Make clerics please



Yesterday I spent the entire day playing in mixed rvr groups and not one group had a cleric. It would seem that to a great extent only solid guild groups have clerics.

So anyone wondering what they should level to 50 next, please, make a cleric, albion is in dire need of them. I know its not very tempting but I hope someone will take heed and make one to help out in endgame rvr.

Oh and the 12 buffbots of which 8 were level 50 standing around at apk at the time I bothered counting reliably fucks up the played cleric list I should think. :p

And for the forum trolls who might say, play your own cleric instead of whining ffs, I'd like to say no thank you, not atm, maybe at some other time when I feel clerics have something to contribute besides being the groups resist-buff bitch and healbot.


Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
And for the forum trolls who might say, play your own cleric instead of whining ffs, I'd like to say no thank you, not atm, maybe at some other time when I feel clerics have something to contribute besides being the groups resist-buff bitch and healbot.

Think you just summed up why there are so few clerics


Originally posted by old.Sepiritz

And for the forum trolls who might say, play your own cleric instead of whining ffs, I'd like to say no thank you, not atm, maybe at some other time when I feel clerics have something to contribute besides being the groups resist-buff bitch and healbot.

sorry to say your post makes no sence, you have a cleric but wont play it cause you dont wanna buff+heal yet you want others to do it?


Yes I know, however the good part is keeping a group alive using active RA's, spreadheals and sprinting in circles trying to keep away from a grey con pet taht keeps interrupting you.. eh.. wait a sec.. Well, we still need them very much. :)


Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
Oh and the 12 buffbots of which 8 were level 50 standing around at apk at the time I bothered counting reliably fucks up the played cleric list I should think. :p
This is the reason i think messes up RvR completely. They all use buff bots and ALOT of them think healing is useless in RvR it's why dozens of clerics have gone complete smite. I had to wait over an hour at peak time a few days ago to get a RvR group on my cleric and i'm rejuv/enh spec :(


Re: Re: Make clerics please

Originally posted by dune
sorry to say your post makes no sence, you have a cleric but wont play it cause you dont wanna buff+heal yet you want others to do it?

Yes? Same as any other that made another class then cleric because they preferred to do something else?


Re: Re: Re: Make clerics please

Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
Yes? Same as any other that made another class then cleric because they preferred to do something else?

but they arent coming here advising people to make a class when they have one but wont play it cause they dont wanna just buff/heal which is pretty much what the cleric will do.

People wont roll clerics when people that have lv50 clerics advise them too cause they wanna play a FoTM or better class.


And you were doing so well until you got to that last paragraph... you know, the one where you slagged off the class you were trying to promote.


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Hmm, I was going to try and level my paladin to level 50 next but you have made clerics sound much more appealing. I think I will do that next. Thanks. :)


Clerics got nerfed to shit and boredom, what do you want me to say? :p
We still need them very much, however im not interested in playing mine unless im in guildgroups or doing pre-planned raids.

I made mine as a smitecleric because it was good at alot of things, now its just good at healing and buffing.. However there might still be people interested in keeping groups alive and kicking..

[edit]: Well, you know, theres always people like the original rejuv clerics, Herbal for example..



As you say though, mostly only solid guild groups get clerics, because, well, it's not as if there are enough clerics to go around anyhow.

So even if *my* guild has no space, I can normally catch a space in another guild's guild group - which means no random pick up group sillyness.


Yes I know, however the good part is keeping a group alive using active RA's, spreadheals


BoF every 30 minutes and no-skill-button-spamming-spreadheals are the *good* part?


Single target healing is the good part, considerably more interesting than pbaoe-spam or style-spam imho.


Cleric seems to be the class that everyone has (be buffbot or alt), but no-one seems to want to play.

Yet everyone wants one or even two in their group ... the problem is obvious I think :p


My main is a rejuv cleric, He's not lvl 50 YET, but getting there pretty fast.

Funnily enough, against most opinion, I quite like playing him.

I like trying to keep the health levels up and having the time to have an ingame chat.


No, don't make a cleric, you can't solo and there are no minstrels to make decent groups.


BTW it's not much fun to play the only cleric in a group as you end up being the first/second target of evil zerkers and heros and there is no one to heal you :(



Originally posted by Asha
BTW it's not much fun to play the only cleric in a group as you end up being the first/second target of evil zerkers and heros and there is no one to heal you :(
Dye your armour black and put your weapon on your back instead of by your side, i did that and now i'm never attacked first :) i look like a merc to be honest.


Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
And for the forum trolls who might say, play your own cleric instead of whining ffs, I'd like to say no thank you, not atm, maybe at some other time when I feel clerics have something to contribute besides being the groups resist-buff bitch and healbot.

Great advertising there :great:


Originally posted by acei
Dye your armour black and put your weapon on your back instead of by your side, i did that and now i'm never attacked first :) i look like a merc to be honest.

Do you just stand there? :D

The whole healing thing kinda gives it away ;)

Also poon would still pick on me I think :/


ACtually playing a Cleric can be really awarding and fun. Nothing is better then killing a fg off hibs/mids with your group without losing anybody. If you only use spreadheals, you will be oop very fast i can tell you.

Altho a cleric doesnt have the tools maybe that healers/druids have, we still have a stun which is invaluable and the pbaoe mezz which sometimes even sticks for me <3 smite> :p Oh and i still smite sometimes for fun and hit people for around 75-150, not too shabby for a basically 100% support class i would think.

Shiny lvl 50 rej/enh Cleric,
Stick lvl 50 Friar,
Gwari lvl 50 minstrel.
<Herfølge Boldklub>


As entertaining as watching red bars sounds, no thx :X


What WF said first...

You were doing so well until you made it clear that obviously albion needs clerics and all of us should make them... but you're not gonna make one cause you don't like it.


The post makes perfect sense. Between the lines it's quite simple. Vile isn't strong enough to play his cleric himself, and therefor ask stronger persons to roll one ;).


omg no!!! I can't get death spams if I only heal!!11 must re roll.. (thinks of a FotM class) chanter!!!




All right, I can see the viewpoint of some of you flaming. However, you also have to realize that Vile has been playing his cleric for a long while (all right, not all the time, but still), and that people need a change sometimes (unless they happen to hit exactly on the class that fits them perfectly). Many of the rejuv clerics in my guild are trying out new alts (mostly high damage dealers) because after a while it gets old to only be a support class and not being able to deal any damage at all. (Just think of never getting your name on a deathspam and you will see what I mean.) It is a natural osmosis of players between the different classes and roles, and it is IMO actually quite unfair to the rejuv clerics since they have tremendous pressure on them not to play their alts and instead continue with their clerics even though they would rather try something else.

So, in summary, even if Vile didn't do a particularly good job of promoting clerics, his point (that we need more clerics) is valid, and I don't think he deserves flaming for not wanting to play his cleric nowadays.


I really enjoy playing my cleric due to the fact I feel i can contribute a lot more to my groups chances of winning than when playing my tank :) I dont see how people cant understand that doing 5XX damage might be fun but its bugger all use if everyone else in your group is dead.

The original post is possibly the greatest hypocrisy ever witnessed on the boards tho :) As other said you can't complain about there being a lack of clerics and not play yours...

I'd like to say no thank you, not atm, maybe at some other time when I feel clerics have something to contribute besides being the groups resist-buff bitch and healbot.

I dont understand whats wrong with that ? Are you just after death spam or something ? :) Even tho we dont have any decent CC root etc. We are the best healers albs have got so theres not much choice in the matter.


Playing rej cleric IS fun...

but i understand him VERY good when he wants a break from this class (being high rej cleric myself).

Been playing this game since beta, and on release decided to make a cleric....smiter :p he was a lot of fun pve (VERY good dmg...and just enough healing power to keep people alive.

Once i went RvR with him...46 smite was still a LOT of fun (pre-nerf and resist crap etc)...healing part of the job really sucked...cause the heals wasn't high enough....and i only had limited insta heal.

When the nerf hammer hitted the smite cleric i went 46 rej...and i really had my doubts if the char would be fun to play. is fun...

It's just a fact most people DO got a cleric alt...and they specc them full get a buffbot (don't have probs with this)...but when the "1st" active RvR generation clerics want to make an alt = no more clerics around. And people start complaining there aren't enough clerics and the old clerics SHOULD KEEP PLAYING their class.

Cleric is #1 support class in Albion...and when someone makes one (certainly after nerf), they KNOW it is to HEAL people.

We all pay the same amount of money to play this game...we all do what we want...

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