m00 peeps



Originally posted by Kempo
hiya tdc :), and everyone else too. I just got my pc set up at uni, wheee freshers week, all matriculated n stuff now so got the rest of the week to get very drunk n stuff, might try and find bodhi hehe :)
anyway gonna watch a film

heh i live near manchester Universities and all the freshers are shopping at the 24 hour garages because they got their student loans and credit cards. Cant wait till the end of next month when theyll all be shopping at aldi

Testin da Cable

haha cheers all :)

*huggles everyone*

*not feel up wij ;)*

gah this 'life' stuff really is cutting into my 'net time heh. going out in a moment though: the "place to be" is open till 05:00 tonight so I expect well fun aiii :)

quick question: a mate of mine is cultivating the habit of buying round the instant I say I'm off home [to do whatever]. he thinks it's a right laugh to have me take off my coat, sit down and drink up. now normally I'd be the last to turn down a pint, but not when I finally make up my mind to be off. tonight [we were out to a fave restaurant, then a quick drink] he did it again just when I said [for the third time fs] that I was leaving and I thought to myself "fuck that" and left anyway. after a shower and some tv a mate phoned me to tell me that the bloke had been going on about what a twat I was and that if I were to pull stunts like that he'd be including me out of future rounds. what do you think?
I personally think he's being an idiot. it may be time for a quiet word with him about humor and it's many formats or something. your thoughts? calling tdc a cunt is allowed ;)


Originally posted by Testin da Cable
mate phoned me to tell me that the bloke had been going on about what a twat I was and that if I were to pull stunts like that he'd be including me out of future rounds. what do you think?
I personally think he's being an idiot. it may be time for a quiet word with him about humor and it's many formats or something. your thoughts? calling tdc a cunt is allowed ;)

he sounds dutch... anything not to buy a beer :D


Well now, TdC... pull up a chair and I'll tell you my views.

In every group of friends there's a guy who isn't amusing and has nothing of interest to say and therefore he attempts to compensate by buying drinks for everyone. Now... when the night is young this is great. It gives everyone a kick-start while they are able to talk to everyone except Captain Bore. Everyone who counts is happy.

Sounds to me like you have a Captain Bore With Attitude who, as the night progresses, lets his true personality shine through. He is a cunt. Now... your friend on the phone clearly told you all this because he disagrees. Chances are your other friends disagrees too. So I wouldn't worry. In future, I'd just pat him on the shoulder, friendly-like, and say thanks, but I've really got to go.

I'm a bit boozed up myself, and tonight Captain Bore was called Steve, or something. He wasn't a cunt, but my point remains.

In conclusion then... um... mines a double JD and Coke.

Testin da Cable

ah well. anyway, he wasn't there for the rest of the evening so that was ok heh. he's an um "agressive" fun-poker if you will, always on the lookout for someone who behaves in a stange fashion or someone mis-pronouncing a word or something like that. he can be funny at times, but to my mind he is way out of line much more often than he's a laugh really. I expect he behaves this way to compensate some issue that I am not aware of.
we had a great time even though it was so busy that the seven of us had about half a square foot of floorspace. my bike-matey and I [we arrived early] were rather put off by the long queue at first so we went off to a different place and had a few pints till it closed at 2am. coming back I luckily got recognized by the bossman-bouncer type person so we could jump the queue and join the happy masses inside. got to chat with my most-fave lady in the world for a while: she's just been off on a working trip to france and has to go to china in a week or two so I prolly won't be seeing very much of her heh :/ anyhoo, off to bed now: much bik0ring tomorrow [or rather in a couple of hours heh]


Sounds like life is shweet atm mate.

Summo's advice is, as ever, good. We have an annoying apprentice type who insists on bringinf big bags of sweets and cakes in, saying that his mum works in a shop. Somei=one saw him the other day buying all this gear from the garage over the road. :( I think he's trying to compensate for the fact that he's a complete gimp. (sorry its not a beer story, but I doont get out much atm)

Where did you go riding? Sounds like it was fun. Our 'cross season starts today, but Im at work :rolleyes:


It has indeed.

Oh, and the guy is a twat.

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by Wilier

Where did you go riding? Sounds like it was fun. Our 'cross season starts today, but Im at work :rolleyes:

arg too bad mate :( as to our spots, we're all over arnhem and the surrounding country lately as our range expands [due to us being in better and better shape ahem ;)] after all, it only takes an hour or so to be anything up to 30km away from your starting point. we've been to this place a couple of times but we usually just hang about here in the woods above arnhem or at the very edge of the "veluwe" where we get the lovely woods/grassland/heather interface :)

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