Love for albion!



anyone wanna take bets on which realm is next ?


Air Theurgs are going to be uber.

Sorcs will be the class they should have been from the start.

Clerics can't moan anymore.

Can't decide whether it's a good or bad patch TBH ^^



Added a power regen buff to Mind spec list so that all three realms have a version of this spell:

5 Comprehension of Power
15 Perception of Power
26 Perspicuity of Power
36 Cognition of Power
46 Lucidity of Power


- Reduced casting time of Burst of Steam line to 2.5 seconds, which matches the Spiritmaster and Enchanter PBAE cast times.

Oh my god, does this mean Albion damage class is now going to do as much damage as the Hibernian pet class? Yey! I like this bit the most.

Aule Valar

tee hee, hee heeeee ha muahahahahahaa
can't wait to spam unstoppable pets at those nasty chanters, i bet they don't like it up em :p


Theurgist elementals can no longer be rooted or mezzed.

" shakes head in disbelive "


its fucking silly

atleast i can still slam them and run :)

What about thanes?!!!

Aule Valar

hopefuly they will finish what they've started and give thanes and bms some seriously needed love, possibly mentalits too, can't really see why they have a power stealing charm, although i think this may allow them to charm orange con mobs, something a sorc can't (or maybe thats just mincers)
if they could help the other needy classes out in this way it ought to put a lot of fun back into rvr


this is daft imo, they nerf cleric only to beef em up again.

have Mythic killed the current DEV staff and replaced em with ppl who play alb? :p


With the top lvl mezz debuff and resists and RA's we have a 130% mezz reduction. YAY we are unmezzable:clap:

The above information may be slightly OTT but it's pretty damn close:clap::clap:

Things you will hear on the battlefield after 1.59 goes live.

Ok Ok I was a buffbot until yesterday. I’m still trying to work out what all these spells do.

Anyone know what the heal icon looks like?

Shit I just cast group insta. Oh there goes the single insta. 30 mins till instas up lads.


Its impossible to be unmezzable, its percents of percents of percents..........You'll get pretty damn close though :)

You are mezmerized !
<2second pause>
<keep walking>


LOL we short on healers as if , now there will be even less around , cant mezz anything , one even grey con non mezzable mob can keep a healer out of the fight , lol thats nice . Same with shamans , only thing we can do is run.. only defence realy is root , so it will just keep on interrupting me until someone kill me..Nice that lil thing just made it able for a thug to remove all healing from a mid group in a fight with a single pet..WTG MYTHIC

Do they even think before they put new stuff ever ???

Roo Stercogburn

Making one realm all but unmezzable (and widening the area of effect of their mez), without giving that ablity to the others? (Unless I've missed something that Hib and Mid have been given, which is possible).

Pets that can be sent at enemy casters and can't be stopped in their tracks but pets from the other realms stay same as before?

One observation about the cleric changes though: I think it was the damage output that was reduced previously - its not been increased here, but I do remember a lot of clerics complaining about the range on it making it hard to ever use, which was valid restriction when it was basically something Japanese mayors fear. Now its just another ranged attack with similar ranges to other attacks. Outsiders point of view of course.
I've got misgivings about this test patch, but will have to wait and see. Have to admit my initial reaction was bloody hell, no point in being a dark spec SM any more.

I would imagine dark spec SMs and pac spec healers on the US servers are going ballistic about that test patch as its all but a direct nerf. I don't know enough about Hib classes to say about the impact there but am betting mentalists aren't happy.

I'd be interested to see what peeps that play Theurgs and Sorcs (not peeps that have friends that play them ;)) have to say about what's wrong with their classes that these things fix - I simply don't know enough about them.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Making one realm all but unmezzable (and widening the area of effect of their mez), without giving that ablity to the others? (Unless I've missed something that Hib and Mid have been given, which is possible).

Both mid and Hib have instant aecc,
mids have 3 diffrent kinds of it,
mids are the only realm with aestun

Albion dont have a single instant aecc.

Our increased mezz radius are now same as Healers and bards.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Making one realm all but unmezzable (and widening the area of effect of their mez), without giving that ablity to the others? (Unless I've missed something that Hib and Mid have been given, which is possible).

Grouppurge is what you missed.


I'm usually quite easy going with the changes on patches but this shocked me a bit.

My thoughts were pretty much same as Roo's when I read those patch notes.

My level 40 Darkness AE Mez has 28 second duration. With spellcrafting coming, mez duration lowering to edges of radius, resist buffs and now this mez duration reduction buff, my mez is probably gonna last from 5 secs at center to maybe 2 secs at edges :)
Not to forget determination RA's.

Threurgists will be quite hard for other spellcasters, especially those without bolts or other long range spells. Already they can start spamming the pets from 1850 range and I have to waste quickcast ae mez to the pets (takes 1-4 tries due to chain stun which breaks quickcasted spells too). After quickcast is gone, outcome of caster vs. caster fight is pretty much decided.

However, i don't think the theurgist change is as bad as the mez reduction, I'll just have to come up with new plans to kill theurgists :)

But mez reduction will be hard since my fighting is pretty much based on using ae mez.

I think other pet classes should have their "command" range increased to 1850 or 2000 (with maybe exception of casting pets). For example now when archer shoots at pet class, the pet won't start legging it towards archer until he has done damage. And at that point the pet is only on the way (and they aren't very fast). Non-pet mages can use their high range nearsights or bolts but pet classes can either run out of range (and let archer stealth and try later again) or try run to 1500 range and try something before they die.

Who knows, maybe the 1.59 will include something for other realms and classes too. Can always hope :)


This is the first time I have ever used this animation


Tesla Monkor

Yay. Besides being in the numerical advantage pretty much all the time, many of Albion characters are now just as powerful, if not more so than their Hibernian or Midgard brethern.

Yay for massive, unmezzable zergs.


Sorc gets mezzed, mezz lasts 5 seconds, sorc is dead in 4 seconds :p


lol @ unmezzable pets, how silly can it get?

And adding grouped mezz reductions to just one class in one realm is about as unbalancing as when they gave infils 2.5x specpoints.

Just as I was starting to have a little faith in mythic and theirs ways to balance things out again, they go and uberbuff albion. The ability to resist, reduce or even be totally imune to CC is the single most powerfull ability now-a-days, only giving it to one realm is unbalancing.


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey
(omg imagine it with MoC)

don't need to imagine it :) I've been getting hit by it for a while...


Originally posted by civy
With the top lvl mezz debuff and resists and RA's we have a 130% mezz reduction. YAY we are unmezzable:clap:

nah they don't add


so max resists, full resist buff and the Sorcerer's _self only_ mezz resistance it'll quarter the duration.

no it's not you tool
0.2*0.5 is 0.1
so it'll tenth the duration.

I blame lack of coffee.


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
LOL we short on healers as if , now there will be even less around , cant mezz anything , one even grey con non mezzable mob can keep a healer out of the fight , lol thats nice . Same with shamans , only thing we can do is run.. only defence realy is root , so it will just keep on interrupting me until someone kill me..Nice that lil thing just made it able for a thug to remove all healing from a mid group in a fight with a single pet..WTG MYTHIC

Do they even think before they put new stuff ever ???

they're not immune to stun, stun a pet and it's just lost half its life.
The theurg TL wasn't after unrootable/mezzable pets... we'll see how it goes.

Oh yeah current fight:

fg of hibs meets fg of Albs (that know what they're doing)

Sorc quickcasts aoe mezz, bard insta-amnesias (ends the sorc spell) and casts his own aoe mezz.

Some albs purge, get stunned and killed.

After 1.59:
fg of hibs meeds fg of Albs
Sorc quickcasts aoe mezz, bard insta-amnesias and casts his own mezz.

Some albs purge, the sorcerer's mezz wears off, they get stunned and killed.
Possibly the (oh so massive!) 26% reduction in time means two of the tanks wake up soon enough to take down a hibbie before they get nuked to death.

Ahh well :) it'll still be nice.


Albion gets an uber, unbalancing patch and they still dare to call other ealms uber or whine at bards ???
Good tactic for getting some more unbalancing patches.


unbalancing sorta like 1 realm not having any form of ranged insta mez and no group purge


I was kidding with the above fight :)

This should hopefully make albion a bit more interesting - if the sorcerers can get out of mezz before they get slammed/chopped into bits then they can unmezz their group mates (who will be waking up a bit sooner anyway)

So the fact that we never get mezzes off (or they get group purged) isn't so bad since we're not going to be mezzed as much.

We just have to worry about linked pbt and pbaoe now :)
(oh and stun)


How can you possibly say all this? Albion gets one class with paper armour, low HP and 1 x spec points. If they want to be good messers, they cannot do anything else except mes and protect against mes. Mid healers get to heal too and buff, bards get speed, buffs, heals (maybe not so effective at healing but still) and better cc than the alb class?

C'mon, if a sorc wants this, they can forget nuking, and do nothing but cc. Oh boo hoo, now alb cc has as big a radius on it as mid/hib, but we still don't have instants, we still don't have group purge, we still don't have ae stun etc.

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