Mailtalk vs Forum


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
An industry group of which I am a member is currently discussing via its email discussion group, about whether to stick with email, or use a web based forum.

There are a few concerns, hopefully somebody here will know?

This is the software currently used to host the discussions. You basically send a message to the correct email address, the server looks at that email, checks it against a database of subscribers (so you can't send mail from other accounts), and if its ok it forwards that mail to all the other subscribers on the list.

The system has a web forum, but its totally and utterly shite. I'm trying to persuade them to go with a forum like what we have here at FH, but there are some serious luddites who don't like graphics and user friendly interfaces, and probably still use PRESTEL on their television sets!

So, can anyone help with the following:

Security1 - make sure non-subscribers can't see any messages

Security2 - keep it that way, so passwords etc can't be bandied around

Email notification - possible to have a pretty forum, but integrate email notifications and subsequent responses and stuff for those who prefer using outlook etc?

The security aspect is important, as sometimes people are whinging about particular companies, and we don't want those companies finding out if you know what I mean.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Hi Tom

Just a quickie. Basically, I'd go with some form of forums. There are a myriad of security options nowadays, from different user access levels, to setting when sessions end (auto logout) etc. Given that all the data is also stored in a database, it's not easily accessible without having some form of login details.

If you're after full blown project management, I'm continuely hearing about how good BaseCamp is. You have to pay for it eventually, but you can try it out for free to see if it meets your needs. It features a raft of security options too, so I hear.

Kind Regards


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Dammit! Where are all the nerds when you need them?

thx Jonty btw

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