


Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet
Dunno if GOA does this too...i've never seen it happen...
Either GOA couldnt give a damn or theyre just even lazier than even I give them credit for. Theres been a good number of macro-bot tailors around for a very long time - with lower numbers of other trades. Ive yet to see anything done about a single one of them.


Originally posted by -frostor-
nobody can press exactly every x secs on the button. so it is possible to prouve.

This is why the macros add a random variance between key presses.

And no I don't and haven't used macro's.


Originally posted by Draylor
Either GOA couldnt give a damn or theyre just even lazier than even I give them credit for. Theres been a good number of macro-bot tailors around for a very long time - with lower numbers of other trades. Ive yet to see anything done about a single one of them.

What do you propose GOA do about them? Cancel their accounts? STOP TAKING THEIR MONEY? ...

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Has anyone in the entire history of GOA been caught/banned for macroing? I sincerely suspect that they either don't check or don't care.


Originally posted by Arwen
I think you'll find a forum post isn't prove of a character using anything against the EULA, dumbass.

Lol well done you dumb fuck for providing a laugh tonight.


i got to 1050'ish WC in about a year of crafting when i had the time, never macroed

crafting is boring as hell, but atleast i had alot of simpsons + futurama to watch while crafting

crafting is not fun before lgm, but after thats its actually kinda fun, making mp's for guildies, for yourself etc

and about getting caught, simply not possible on EU servers cos they have no ingame supervision, on AC the csr's used to pm ppl that they suspected of macroing for exp etc, if they didnt respond or responded in a preset way *boom* banned

this could be the case on US servers if you report someone but i doubt it, they should start supervising it, all my guilds crafters on mordred (2x lgm tailor, lgm wc, lgm ac, lgm sc, lgm alch, lgm fletcher) did it the traditional way of pressing buttons, and i did it by pressing buttons, and now after half craft time on gray items etc it kinda pisses me of when ppl macro to lgm level when you yourself had to deal with crafting and trinketing with 100% time instead of the 50% its currently

(wc parts used to take "full" lenght, they now finish at 50% of the time they used to as far as i can recall)


Originally posted by kathal_tdd
The worst is AC and WC because you need more than 1 part. AC GRRRR great that you need a tailor to skill:rolleyes:

Ever heard of studded armor? I've never needed a tailor to skill on it :rolleyes:


Originally posted by ceix
and about getting caught, simply not possible on EU servers cos they have no ingame supervision, on AC the csr's used to pm ppl that they suspected of macroing for exp etc, if they didnt respond or responded in a preset way *boom* banned

At the time Sc/Alch came out, there was a rumour that Kemor/Zargar checked up on the crafters who gathered vast amounts of finished products at their feet.
I don't know whether anyone was caught or banned, nor if this checking continues.



Originally posted by Tranquil-
They can crosscheck IP's with Barrysworld, not that it's likely to happen, but they can. Dumbass.

Hmm, i think you will find they can't do that, banning someone for any indirect reason that doesn't include game logs (which can be provided) of them breaking the game rules is illegal, and they can't do it. I should know, i used to work in the games industry, and unless you have explicit proof, you can't do anything without risking being sued, which they aren’t going to do.

Lol well done you dumb fuck for providing a laugh tonight.



Ever heard of studded armor? I've never needed a tailor to skill on it
Did that myself till I could make AF 102.
But its still a biach to make AF 102 chain imo.


LOL, I know that 90% or more of all crafters use macroing, imo u are dumb if u waste your time not using macro, its just a game.


my arms got 730AC 550WC and 550tailoring did every single point manually
and same goes for the time i helped martha from 800till LGM

most of the times i played windowed or just loaded the crafter on my lap and hitting bottoms while i was busy on my desktop
crafting is awefully boring but where is the reward when you just let a proggie do your work?
its the same effect as pindlebots who automaticlly go keel a highlevel mob in diablo2 and pick up the very unique weapons
hax like this ruined the diablo community
and prolly will ruin daoc slowly too

same goes for lvling
one could easily whrite himselve a lill script for a necro or any other kind of class with a grey con sticked to his ass to farm a spot somewhere far away in caldy or gwyn

yes some parts of this game urge for scripts to do stuff automated but whats the challenge

and whats next?
RvR scripts?


The reward is not from letting the program do the work, nor is the reward from getting LGM yourself. The reward is when you make your realm 99/100% Quality level 51 items, that are used to kill others. The reward is when someone wearing this armour shows it to another person and it says 'Crafted by YOU'. That imo, is more reward than any 'omg im uber i got LGM' etc :)


Originally posted by fl_gorre
yes some parts of this game urge for scripts to do stuff automated but whats the challenge

and whats next?
RvR scripts?

A) There is no challenge in crafting, whether you press the buttons yourself, or you tell a program to press them for you.
B) RvR scripts would technically be impossible as there are far too many 'IF' senarios. And the fact that RvR IS a challenge most of the time, and actually FUN, whereas crafting isn't.


Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
The reward is when you make your realm 99/100% Quality level 51 items, that are used to kill others.
If thats the only reason you want to craft then you're in the wrong business. Sure it's good to do this, but I've found it much more rewarding to craft/sc/proc something for a lower level player who has spent an age looking for someone to help them just because some people will only craft top level stuff. And you can do this all the way through, you dont have to be a LGM to help out someone sort out their first char's bg suit. Being able to craft anything for my low level guildmates as well is a very nice bonus.

Using macros to get to lgm is like being powerlevelled all the way to 50. Sure you'll get there quicker, but there is an awful lot you won't learn by doing so. Crafting done right isn't just about pressing a button, which a lot of people can't seem to fathom.

Kurik BHM

Originally posted by Khalen
Those people think they can earn some cash with it but the market is full already... They hardly take MPs orders and don't wanna do lowbee armor because it's "non-profitable".

Had to ask 5 Tailors before I finally got to one who was willing to make a BG 1 set...

should have asked me oO


Originally posted by old.shotgunstow

B) RvR scripts would technically be impossible as there are far too many 'IF' senarios. And the fact that RvR IS a challenge most of the time, and actually FUN, whereas crafting isn't. [/B]
ever seen an unexperienced alb tank or zeker in action?
most surely scriptable if you ask me :p
and about the IF statements it just requires more lines of codes then just just a line with a timer :p


As for banning etc goes. I know characters on the US servers who have there Skill reduced for macroing. Mind you there CSR's actually watch chars for macro'ing, but generally it involves trying to get the person to interact with someone and if they dont then ahha.


Originally posted by Simius
If thats the only reason you want to craft then you're in the wrong business. Sure it's good to do this, but I've found it much more rewarding to craft/sc/proc something for a lower level player who has spent an age looking for someone to help them just because some people will only craft top level stuff. And you can do this all the way through, you dont have to be a LGM to help out someone sort out their first char's bg suit. Being able to craft anything for my low level guildmates as well is a very nice bonus.

Using macros to get to lgm is like being powerlevelled all the way to 50. Sure you'll get there quicker, but there is an awful lot you won't learn by doing so. Crafting done right isn't just about pressing a button, which a lot of people can't seem to fathom.

Ok, so what am I missing out on by using a program to press the buttons for me, rather than sitting at the forge for hours and hours? This:
[10:49:09] <[Gol]Herbal> i spent 7 hours hinging non afk once
[10:49:16] <[Gol]Herbal> drove me nearly insane ;/

I'd like to miss out on that thanks.

And to your first statement, I will craft for anyone that asks, if I have the skill to do it. Only yesterday, someone I crafted a set of Fine Alloy Plate for (which included a MP piece first time :x) commented on how well the armour served him how it helped him get through a difficult set of levels. Now that is what it's about as far as I am concerned.


Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
[10:49:09] <[Gol]Herbal> i spent 7 hours hinging non afk once
[10:49:16] <[Gol]Herbal> drove me nearly insane ;/

I'd like to miss out on that thanks.
Trinketing is not crafting, it's just another way of cash farming. There is a difference between sitting at the forge all day making hinges and sorting out a full set of equipment for someone.

Only yesterday, someone I crafted a set of Fine Alloy Plate for (which included a MP piece first time :x) commented on how well the armour served him how it helped him get through a difficult set of levels. Now that is what it's about as far as I am concerned.
As opposed to what you originally said...
The reward is when you make your realm 99/100% Quality level 51 items


Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
A) There is no challenge in crafting, whether you press the buttons yourself, or you tell a program to press them for you.
B) RvR scripts would technically be impossible as there are far too many 'IF' senarios. And the fact that RvR IS a challenge most of the time, and actually FUN, whereas crafting isn't.



I hope that mythic will make auto Hinging etc , and make some upgrade to Crafting , crafing can be req sometimes and it fecking boring , they need to put some challenge in crafting , so i have np people using it at all , all tho i would never do it my self ( hides away from goa ) hehe ^^


Originally posted by mestoph
As for banning etc goes. I know characters on the US servers who have there Skill reduced for macroing. Mind you there CSR's actually watch chars for macro'ing, but generally it involves trying to get the person to interact with someone and if they dont then ahha.

humm, so if a person does not respond when a pm, he is cheating? then i must have been cheating lastday when i put my mom at the comp to press the number 2 button for me in half a hour when i did go do my laundry. She does not now how to play daoc, so ofc she cant send back, and if then a CRS would have tried to contact me, and she at the comp, i would get banned or get skilled reduced for that, if it is like that. i think they should get a better way to check if they are macroin/cheating.


Originally posted by roteca
humm, so if a person does not respond when a pm, he is cheating? then i must have been cheating lastday when i put my mom at the comp to press the number 2 button for me in half a hour when i did go do my laundry. She does not now how to play daoc, so ofc she cant send back, and if then a CRS would have tried to contact me, and she at the comp, i would get banned or get skilled reduced for that, if it is like that. i think they should get a better way to check if they are macroin/cheating.

Not to mention all the people with cordless stuff that lay on couch and press buttons while watching TV.

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