


Originally posted by Arnor2
and with the "only roll for the class you played on raid" logic, you will end up with raids with 80% infils, which is all gravy :p

tbh that rule is just moronic and rewards not being a teamplayer/bein egoistic because ppl like pin who got both infil and earth.theurgist will be forced to bring his infil, which is of one hell of alot less help then his theurg.

Totally agree.

That's why I suggested those that play a 'sacrifice' char for the good of the raid should be able to inform the organisers beforehand which char/spec they will be lottoing for. And I would say it has to be a 46+ alt that they otherwise would have taken on the raid.

DeaD GuRu

spoiled chiled....

solve this riddle

only guildgroups may be active in shitty lotto system.......
Loads of unguilded people are playing here, by choise........
only guilds may take part in a major organized event.......
Loads of unguilded people made mistakes and need respec.....
only guilded ppl, my friend...
everybody that wants to respec must join a guild or will not have one chance on respec

how gentle of the uber guilds...

another suggestion i'll make, just collect all the friggin respec stones:

JUST SELL THEM, all of them

2 platinum for a respec stone
500 gold for a skill respec

all the income goes to the organising person, or guild... whatever

at least unguilded ppl will have a fair chance at one too.

call me spoiled, sure, call me child.... sure..... i would call it: Fair

... will the richest ppl buy em all?
could be... but what is the use in doing that?
even spoil other ppl's fun more?


proceed as you all wish, i just gave my point of vieuw..
your guild isn't Albion


If you are referring to just the Respec stones then I'll give you my view on that.

The raid organiser invites on an 'invitation only' basis normally because he/she wants players there who will get the job done with minimum of fuss and without someone invoking the aoe attack.

The first Dragon raid I went on was a '45+ come if you want' and the zone crashed. It doesn't work.


Be patient. The Dragon is going to killed enough times in the coming weeks. Not everyone wants a stone and plenty will drop.


If so many unguilded players are active on excal - then organise a raid for unguilded people.


Nobody is going to object.

The only rule is, as ever...

Raid leader makes the rules.

If you don't like the rules, then don't go on their raid, and organise your own. :D

Now, that said, I shall now stop feeding the troll.


Originally posted by loxleyhood

To lotto you must be lvl46+ or higher (this rule is basicly to make sure the raid appeals to many people, and lvl46 is more or less the agreed coming of age of RvR).

yeah that why i was pissed off

look that staff is a pile of crap stats wise anyway, the ONLY reason why any sane friar would use it is because its very effective versus hib groups with 6 sec PBT seeing as it is a 3spd weapon (in fact one of only 2 staffs in the game which is less than 5spd and 16.5dps)

it just annoys me that a blue con has an extremely specific item

i dont think i or any other rr5+ friar has any claim or 'deserves' it, i just think its sad that these weapons dont get used 'in anger' (depends on your definition i guess!)

i guess thats a bit of a romantic vision, but i would have liked to have seen gunnerr hurtling into the fray with that 2hander.

sure everyone got a right to everything but sometimes lifes a bitch!

i'm not really interested in rps (sort of a fun side product to joke about of RvR) but i just like bashing ppl :D


Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
spoiled chiled....

solve this riddle

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

P.S: shut up.


Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
spoiled chiled....

solve this riddle

only guildgroups may be active in shitty lotto system.......
Loads of unguilded people are playing here, by choise........
only guilds may take part in a major organized event.......
Loads of unguilded people made mistakes and need respec.....
only guilded ppl, my friend...
everybody that wants to respec must join a guild or will not have one chance on respec

how gentle of the uber guilds...

another suggestion i'll make, just collect all the friggin respec stones:

JUST SELL THEM, all of them

2 platinum for a respec stone
500 gold for a skill respec

all the income goes to the organising person, or guild... whatever

at least unguilded ppl will have a fair chance at one too.

call me spoiled, sure, call me child.... sure..... i would call it: Fair

... will the richest ppl buy em all?
could be... but what is the use in doing that?
even spoil other ppl's fun more?


proceed as you all wish, i just gave my point of vieuw..
your guild isn't Albion

i know teh answer

its..... u are whining cos ur not guilded and think its unfair that u dont get a possibility of lottoing

hahaha fu


I would salvage the staff, so i could even use it. If i would know that i received that item in a fair way, no matter what that item may be, i would use it in some way.... That may seem selfish of me.... yeah, it may be, but i'm joining something with a certain reason... not to please some ppl,

But that´s even more selfish than all the "Give itemZ to RR5 people only!" whine. Imagine you´d get a Heart of the South, nice drop but useless to you. How much would you get from salvaging it? 50g? 100? Would you sell the bow to someone for that money? Certainly not. If your attitude was commonly accepted, the majority of people would just salvage everything they get.. not to make profit, but just to deny the item to the guy from guild X he doesn´t like. And all the whining and ranting on BW about respec stones, claims and lotto would just be replaced with whining about people being pricks and denying stuff to their realmmates and salvaging valuable stuff in front of the eyes of their groupmembers. Oh.. .and nobody.. NOBODY would care going on a dragonraid anymore.
When I`m giving away a drop I don´t need, I`m not (only) doing that to please the other person. I´m doing t because maybe in another situation it might be *me*, who can use the drop that someone else just picked up.


lol, everyone is pissed off, who started this thread !?.... ohh .. sry Loxley :/

/em run home to mommy

Greenfingers puts is stick up his arse and try to run throughout the Albion Frontiers

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by thorwyntf
But that´s even more selfish than all the "Give itemZ to RR5 people only!" whine. Imagine you´d get a Heart of the South, nice drop but useless to you. How much would you get from salvaging it? 50g? 100? Would you sell the bow to someone for that money? Certainly not. If your attitude was commonly accepted, the majority of people would just salvage everything they get.. not to make profit, but just to deny the item to the guy from guild X he doesn´t like. And all the whining and ranting on BW about respec stones, claims and lotto would just be replaced with whining about people being pricks and denying stuff to their realmmates and salvaging valuable stuff in front of the eyes of their groupmembers. Oh.. .and nobody.. NOBODY would care going on a dragonraid anymore.
When I`m giving away a drop I don´t need, I`m not (only) doing that to please the other person. I´m doing t because maybe in another situation it might be *me*, who can use the drop that someone else just picked up.

I think that most ppl that even grouped with me in some event , a long time ago, will confirm that i'm not even close to beeing selfish. I never , ever, claimed one piece. I let the normal procedure deceide what would happen with a thing.

You point your finger at me , because i'm unguilded, trying to defend what i think is right for everybody...
Don't call this whining from me. You just locked out a lot of ppl in having a chance or a go at one option that has been provided here in our realm... thx. Btw, you can not demand PPL to join a guild... nor can you expell em from certain things. In reality that type of behaviour would be called racial intollerance, discrimination even.

Every organizor does what he wants with his event. He sure does. But pls keep in mind that YOU are not the only person in here wanting to obtain something.

As for salvaging the loot.... i'll tell you one thing, When i'm farming for salvage and someone asks me if i found that type of item , i will try to help em out. If i have , they get it. Otherwise the things i hunt for are for me to deceide what to do with em. If i am a generous bloke, someone will get it. I would not dream of salvaging something like that dragon bow. If i would have two, then one would go to the salvage binn.

anyways, i'll be waiting, I still haven't got my respec stone. And i do need one. I hope that all ppl are soon anoyed of respeccing, wich i doubt since some ppl will never ever make up their mind in what they want and will keep on claiming respec stones for their alt who is lvl 30 or something and need a respec now to level :-((

i'll continue roaming our realm hoping i'll meet some gentle traveller some day offering me one of these stones for sale.... then finally i will have what i need.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Mr Ironheart
I think that most ppl that even grouped with me in some event , a long time ago, will confirm that i'm not even close to beeing selfish. I never , ever, claimed one piece. I let the normal procedure deceide what would happen with a thing.

You point your finger at me , because i'm unguilded, trying to defend what i think is right for everybody...
Don't call this whining from me. You just locked out a lot of ppl in having a chance or a go at one option that has been provided here in our realm... thx. Btw, you can not demand PPL to join a guild... nor can you expell em from certain things. In reality that type of behaviour would be called racial intollerance, discrimination even.

Every organizor does what he wants with his event. He sure does. But pls keep in mind that YOU are not the only person in here wanting to obtain something.

As for salvaging the loot.... i'll tell you one thing, When i'm farming for salvage and someone asks me if i found that type of item , i will try to help em out. If i have , they get it. Otherwise the things i hunt for are for me to deceide what to do with em. If i am a generous bloke, someone will get it. I would not dream of salvaging something like that dragon bow. If i would have two, then one would go to the salvage binn.

anyways, i'll be waiting, I still haven't got my respec stone. And i do need one. I hope that all ppl are soon anoyed of respeccing, wich i doubt since some ppl will never ever make up their mind, what they want and will keep on claiming respec stones for their alt who is lvl 30 or something and need a respec now to level :-((

i'll continue roaming our realm hoping i'll meet some gentle traveller some day offering me one of these stones for sale.... then finally i will have what i need.


I join raids for fun :)

I don't care if I don't win nice drops (although it's nice to) as long as I feel I lost fairly.

As long as the rules are there up front and there's no obvious cheating going on I'll find it fair.

Oh and I won't sit through 6 hours of someone treating everyone like a two year old just for a chance at some drop ;) that's not fun.


You point your finger at me , because i'm unguilded, trying to defend what i think is right for everybody...
Don't call this whining from me. You just locked out a lot of ppl in having a chance or a go at one option that has been provided here in our realm... thx. Btw, you can not demand PPL to join a guild... nor can you expell em from certain things. In reality that type of behaviour would be called racial intollerance, discrimination even.

um... wait a minute.. I don´t give a damn if you´re guilded or unguilded and I`m not pointing my finger at you, I`m just replying to your argumentation, nothing more, nothing less, so please remain fair and don´t accuse me of something I`ve never said nor intended. And I most certainly didn´t lock out people from anything.
If you read my replies carefully, you´d see that all I said was:
1. Use common sense, use need before greed, give items to (or lotto them between) those people who can use them (regardless of lvl, guild, rp´s, rr´s, MhZ CPU, gender and sexual preferences).
2. Your system of making everything totally random is flawed becaue it´s gonna cause even more trouble than the current system.
3. Raidleader decides the system, either accept it or don´t go to the raid.

Hit ^_^

regarding the bow (Shadow Whisper's) it never droped.

atleast no according to Goa and my chat.log.


A dragonraid takes 1 hour, there are 54 drops. claiming 1 drop is no big deal.
A Sidi raid takes 4-5-6-7? hours, there are 10? drops. claiming 1or2 is a big deal.


claiming is lajm , including AUSSORS Dragon uber-bow claim!!111


Pre claiming drops is a brilliant idea in my opinion, especially since the suckers for punishment er…. I mean raid leaders put lots of effort in, and its not even guaranteed the drop will drop ;p


Originally posted by Aussie-
A dragonraid takes 1 hour, there are 54 drops. claiming 1 drop is no big deal.
A Sidi raid takes 4-5-6-7? hours, there are 10? drops. claiming 1or2 is a big deal.

You know as well as everyone else that the dragon only drops 4 worth while drops.
Sidi drops 20+ per raid, and are much better drops than dragon.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
You know as well as everyone else that the dragon only drops 4 worth while drops.
Sidi drops 20+ per raid, and are much better drops than dragon.

25 skill respec stones
25 RA respec stones
4 good items
54 total drops


Ah, fair enough but its not quite the same.

Dragons are in fashion at the moment, but its not as if the whole server needs these stones, I suspect dragon can settle down again within a week, read the paper, do some gardening etc. etc.

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