Love for albion!



At least also ppl won't be able to say we are rubbish players cos we always loose, we won't loose quite so often now :wall:


Thane team leader said, in response to Thane-whining about not getting any improvements, that Mythic were post-SI going through each realm/class and it just so happened Albion casters were first. Not sure quite whether that means no changes will be actually made till all classes/realms have been touched but his point was though this looks unbalancing that's partly because it is announced first before other classes/realms have been looked at.


Originally posted by Ragnarok1978
The ability to resist, reduce or even be totally imune to CC is the single most powerfull ability now-a-days, only giving it to one realm is unbalancing.

So was giving grouppurge to hibs...

So was giving insta ranged aoe cc to mids and hibs...

But since i'm beating a dead horse, never mind :)


Here's hoping they don't do the stupid thing and give it to healers and bards as concentration buffs or something equally whacked.

You could maybe get away with it in mentalism or something (not that hibs need any more anti-mezz stuff) but it'd be nice for it to be an albion thing... the whole realm-balance issue etc. making up for no insta-mezz etc. etc. :)


Originally posted by Fingoniel

nah they don't add


so max resists, full resist buff and the Sorcerer's _self only_ mezz resistance it'll quarter the duration.

erm the top mezz resistance buff is 80% with normal resists of 26% maybe 50% with cleric buffs that 32sec insta mezz will be

32 * .2 * .74 = 4.7 secs.

with cleric buffs

32 * .2 * .50 = 3.2 secs.

Quite a bit less than a quarter.

Aule Valar

therug pets could now be good interupters, but to kill someone other than a caster it takes a shit load of mana, pets are % based and don't exactly do all that much damage
also if your tanks are awake they'll just kill them, blue pets, especially air pets are very weak and something like a zerg could munch em pretty fast


For anyone complaining about theurg new range and CC immunity on their pets, heres a simple total "keel and pwn all theurg solution"™


Wow, now his pet summons have 700 range for 2 minutes, and only way of healing it is using purge.

Really, stop whining if you dont have a clue.

And me, being a hib, i really think this patch was needed. Alb needs clerics(at least thats what alot of people say, i wouldnt know, im not an alb :p), and a smite cleric is still a better healer than a NON-Existant one. Sorcerers really needed the buffs, anyone complaining about it should go away, now. And lastly, earth theurgists, WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO DO?(pre-patch) They have pbt, a useless pet spell(really, it IS useless unless you spend 50% of your power spamming out 5 pets), and 2 forms of attack speed debuffs :rolleyes:, whoopee!

All in all, good patch, i cant see anything that was overpowered in any way, but i do wonder how minstrels are supposed to get exp groups now.....


Originally posted by old.Noita
This is the first time I have ever used this animation


I prefer "Toodle pip" ;)


:clap: for mythic :D
Just 2 things:

1) Do you know the numbers for the sorc spells? (meaning: how much mez reduction? the 2 mez reductions stack? what is the equivalent of the sorc mana regeneration buff (comparing with minstrel power song)?

2) Remember this is 1.59B. B means usually still a bunch of letters left. So a lot of testing will be done before these changes going final, and probably the other realms will get their letter too (and maybe albion non-casters, I don't know). So wait a bit to say "AAARGH EVERYTHING UNBALANCED NOW!!!!!111"


Originally posted by civy

erm the top mezz resistance buff is 80% with normal resists of 26% maybe 50% with cleric buffs that 32sec insta mezz will be

32 * .2 * .74 = 4.7 secs.

with cleric buffs

32 * .2 * .50 = 3.2 secs.

Quite a bit less than a quarter.

top SELF ONLY mezz resistance buff.
oh wow - the sorc is still unmezzed :) now watch him beat you to death with his unspecced DD or his staff (since 49 mind gives you that much offence ;))


Originally posted by old.Niljindil
nd 2 forms of attack speed debuffs :rolleyes:, whoopee!

Hey don't make them sound too good- it's only one attack speed debuff :)

Abrasion has three lines in it:
Attack speed debuff

Jaas Mallai

Some numbers i found on the sorc TL boards:

pow regen buff (afaik exactly like hib 'crack')
5 Comprehension of Power 1
15 Perception of Power 2
26 Perspicuity of Power 3
36 Cognition of Power 4
46 Lucidity of Power 5

Self Mez duration resist buff
16 Shield Mind 20%
27 Harden Mind 40%
35 Steel Mind 60%
45 Invulnerable Mind 80%

Group Mez Resist duration buff chant
29 Solidarity of Mind 8%
39 Unity of Mind 16%
49 Brotherhood of the Mind 24%

also from what I can gather the group mez resist buff and self mez buff do not stack. I think the pow regen buff stacks with pow song.


if it's the same as bard+mentalist they won't stack.

people are saying this will make minstrels unable to get groups...

considering a minstrel is 99% of the time (i.e. all except tanglers) a far better mezzer in PvE I don't think so :)

(and you ask why? sorc mezz lasts twice as long!
Minstrel mezzes one monster, then the next then the next...
if any resist he stuns and tries again, if they go for casters he stuns before he mezzes...

Sorcerer aoe mezzes, 2 resists and it's byebye cloth-wearing no-defence caster unless a: bladeturn works on that purple.. b: the tanks are awake c: the healer is awake)


time for my "whine on a new patch" then :

smite boost : zzzz @ mythic or "how to let people waste their respec"

theurg boost : "look at me i can kill the zerg singlehanded with my power bot"

sorc boost: now this is just insane!

ok ,if you spec for a mezzer you can have some nice spells, and getting the range of the ae mess on par with healer's mez, no problemo, but :

pow regen buffs + the explanation : "Added a power regen buff to Mind spec list so that all three realms have a version of this spell" makes me ask : "where's mid's pow regen chant then????"

" Instead of adding more crowd control to any realm, Sorcerers are getting two new ways of dealing with crowd control. "
means : " Instead of adding more crowd control to any realm, Sorcerers are getting two new ways of reducing other realms' crowd control to nothing usefull at all"


yeah klav, as we all know 26% reduction is 100% reduction!

it's simple maths.

(hrm I remember a 26% reduction on a LA style...)

You'd whine more if they gave sorcs instas :)

(and I'm glad they didn't... makes things a bit more unique... hibs have group purge, healers have instant stun - which ignores this new stuff btw, and sorcs have mezz immunity and group mezz reductions if they gimp their damage completely)


Originally posted by Fingoniel

top SELF ONLY mezz resistance buff.
oh wow - the sorc is still unmezzed :) now watch him beat you to death with his unspecced DD or his staff (since 49 mind gives you that much offence ;))

Can’t argue with you. A 49 mind sorc sill have very little offence:help:, I was just pointing out .2 * .5 = .1 not .25 :p


Originally posted by civy

Can’t argue with you. A 49 mind sorc sill have very little offence:help:, I was just pointing out .2 * .5 = .1 not .25 :p


sorry just re-read what I'd posted :) I'm fick sometimes. (to think I have a maths degree... oh well we never did use numbers)

But yer right it's a 1/10th duration with the 80% mezz (although some reports are saying the top self-only one makes the sorcerer entirely immune... still get intterupted though)

old.Trine Aquavit

It won't make too much of a difference, IMO. Mez has already been more significantly reduced with purge, determination, timers and huge increases in body resists (anyone out there that doesn't get their body resists maxxed first?). This will only factor in cases where there are Mind Specced Sorcs about. I don't think there are many of them, and I don't think there'll be too many more with this patch - after all these changes won't make the class any more fun to play (either levelling up or in RvR).

I also expect we'll see some changes to the other realms in 1.59c,d,e,f, etc. Perhaps see some of the other realms' weaker classes getting a boost?


LOL healers have insta stun.. yeah on a 20 min timer , so he just sends two pet's, sure I can just use my insta mezz to get him first.. and after 5 sec's he is un-mezzed and starts sending pet's , making the pet's invul to both mezz and root is insane


Originally posted by Fingoniel

Hey don't make them sound too good- it's only one attack speed debuff :)

Abrasion has three lines in it:
Attack speed debuff

Actually, it has 4 lines, ae attack speed debuff and single isnt the same line(at least its not that way with any single that becomes ae on non-list casters, so i assume its counted as 2 lines on the theurg also). For further proof check any spell list(classesofcamelot or Catacombs char planner).

Not like it matters tho, a light chanter has 3!! different kinds ;)

j000 d000d

Earth theurg pets gonna be uber, they already hit for like 200 dmg :(


Originally posted by Teador
Earth theurg pets gonna be uber, they already hit for like 200 dmg :(

Use tactics...

hrm actually I meant that seriously - mezz/root/stun/confuse :p

so you can't aoe mezz or root em now (and wipe out an entire theurgist's not-particularly-great-offence-anyway in one spell)


Thx for the numbers Jaas Mallai!

I don't know how much mind will I end up with, but it is definitely a more appealing spell line to me now...


It would have been better if Theurg pets had the following instead of the upcoming:
Air -> Cannot be stunned and/or mezzed (he casts stun himself)
Ice -> Cannot be snared and/or rooted (he casts snare himself)
Earth -> nothing, he's just an elemental tank

Instead of looking at the specific pet they just give ehm all the same stuff, which is, in my eyes, just lazy. It should be fun, not uber.

Gr. Cuth


Originally posted by Graknak
It would have been better if Theurg pets had the following instead of the upcoming:
Air -> Cannot be stunned and/or mezzed (he casts stun himself)
Ice -> Cannot be snared and/or rooted (he casts snare himself)
Earth -> nothing, he's just an elemental tank

Instead of looking at the specific pet they just give ehm all the same stuff, which is, in my eyes, just lazy. It should be fun, not uber.

Gr. Cuth

nah they need to give earth pets individual determination 5 and purge :)

this is post 1.53 - tanks are no longer just RP cows :p
(and it's probably pretty stupid making the line with only pets in it have the crappest pets...) :)


Originally posted by Ragnarok1978
lol @ unmezzable pets, how silly can it get?

And adding grouped mezz reductions to just one class in one realm is about as unbalancing as when they gave infils 2.5x specpoints.

Just as I was starting to have a little faith in mythic and theirs ways to balance things out again, they go and uberbuff albion. The ability to resist, reduce or even be totally imune to CC is the single most powerfull ability now-a-days, only giving it to one realm is unbalancing.

Not giving Albion:

Shapeshifting hybrids with tons of hitpoints

is ofcourse not unbalancing. That had to do with the bigger amount of numbers Albs had. But when EVERYONE who plays the game thinks by albs: Ah, free RPS and a lot of Albion-players move to Hib/Mid it makes you think.... perhaps Albion needs some loving.

And please please please don't start about plate-armour. What % damage does it absorb more, do you think?

We still have clothcaster as main-CC and he lights up as a circus in the night. Can't be that hard to take him out, right?


Originally posted by Fingoniel

nah they need to give earth pets individual determination 5 and purge :)

this is post 1.53 - tanks are no longer just RP cows :p
(and it's probably pretty stupid making the line with only pets in it have the crappest pets...) :)

Not only pets.. The line also contains PBT (which is more important to the line then the earth-pets I think) and a haste-debuff. Ofcourse targetted, theurgists don't deal 'damage' on AoE (btw very odd if you read the description about the theurgist)


pow regen buffs + the explanation : "Added a power regen buff to Mind spec list so that all three realms have a version of this spell" makes me ask : "where's mid's pow regen chant then????"

I can understand this point though, Mids should get power regen chant, the other two realms do.


Originally posted by Puppetmistress

Not only pets.. The line also contains PBT (which is more important to the line then the earth-pets I think) and a haste-debuff. Ofcourse targetted, theurgists don't deal 'damage' on AoE (btw very odd if you read the description about the theurgist)

meant only pets for its damage :)

Graknak's suggestion came down to:
air theurgist - they have a nice spec nuke... lets improve their pets
ice theurgist - they have a slightly less nice spec nuke... improve the pets anyway.
earth theurgist - ooh they can't do anything else... lets leave their pets crap then.

I think that was down to the air/ice pets being hybrids/casters and the earth pet being a sterotypical RP cow though :)

I hope if they do back out of any of the theurgist changes they either:

Change air pets to proc a single 9s stun and trigger immunity.
Keep the root/mezz immunity on the earth pets, but remove from air (and possibly ice)

rather than backing out completely.

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