Lowbie Killing?



Anyone like to share their thoughts on the killing of players who are low con?

I don't have any hard and set rules myself, although I have killed a grey troll who should have known better than to be in Hadrians Wall ... also ganked a little green Kobold stealther in Darkness Falls last night, when he attacked 7 level 50's who were - at that moment - fighting two Cthulic Knights.

Do we even get any realm points for killing grey cons?

Heard a lot about this Yddgra (sp?) forest, where people hang out to kill low levels. Is that acceptable to all three realms?

Would like to think of myself as an honourable person, even in a game, and, well, killing low cons seems a little bit distateful... So, I invite all and any to discuss this matter.

NOTE: this is a flamefree zone, please :)


doesnt matter what con he/she/it is if it aint albion , it dies , simply :)


If it moves and it's targetable with F8 it's a viable target as far as I'm concerned :D

Level 50 Infiltrator
Order of The Knights Templar


in the words or arnie schwarznegger-



Rules are very clear - it doesn't matter what level you are, if you are in the frontiers (or now Darkness Falls too) then you may well be killed, and if you are then tough, live with it.

That said, alot of players have their own values which they like to adhere to and so most players wouldn't go looking for grey cons to kill necessarily.

Personally, I would try to avoid killing any grey con, but green and over fair game. Exceptions to this would be if they were in or around an Albion keep, or if they were to attack me in enemy territory.

I once killed a green con middie who was with a grey con in emain .... bless the grey con because he insisted on attacking me afterwards. I put my weapons away and let him try a few hits to see if he would get the hint and stop. Sadly though, he didn't and I killed him, followed by /bow for bravery :)

Another time I was in Yggdra and had killed a couple of greens and a blue from a hunting party (carefully with no xp loss). After the 3rd attack when the group ran around trying to find me, one of the green cons got aggroed by a mob that was blue to me, and was in danger of dying. I targetted the mob and took the aggro from the green con, effectively saving him and xp death. As I tried to solo the blue mob (without the 2.5 spec points we have now, and no PA attack as I had to unstealth to get there in time) the group wandered over and then ganked me, even though I then didn't hit any of them and just stayed on the mob. That, in my view, was a bit lame but still fair game - I hope they got plenty of realm points... ;)

I guess some people may kill greys in Yggdra because it's well known that doing so often brings out the higher levels to hunt you down.... that's the only reason I can think of and I reckon I'd still try to wait for a green or above.

By the way... the grey con from earlier did earn me more than 1 realm point, but still not many ;)


I foundly remember the times as a wee pup when confromted with a purp con mid nobody attacked and we ended up having an emote converstaion before we went our sperate ways. Simple fact was i could not hurt him and he could crush me so easily it wasn't worth the effort. Those days where fun.


I remember exping in Ygg, several times the whole hunting party got wiped by purp invaders, it kinda sucked, but that was before BG. And in those days it was likely the first time you would make contact with an invader would be in Ygg, even getting killed by one was a rush, it is almost certain that Jupitus got jumped for the sheer excitement that newer players feel when given the chance to attack an invader. I would like to think that an element of shivalry exists in all realms.

Excluding the purp hib that wasted me whilst I was trotting through e-main one evening, for him I will maybe kill just one grey hib.. , otherwise my intention is to only kill green con and up.


Whatever floats your boat.

I suffered many exp deaths in Yggdra at the lower levels. It was a little annoying but I understood why - Don't go into the frontiers if you don't want to die.

Although killing greys can have an adverse effect. I was ganked continuously as a grey-con and now I have levelled a bit I like to gank greys whether it be an exp death or not. It was done to me, so why not?

A juvenile attitude I admit but it's the way I see things.

It's a game where three Realms are at war. The less able aren't spared on the battlefields IRL so why should they be in a game trying to simulate war?


Just killed a greycon myself. Went afk when stealthed on hmg, odins. When I got back I saw three hibs, two blue and one grey. Picks of the blue elf, stealthes again, they don't know what hit them. Picks off the blue lurikeen. The greycon firbolg comes runing at me and starts hitting me. Actually hit me once for 60ish damage. Then I did two swings with 500ish damage. No more greycon left ;)

He gave me about 30 rps I think and I can't think of a more viable greycon-kill: He was in our frontier and attacked me first.

*ramble* ;)


Originally posted by nobrot
it is almost certain that Jupitus got jumped for the sheer excitement that newer players feel when given the chance to attack an invader.
.. actually I think it was because that was the group I had been targetting, so fair play to them, but I understand your meaning... many players would jump at the chance to kill an orange or red con invader and I don't blame them (I was furious at the time though :p)


Killing grey cons is certainly legal, if not terribly great sport. My own code of behaviour towards greys is something like this:

-If he's come to Emain, he's an invader there for the sole purpose of RvR and taking the risk of getting ganked by higher levels. No qualms about swatting him.

-In a keep assault or defence, all enemies must be eliminated.

-If he's with a group of higher cons that's fighting me, he's chosen to play in the big boys' league (or to leech RPs off high levels, however you want to look at it :) ) Again, there at his own risk.

- If I've got to Yggdra and there's no other way of announcing my presence I'll hit a grey - prefer to fight green/blue/yellow though.

- If he attacks me, I'll hit back. As a tank I don't have the option of mezzing, waving and walking off.

Beyond those circumstances though, I prefer to leave greys be, they'll grow into worthier opponents soon enough.


I like fair fights, so unless Im in relic raid "frame by frame" Hell, attacking a grey/green isnt something I do.

We have in our guild a rule that states:

Unless on specific RvR raids "ganking" of grey hib/mids is not allowed.


heh, i have killed some grays for sure, no question about it, i prefer not to though except one time when we went 5 ppl to ygg and caused 20 mids to run like rabbits all over the place :D fun as hell one time, sure... but not the regular thing to do, and certainly not a sport at all. If i see a grey in emain or in odins, if provoked, i kill, if not.. a /wave and a /bow is more suitable i reckon. Heh, sometimes I let greens go too, after bringing a green to 10% in 1 hit the other day they arent too much fun to fight either unless some greens zerg :) but if a greycon is near our PK somewhere, they die.... and if they are in our front, they die no matter what..

causing XPdeaths is something i accidently caused once and is not a proper thing to do, i have more respect for ppl as players than that.. mindless killin and not having one single bit of concern for other players is not the way of <Utopia> I remember how frustrating it was to be killed in Snow by that darn Waylander (Vaylander?) when beeing low30ish.. i dont hate him for that, go to the front, and u may be killed, those are the rules. Some have more moral than others, simple as that. Hmm moral and moral, sparing enemys lives maybe dont have so much with moral to do, perhaps it is more about how u see this game. Some try to uphold some sort of Code of honour, some dont. No disrespect to the players who actually kill greys, cause xpdeaths or rezkill, i dont care tbh. We are all different and have our own ways in life aswell as in Daoc, i respect that.


It's much worse on the Excal server, when I played there before I couldn't even walk outside into my own frontier (Uppland) without being ganked by a purple lurikeen or saracen.

- Pathfinder -

Excalibur does exceed at grey ganking :) Whatever makes your day, I suppose. If it wasn't for Hib's lack of decent solo spots 30+ inside the realm, I couldn't care less :p


<< Ganks middie greys in bunches on occasions when it feels like noone wants to play with him. It can be really frustrating when theresnt a single target <non-skald and at least blue ehem> round.

Dona worry beh Happy

- Pathfinder -

"This is the way we gank some greys, gank some greys, gank some greys!"

- Random Infiltrator


As far as i'm concerned any1 not from my realm is fair game whatever the colour - I'm not a conist ;)

and, as said earlier, if they are in the frontiers or DF then they are fair game. they know the risks and should live with them.


that's not to say i kill them everytime just depends whether the red mists decends, usually when they start running away and the grp speed song kicks in



If i see a single grey con running somewhere, i will usually just /wave and carry on running, if i see a pack of grey cons, i will only attack if they make a hostile move ie) Someone tries to slap me with a hammer. If i see someone exping i will never kill them, whatever the con.

Personally i get no enjoyment out of killing a grey, so i will leave them be.


I dont have a personal rule if to kill grays or not, i kill what i feel for at the moment... ive killed a solo gray while in a grp, spared a yellow alb while i was soloing (he attacked me and i owned him).

I never give someone a expdeath on purpose, ive been expkilled and its not funny at all, but while exping in the frontier thats a thing you have to accept without whining (much)...



I try to scare them, and maybe kill one of the grey cons for extra effect if they have a rezzer around.



You see the scene on Lords Of The Rings when Strider/Legolas ganked 100 Orcs......

When you get the rage, dont hold back!!


"Real men don't eat quiche"


lowbies - lvl 30- suffer a big exp lose whe they get a mob death
...i don't kill them if a mobs on them

I found Halo with bubble a few days ago in DF :) since i RvRed against him with my alt in Thid i had a bit of fun with him before killing him as he was a step away from the hib portal :)


Heh.. killing greys is a sport for someone (no names, we all knows ;). But when i was lvl 20+, i really enjoyed encounter with a paladin (don't remember his name) that suprised me (Enchanter) and druid friend near Drum Ligen. First RvR encounter, we tried to kill him - our pets attacked, I blasted him with all spells i had - He killed our pets and smiled to my DDs. We cried to him, he salutes and then he mades suicide.. Nice fellow ;)

Later we were jumped by two infs ;))


if it aint ...

Not sure about the way on this, but suppose it's down to personal preference - I was questing in Hadrians the other night on my own, came across a green mid - seeing as how rp would be negligible and wouldn't have been any fun in killing him I merely bowed to him and went on my way..

Down to circumstance, perhaps?


Grey cons are about the only things i can kill because im a blademaster :(


bone_idle : play a zerker and you can kill up to yellow stealthers :)

come duel me i'm only 48


on the grey issue : i just run up to them and /stick and /wave if they attack theyre dead otherwise they can just go wobble ahead


i once had a duel with a gray zerker in yggdra :)

i was beating him down with my scepter of the intellect :)
in the end i had to run away :) he was at about 50% and i was at 25% :)

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