Making a new try to sell my shadowblade set for a lower price. Maybe the price was to high, I dont know really
Starting price 18 Plat
Buyout price 23 Plat
(remeber that only the ring is worth 10 Plat)
Fell free to ask questions if you wanna know anything..
Want to sell a full set for a ShadowBlade including rings jewel etc
Tempered Serrated Padded Starlaeder Jerkin
Con, dur, qua : 100
Dex 22pts
Stealth 3pts
Sword 5pts
Left Axe 3 pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Mighty Padded Starklaeder Sleeves
Con, dur, qua : 100
Con 19Pts
Str 25Pts
Critical Strike 3Pts
Hits 68pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Speedy Padded Starklaeder Leggings
Con, dur, qua : 100
Stealth 4pts
Con 19pts
Thrust 7%
Qui 25pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Serrated Padded Starkleader Helm
Con, dur, qua : 100
Sword 6pts
Energy 5%
Dex 13pts
Hits 28pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Edgebender Padded Starklader Gloves
Con, dur, qua : 100
Hits 60pts
Qui 19pts
Slash 9%
Critical Strike 4pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Thrustbender Padded Starklader Boots
Con, dur, qua : 100
Dex 22pts
Str 19pts
Critical Strike 4pts
Thrust 9%
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Arcanium Illbane Spiritbender Bastard Sword
Con, dur : 100 Qua : 99
Crush 2%
Spirit 9%
Left Axe 4pts
Matter 9%
Procc: Dmg-over-Time. Dmg per tick 64. Damage type: Matter
Arcanium Celeric SpiritBender Hand Axe
Con, dur, qua : 100
Qui 13pts
Spirit 9%
Energy 7%
Left Axe 4pts
Procc: Haste Value 40%. Duration 1.0 min
Ozurs Shadowring
Con, dur, qua : 100
Con 30pts
Qui 15pts
Str 22 pts
Dex 22 pts
Charge: 5 charges of dmg Shield value 3.3. Duration 10.0 min. Casting time: instant
Glacier Jewel
Con, dur, qua : 100
Cold 13%
Slash 13%
Body 12%
Ring of Spun Silk
Con, dur, qua : 100
Hits 21pts
Crush 10%
Matter 10%
Con 3pts
Scaffold Web Cloak
Con, dur, qua : 100
Cold 8%
Heat 8%
Spirit 8%
Con 6pts
Accursed Belt of Might
Con, dur : 100 Qua : 94
Str 10pts
Crush 4%
Slash 4%
Body 4%
3 of the items on the template can not be traded. And those items are:
Beaded Resisting Stone
Crush 10%
Thrust 10%
Body 10%
Cold 10%
(Quest: Ancestrals Secrets)
Jergersunn Braclet
Hits 30pts
Energy 6%
Matter 8%
Heat 6%
(Quest: Catlas downfall)
Giemt Braclet
Qui 4pts
Stealth 4pts
Heat 10%
Energy 10%
(Quest: Catlas downfall)
This set will cap you if you are specced with:
Left Axe
Critical Strike
Helm and boots will come free in the price for envenom capp to
Starting price 18 Plat
Buyout price 23 Plat
(remeber that only the ring is worth 10 Plat)
Fell free to ask questions if you wanna know anything..
Want to sell a full set for a ShadowBlade including rings jewel etc
Tempered Serrated Padded Starlaeder Jerkin
Con, dur, qua : 100
Dex 22pts
Stealth 3pts
Sword 5pts
Left Axe 3 pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Mighty Padded Starklaeder Sleeves
Con, dur, qua : 100
Con 19Pts
Str 25Pts
Critical Strike 3Pts
Hits 68pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Speedy Padded Starklaeder Leggings
Con, dur, qua : 100
Stealth 4pts
Con 19pts
Thrust 7%
Qui 25pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Serrated Padded Starkleader Helm
Con, dur, qua : 100
Sword 6pts
Energy 5%
Dex 13pts
Hits 28pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Edgebender Padded Starklader Gloves
Con, dur, qua : 100
Hits 60pts
Qui 19pts
Slash 9%
Critical Strike 4pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Thrustbender Padded Starklader Boots
Con, dur, qua : 100
Dex 22pts
Str 19pts
Critical Strike 4pts
Thrust 9%
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Arcanium Illbane Spiritbender Bastard Sword
Con, dur : 100 Qua : 99
Crush 2%
Spirit 9%
Left Axe 4pts
Matter 9%
Procc: Dmg-over-Time. Dmg per tick 64. Damage type: Matter
Arcanium Celeric SpiritBender Hand Axe
Con, dur, qua : 100
Qui 13pts
Spirit 9%
Energy 7%
Left Axe 4pts
Procc: Haste Value 40%. Duration 1.0 min
Ozurs Shadowring
Con, dur, qua : 100
Con 30pts
Qui 15pts
Str 22 pts
Dex 22 pts
Charge: 5 charges of dmg Shield value 3.3. Duration 10.0 min. Casting time: instant
Glacier Jewel
Con, dur, qua : 100
Cold 13%
Slash 13%
Body 12%
Ring of Spun Silk
Con, dur, qua : 100
Hits 21pts
Crush 10%
Matter 10%
Con 3pts
Scaffold Web Cloak
Con, dur, qua : 100
Cold 8%
Heat 8%
Spirit 8%
Con 6pts
Accursed Belt of Might
Con, dur : 100 Qua : 94
Str 10pts
Crush 4%
Slash 4%
Body 4%
3 of the items on the template can not be traded. And those items are:
Beaded Resisting Stone
Crush 10%
Thrust 10%
Body 10%
Cold 10%
(Quest: Ancestrals Secrets)
Jergersunn Braclet
Hits 30pts
Energy 6%
Matter 8%
Heat 6%
(Quest: Catlas downfall)
Giemt Braclet
Qui 4pts
Stealth 4pts
Heat 10%
Energy 10%
(Quest: Catlas downfall)
This set will cap you if you are specced with:
Left Axe
Critical Strike
Helm and boots will come free in the price for envenom capp to