Politics Lulz, "Bradford Spring"


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
At least you guys didn't have people driving past your office playing Motown music and yelling about "Respect" all day every day for a week before the election!!


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I've missed all this insanity. I've never really followed his career but when I've seen videos of him I've seen him have a pop at the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (good) and have a pop at Israel for human rights violations (also good).

Where's the insane bit in that?

Try this:

That's an example from a two second look on YouTube but you can find loads of examples. As for his views on the Middle East in general, how does that make him a good MP for Bradford? He seems to be more interested in Grandstanding for Al-Jezeera than he does about representing his constituents.

I no longer really care about the woes of the middle east frankly, a plague on all their houses. We should never have gone in to Iraq, Afghanistan was a bit different but we still should have gone in with an open-ended commitment (don't fight wars without clear objectives, ever), and demographics will do for Israel in the end anyway (I couldn't give a toss about the Palestinians, their fellow arabs don't, so why should I?).


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Firstly Gaff, that video doesn't give Galloway the option to answer any of the very good points that have been levelled at him. "...systematic torture, prolonged detention, unfair trials, etc... Is that all absurd?" is the question that is levelled at him, then it cuts off. I'd have liked to hear his answer. I am sure there are many other self-justifying clips on Youtube.

Aside from Tony Blair getting us into two wars and helping Israel, I seem to remember him scotching an investigation by the Serious Fraud Office into BAE systems on Saudi Arabia . That's our Prime Minister actually helping a horrible regime for money, rather than simply holding an opinion on said regime whilst being effectively powerless...

As for Galloways views on the Middle East making him a "good" MP for Bradford. I don't think it does, or that he gives a particular stuff about his constituents - the same as most MP's. However, he'll be miles better than what Bradford already had and he'll get anti-war views, shared by many UK citizens but completely unrepresented in Parliament, back on the agenda.

"Grandstanding for Al-Jazeera": Al-Jazeera is an award winning moderate news organisation, not right-wing like the beeb, or any of murdoch's news outlets.

As for this:
I couldn't give a toss about the Palestinians, their fellow arabs don't, so why should I?

Personally, I give a toss about any human being being horribly mistreated, never mind a population being collectively punished, and certainly wouldn't justify my opinion by saying "some other people don't give a shit".

The rightness or wrong-ness of a situation is not judged by counting the opinions of others.

Now, don't confuse the above with Galloway-love. However, I'm still to see anything that makes me think that Galloway is actually any worse than any of the other MP's.

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