

Herbal Remedy

pls dont post links to macroing sites etc as i dont daminis stick of greater modding up my arse :p

Does anyone else here use macroing? I know alot of crafters do but having never used, it i dont see the point (1090) ac skill. Personally speaking it feels like cheating to me. Yes i know it is against eula) but i mean cheating to other crafters, people like me who have actually stuck to the rules and earned lgm the hard way ie not afk oooh look i gained another 100 skill......

Yes crafting i know is boring to some, but if its boring why bother? You can have much more fun than being afk for 10 hours if u lvl or rvr. I can how ever kinda understand macroing for hinging as thats the most boring thing possible ;p But other than that i dont really see the point i like to chat to other crafters try and flog my armour etc and the sense of achievement when u finally get a mp (especially your 1st peice of armour factor 102) is great.

I have a few problems with macroing, especially the huge upsurge in the number of leg crafters most of whome have been afk for the past 2 days, personnaly i dont feel leg macro crafters have earned it wheres the effort in moving your char ever 2 hours and afk skilling? It just detracts from the hard work of people who actually put in some hard work and alot of hours at the forge.

If u cant stand crafting why bother? I mean its not as if u actually make alot of cash from it? All those hours at the forge could be spent in df making 100X the amount of cash u get from selling leg lvl stuff. Personnaly speaking i lvled my crafter to help guildmates and the realm out so i could make rams and repair doors on keeps, as well as producing good armour for peoples scing.

Pls feel free to discuss pros and cons of macroing :)

Another thing what made u start crafting and if your a leg and have been for a while why do u still do it?

Enough rambleing from me over to you now ;)

Urme the Legend

Agree, alll macroing is cheating imo.. and that includes macroing when doing hinges.

Push those buttons yourself!


Those people think they can earn some cash with it but the market is full already... They hardly take MPs orders and don't wanna do lowbee armor because it's "non-profitable".

Had to ask 5 Tailors before I finally got to one who was willing to make a BG 1 set...


I agree with you Herbal. Pushed buttons all the way to 1085 weaponcrafting myself. Macroing is cheating and utterly pathetic.

I do wonder if the macroing people feel any pride of what they have accomplished?


Dont agree with macroing either, and really have no respect for people who have used them to get their craft skill high.

Sure crafting can be boring.... very very very boring, but i guess like xping/rvr there is the goal to get high craft skill which keeps people doing it.

I guess the most fun part, was making 20 weapons, spending hundreds of golds and not gaining any points :D :D :eek:


Crafting is pretty easy as it is. Just get loads of cash and you can easily craft to some high lvl. Put television next to pc and watch tv while you press buttons. That's how I do it at least :)

But it's lame indeed to macro it. But nevertheless it still costs money.... I'm not scared about my clients I had loads in the times that I was online and crafted and there are loads of people carrying my-named weapons :)


i know a couple who macro's. i dont really care....if game design is press a button every 5min....and get a skill every 30mins...i say get macro's.

boring and poor craft skilling design imo.


what remi said
outcome is the same, you loose the same amount of money & you can use the crafttime to smth usefull.


Originally posted by Aussie-
what remi said
outcome is the same, you loose the same amount of money & you can use the crafttime to smth usefull.

I agree with it too actually. I mean some people just press the button on daoc, then go afk for the 2-3 mins or whatever it takes to make the thing, then come back, press the button, then go afk again. There isn't a lot of difference between that and macroing except with macroing you can go afk for longer periods of time and actualy get something useful done with the time.

Others choose to chat instead of going afk while the green bar is moving. It's your choice imo :)

Basically what i'm saying is the crafting to high lvl isn't about the time spent getting the skill it's about the cost of it. Anyone can press the buttons or get macros to press the buttons for them but it takes time and effort to get the money whoever you are (unless you are 100% guild funded).

I myself am 100% self-funded to 800AC. I've spent as much time getting the money for the crafting as I have doing the actual crafting itself.


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
Another thing what made u start crafting and if your a leg and have been for a while why do u still do it?

I started fletching a long time ago cuz lvling my scout got too boring AND not to underestimate the fact that Odysseus made UBER cash from his Bows (when ppl actually realised 99% and MP bows were the best - be4 SCing and shit - lol still remember the tests they did cuz some of the l33t scouts wouldnt accept the fact that Heart of the North were shitty compared to a well-crafted bow :p )

Only went to Grandmaster lvl cuz i ran outta cash :(

When SCing came I was to make a 800 or so SCer so I could make my own gems and then let some 1k+ imbue it... Went to 800 or so, but then Tilda totally robbed me with imbueing my 6 items for some 600 gold (only had to press Imbue) I went for LGM...

My story :)

Ohh, btw if I knew DAoX was out there at the time I cant say I wouldnt have used it to craftbot my SCer - got too boring some time... But on the other hand, we have window mode now and still i havent lvled my fletcher... guess in my heart I cba with cheating :)

(PS If some1 mails me a rader i would like to 'test' it tho, he he he ;) )


I've spent the last 5 weekends at the forge doing consignments. As some of you may know, I started completely new on Hib with 0 copper. I got to 3 silver and started crafting with my lvl 5 Hero.

I now have 480 points in WC through consignments alone with 500+G so far and am bloooooody proud.

What REALLY pisses me off is when someone says 'Can someone do me a 3rd or 4th tier weapon?' and invariably I'm the only one who responds. I often have to stop doing consignments to fulfill orders for people when other people are perfectly capable of making the same weapons. Same goes for tailoring, fletching and especially spellcrafting. You want anything spellcrafting using lowbie gems? Forget it.

So the reason I HATE macroing is because it does nothing for the realm. People want stuff and macro'ers won't give them it.

Anyway, back to the forge...


I hate macroing and macroers.

What helped me to LGM a lot on both my crafting chars was my wireless keyboard ;).

I watch TV while crafting, bring the keyboard with me, smack the key once in awhile and restock supplies during commercial breaks ;).



Unmacroed, no daox, not very much TV and a silent /gu except for my incoherent crazytalk commenting everything. :p

Elric IA

Got to 1045 WC the normal way and would not know how to macro anyway. I just get practiced at timing the key presses to keep the green bar on the screen to relieve the boredom of trinketing.

Trinketing is easy but boring the harder part is getting the drops or seals (even if it is by business and hawking) to trinket. That is what takes more time and personally I would like to see higher bar trinket recipes to cut down on the time taken to trinket (doing 2000 bars takes about an hour and 40 mins I think).


Originally posted by Tranquil-

Unmacroed, no daox, not very much TV and a silent /gu except for my incoherent crazytalk commenting everything. :p

OMFG A GAIN YAAAAAAAAY <-- my msg in /gu for each gain post 1k in alchemy :p


Originally posted by Tranquil-

Unmacroed, no daox, not very much TV and a silent /gu except for my incoherent crazytalk commenting everything. :p

hehe ..did it the same, getting concerned pm's from people who went to bed and saw me still still sitting when they came back. huh..sleep ?? Nono...1 more gain and I go, promised !!! (yeah, right :) ). Got 3 af 102 MP's on a gain.(1100+AC) Nice feeling :) The whole game is about pushing buttons (ok on the right time) so not much skill there imo and not using a macro-proggie for that either so bad excuse imo. But hee, I think buffbot users are lame too so guess its just me then :)


Ups. Wrong key.

Naa, j/k. I moved my TV because of crafting.
I made a PC just for crafting. Then I could play my other chars and watch TV while crafting.
It was a bit slow when I was on RvR, but when you are 12+ hours at Lair its no problem hitting the button. The worst is AC and WC because you need more than 1 part. AC GRRRR great that you need a tailor to skill:rolleyes:



Well done mate :) I'm tired of seeing people craft only to salvage seals. Seems a hella lot more of people buying up all the seals now to save up for housing. This is fine, but I'm gonna have to be pretty damned clever to get hold of enough seals to afford skill up.

It's just a shame you're not in my realm :/


I do it, it's alot more hard than it sounds, as if you can make a macro to gain 100 skill, you'd have to anticipate how many would be successfully made etc. Best you can do without spending 6 days on it is one thats gunna get u about 20 (less than at levels 600+) skill in 2 hours, i have better things to do with my time than press the button thx :)

I don't see it as a big deal, if you wanna stand there pressing the button 1,000,000 times fine, if not don't.

EULA sucks ass you can't even fall asleep on a cabalist without waking up to some dimwit PMing u IM GUNNA GET U BANNED NER NER NER NER.

And while we're on the EULA - try and prove im using a macro you litle buggers, cause you can't - and the ev-ev-ev-evidence is gunna be a litle hard to find chums :)

Hope i make 1165 before you *smiles*


Originally posted by chinook
I think you'll find a forum post isn't prove of a character using anything against the EULA, dumbass.


Originally posted by Arwen
I think you'll find a forum post isn't prove of a character using anything against the EULA, dumbass.

They can crosscheck IP's with Barrysworld, not that it's likely to happen, but they can. Dumbass.


Originally posted by Tranquil-
They can crosscheck IP's with Barrysworld, not that it's likely to happen, but they can. Dumbass.

lol yes, in a perfect world where Goa/Mythic actually cared ;)


Finally 1 idiot admits to it, only about 100 more to go


Mythic does have ways of finding out if you're macroing or not..

They place your char just outside the range of forge/table, and check logs if you're still trying to make items over and over again while out of reach of forge. Dunno if GOA does this too...i've never seen it happen...


thats not actual evidence... he can just say he was watching tele while hitting the key and he has a timer watch next to him telling when to hit...

i know some does that


nobody can press exactly every x secs on the button. so it is possible to prouve.

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