with ure cleric then why did u even start one? As rvr and pve are pretty similar - healing.....


Why I started my cleric? Well, at the time, clerics were versatile tough bastards and could fight well, which is why I made it, I wanted to be able to do a little of everything and still hold my own against any tank with skill and luck...
Then they nerfed the smite line to fuck all, resists got implemented and RA's made anyone able to instaheal more then clerics and i respecced to healslave which took most of the joy out of the game for me. I rolled Vile right at the end of the EU beta period.



i got cleric =) with BoF at lvl 44, but still dieng like rat in rvr..

i get XP whe i cba to do XP....

its boring , but still playing cleric when there aint no1 to keep muh cabby alive in rvr

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