Look's like we gonna get more char slots weeheee



Straight of the herald :

3)Doubling of available character slots. Based on both user demand and the fact that we have an expansion pack coming out soon, it seems prudent to increase the number of slots available to the characters. We have worked out the technical issues involved with this, and thus, we are going from four to eight!

Uncle Sick(tm)

Good news!

My ranger toon feels much better now...:D


i'll make the obligatory negative comment

yeah right

keep em hoping and they won't cancel accounts

Nala Lionne

Originally posted by klavrynd
i'll make the obligatory negative comment

yeah right

keep em hoping and they won't cancel accounts

That's the spirit!! :D


Klavrynd is just bitter because he rolled a light tank and expected it to be decent ;)

And FYI Klavrynd, even with Mcflurry a berzerker has a slight advantage over a merc in a duel :)


rah. I won't have to worry have to worry about deleting a character to play the new ones in the expansion :D

Must have re-rolled about 20 times now though :p


woot I can make new classes starting at 20, omg I can make a new char and get him to Thidranki level in a day, how sweet :)

Eager to see patch notes for 1.53A should have alot of melee tweaks in it, esp regarding styles.


11)A special bonus for any player who has a character that attains 50th level. Players who achieve this level will be able to create new characters without being forced to go through all the lower levels once again. You will not have to retire, sacrifice, delete, destroy, spindle or mutilate your 50th level character to take advantage of this system - your new character will simply start at the higher level. We haven’t decided exactly at what level we are going to start at but it will be at least 20th.

Two words:


Wow.. that's like respeccing class. All that's missing is being allowed to do it on another realm and noone has to cry gimp anymore and we'll all live happily ever after on the golfcourse.


2)Speeding up the leveling time between levels 41 and 50. As above, we have seen that these levels take longer to go through than we believe is optimal. Thus, we are greatly reducing the time it will take to complete them.

yay! more level 50 n00bs. :rolleyes:


Dannyn... sitting at trees/tanglers for weeks on end does not always result in clue being instilled :)

Orin Askhammare

Originally posted by Dannyn
yay! more level 50 n00bs. :rolleyes:

Yeah I'm sure the enormous amount of hours currently required, camping a mob spawn in the epic zone for maximum xp does wonders to "unn00b" people...

edit: Fingoniel beat me to it :D


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Dannyn... sitting at trees/tanglers for weeks on end does not always result in clue being instilled :)
No, but it helps to weed out some of those who are highly clue-resistant as they don't have the dedication / boredom thrshold to stick it out. ;)


Some people really need to understand how easy levelling is in this game. Mythic making it easier and giving away level 20 alts for free just makes it even more farcical. Talk about appealing to your lowest common denominator...


It weeds out the impatient ;)
or those that think 'hrm surely there are better things to do than kill these'

doesn't make people any better able to cope with RvR :) or following orders etc.

I think Dartmoor hunts are far better for instilling a group-friendly ethic and sense of responsibility...
if everyone doesn't have their shit together, the group dies :)


:clap: <cheers wildly gets dizzy and walks away> :clap:

<thinks of all the characters he can start>


Mythic making it easier and giving away level 20 alts for free just makes it even more farcical

everyone and his dog can get a char to level 20 , after 20 it needs dedication , spare time , spare time, spare time, and nerves of steel (47-50 anyone?)


First time round getting to level 20 is a challenge...

second time round it's really quite easy... especially if you've made friends/joined a guild and have help.

Orin Askhammare

Originally posted by old.Revz
Some people really need to understand how easy levelling is in this game. Mythic making it easier and giving away level 20 alts for free just makes it even more farcical. Talk about appealing to your lowest common denominator...

I'm sure it's really really really easy if you have a pretty big guild full of very much above casual (I won't say power) gamers that has enough cash, equipment and whatnot else to equip probably half the realm of Albion :) It took a lot of time, dedication and hard work to get that I'm sure and it's well deserved.

However, you have to see this from the perspective of people who are in smaller guilds and people who have less time to spend online. Playing 4 times 2 hours can never get you as much benefit as playing 8 hours straight. Especially after level 40. As it is everyone who dings 40 kind of shuts down his brain, enters the 40-50 grind tunnel and hopes they're still sane when they emerge at the other end. This can't be right either.

People aren't asking for a cakewalk to level 50. Right now I'm level 45 with 23 days played and this to me feels like good point to have actually have dinged level 50. I've done a lot of quests with this character and got a ton of OTDs some of which took me a lot of time. I goofed around and didn't spend every single minute xping.

Now please tell me what the extra time I'll spend from 45-50 from now on in PvE will do for me in terms of understanding my character and becoming a better player? The place where I can learn something about my character now is RvR, not PvE. Sad thing is at the moment a lot of RvR before level 50 consists of being mezzed and two-shotted by caster DDs :)

It's not about making 40-50 instantanious, it's about making it bearable (for everyone, not just powergamers)


Originally posted by Orin Askhammare

Sad thing is at the moment a lot of RvR before level 50 consists of being mezzed and two-shotted by caster DDs :)

It's not about making 40-50 instantanious, it's about making it bearable (for everyone, not just powergamers)

First bit: hehee, don't get yer hopes up too much... from what I've heard RvR at level 50 consists of being mezzed and three-shotted by caster DDs ;)

Second: hear hear!


GEtting to lvl 20 is easy peasy,
Got my Armsman from lvl 16 to 20 in one evenings session...NP.
And before that I was levelling faster....


I think that Orin Askhammare explained exactly how I feel as well.

I've /played for 20 days (thats 20 DAYS!!) now and am nearly at lvl43. I am in a small, but very friendly guild - The Fallen.

I log on for a few hours in the evening (I work full time, and have a gf that doesn't play DAoC, so I need to spend time with her too) and if i'm lucky get to play a few hours at the weekends.

Getting into a group of people around my level (say 41-45), is quite difficult when your guild is small, as we need to rely on the guild alliance, or just see who is advertising.

If you are in a big guild, of players that play for hours and hours a day, then i'd imagine that xping is very easy. But not all of us are in the situation where we can do this, and nor do we wish to join a big guild.

The other day I was at Excalibur when the Middies attacked and was amazed at how disorganised all of the Albions were. They ran off in all directions in little groups and got killed when they went out of sight. Many, probably even the majority, of Albions there conned higher than me. You'd think that we'd be well in control of the situation with those 'experienced' players there. After all, they'd spent hours and hours playing to get to level 50.

The reality is that level 50 players are a real mix. There are some that are good players, but many are players that just had the time to xp (and probably no girlfriends to worry about!)- lets face it, many level 50s are schoolchildren*. To say that if people will level quicker from 41-50 will create lots of level 50 noobs isn't a bad thing. In fact it may lead to more mature players getting to level 50, which has to be a good thing. Perhaps then, we'd take control of situations like Relic Raids, rather than everyone running around like headless chickens.

*note: i'm not saying that schoolchildren are all bad or immature players, but you can often tell that a player is, um, quite young.

Plebo Lazarus, lvl42 Merc.


Making it easier cheapens the whole thing for those of us that did level to 50 the hard way. I don't have huge amounts of time to play - I work everyday till 6:30 or 7 pm, so I only get a few hours a day for DAoC. I got 50 fast, because I put the time and effort in to level, the thought of people getting level 50 for half as much effort or less makes me feel cheated by Mythic. 40-50 is too long at present, but rather than just lowering the amount of xp, mythic should have smoothed the curve a little - make 30-40 a bit harder and 40-50 a bit easier or something along those lines. The difference at the moment is silly - I did 37-39 in just over 4 hours, yet 49.5-50 took 12 hours straight.

Just to add, other than raids, I did all my xping in mixed groups, not guild groups (and raids made up probably 5% of my 40-50 xp). Noting being in a huge guild is not a valid excuse for not getting groups. :p


Well if you consider the difference between the guy who dinged 50 last night and me who has been 50 for a couple of months and in the mean time leading all sorts of raids to equip myself and the guild you might see the problem. At 50 the power of your character does not scale properly with the time and effort invested. Hence the only thing that differentiates the guys who spent "a lot of time, dedication and hard work" is their relative level. If you take that away by making it trivial to hit 50 then the power of your character after 1 month and 1 year is the same.

In that case why bother playing after 1 month?

If I can't make my character better by putting in harder work then what is the point in me doing that?

It already feels like all this effort I'm expending is being cheapened by each patch Mythic puts out to make it easier for other people to catch up. A generic level 50 in epic armour (epic armour being better than every single item I spent months farming in a previous patch yet more easily available), diamond seal bought jewellry (diamond seal bought jewellry being better than every single item I spent months farming in a previous patch yet more easily available) and wielding a crafted weapon is very nearly as effective as my character and yet I've spent literally months more time playing to improve Gideon.

A big part of these sort of games is character progression so I don't like the way it gets progressively easier for the people who are unable or unwilling to put in the effort to catch up with those who are working hard for it. Looking at it again the free level 20 character is a minor thing but making it flat out easier to get to 50 is stupid. Does that mean those who are 50 already get some sort of benefit for that extra effort they put in?

[rant over]



I'm getting a double dose of this - infiltrator levelled from the start at 2.0 spec points per level, tough going, can't solo yellows safely, die alot....

2.5 spec points per level comes along and whoosh - sudden rush of infiltrators levelling alot easier....

Get to almost level 48 and hear that shortly after I hit 50 (hopefully) it's all going to be made easier again....




Still makes me chuckle though... I must be (after Dittytwo) THE slowest leveller in Albion and yet I still get 4 or 5 advice calls per night :D


Thats cos ur (in)famous Jup old chap :D

The gimpfiltraator with the sexy Sorceress Babe was how you were described to me :D

Orin Askhammare

One benefit people who get their characters to 50 early have is they have in general many more rps. That's one reward for you right there.

Also, there are 3 realms in this game and a total of 33 character classes. A lot of people would like to play at least a few of them in high level RvR instead of 1. Shortening the time from 40-50 will allow people to do that to some degree. (This is one of the main reasons I would like it shortented a little) Remember, I didn't say make 40-50 instantanious. I think the time/xp needed to get to level 45 at present would be fine. I don't know what characters you have, but if I could level as fast as you did I'd have 3 level 50 characters by now maybe and when RvRing I could play what tickled my fancy at that time. That's another thing you can have for putting in a lot of time and effort.

Even if more content for 40+ was added I would still expect people to bunch up in the one place that yields the fastest/safest xp to level 50. In most people's minds it just takes too much time to get to level 50 to not camp.

I'm sorry if the introduction of DF, easier leveling from 40-50 and other patches has watered down some of the hard work you put in. When people are saying that Mythic is catering to the lowest common denominator by putting this in they are wrong imho. This is more catering to the average common denominator instead of the highest.

You're a pioneer on the European servers. Pioneers (like there were in the old USA) usually lead a hard life and pave the way for those that come after them. Don't know if that's a good analogy, but I think things like these are a risk that every frontrunner takes.

old.Trine Aquavit

I agree that making it easier is a bit shit for those that got to 50 the hard way, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't change the mechanics of the game for the better.

The focus of DAOC (and only real selling point over the competition) is RvR, but they've made it so that RvR is heavily level-dependent (and always will be), and that level 50 is very time consuming to get. I think they should have made it much easier to get to 50 and then aimed their enhancements squarely at the level 50 RvR end of the game. What's the point of offering so many classes if you'll only ever be be willing to face the XP-crawl to get one or two of them to a level where RvR can be fully explored. The reason why Thidiraki is so popular is because people can get to the highest level for it very quickly and enjoy the RvR on offer.

The levels should have just been a training ground for lvl 50 RvR, where you can learn your skills, the game mechanics and build relationships and community for the 'real thing'. Had they made it so that getting to lvl 50 only took 5-10 days or so then everyone would be enjoying full on RvR. Those that put the effort in to get a level 50 character would be sitting pretty with either a full set of different level 50 characters on one realm or a level 50 in each realm. Those that complained that their chosen class was 'gimped for RvR' could play another character without feeling they'd wasted 30 days of their life! It would have benefitted casual and uber gamers alike.

I doubt they'll go to this extreme, but they are heading in the right direction.

And for those that made it to 50 before the change - it would be nice to throw them a bone for their efforts by giving them a nice in game reward - i.e. a special look, title, make their name appear in a different colour, something to make 'em stand out a bit.

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