I havent known you as long as the others, but always have time for you... you have achieved something in Albion, not many will achieve in a lifetime of playing here...
you have played the hard and long game, you have battled solo and groups... you have always overachieved despite what the game throws at you...
Your respected, one of the best players per class ive played with... and more to the point... your foreign humour which always makes me smile inside....
thanks for letting me group with you... and I hope we have the pleasure of Ridney LadyArmsman... for the next year
wow senor ridlet, a very great achievment. We have had alot of fun in the past duoing killing those fgs, and just having fun. Your a great person and i wish you the best of luck in game, keep up the good work.
Sod it I missed it. A truelly awesome old school player. Have known and admired you from first month after EU servers went live. I am priviledged to call you a friend and mentor. One of the greats on our server and one of the funniest guys I have ever met. A huge gratz from me and now onwards to rr12 :worthy:
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