Looking to get back to DAoC


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Been away for a while and gonna come back and start again. Im looking for a character who will be useful in FG rvr but be able to solo while lvling. Are aug healers and kobby warriors stull viable?


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Tanks are not really wanted in NF, casters are great, what about a darkness sm? i think they rox.

Healers any specc are also a lot wanted in rvr.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
Think any SM or RM would be preferred over most tanks, especially in NF. Maybe thane could go for tank because of SC, but I really wouldn't know. Most warriors in NF will just be ram-bots/guardbots because most of the combat is supposedly ranged, so not much use of them there.

Still, healers are very needed - I'd make one if I cba with the lvling because they really do get groups quite easy :)


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
I really wouldn't roll a warrior. There are loads of them about, they aren't good in RVR unless you have done LOADs of PvE as you need ML8 and if you look at alot of the templates you see on this forum they have several hard to get artifacts in them! A Thane will probably be better than a warrior at RvR in NF, as you get Stormcalling spells which can be used to interupt (and self buffs for decent soloing). You can spec in shield and get BodyGuard and with the new RA system in NF there isn't the same problem with determination.

Healers are always in demand for RvR groups however they aren't the easiest to level solo.

A supp spiritmaster is probably the easiest class to level with. You can solo well and I managed to get from 43-50 in a day in a moderna group (and I wasn't a leech!)

If you don't mind leveling a bit slower any caster will be good as they are all useful rvr.

Finally have you considered a cave shammy. There are a hell of a lot of buffbots around but they don't generally get invited into RvR groups ;). You can certainly solo at leveling and I would guess the AOE dot would be useful in NF keep warfare as well as your end regen, buffs and ability to ress.... I don't however have any experience as a shammy so you might want to ask somebody else about it. I have however leveled a warrior and sm to 50 and a RC runie most of the way ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
How about a sup runnie? or would he need a respec to dark?


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
Nausilus^^ said:
Still, healers are very needed - I'd make one if I cba with the lvling because they really do get groups quite easy :)

Ye I'd make a healer but there's never any groups to heal, heh.. shame but that's modernagrav for you.



Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Bogrot said:
How about a sup runnie? or would he need a respec to dark?

Nothing wrong with a supp runie. PBT makes you more group friendly than RC or dark. As a supp runie you can get yourself on a dragon raid should you wish to respec however all spec lines are pretty much equal when it comes to leveling and all useful in RvR.

If you are going runie, pick whatever spec you like best and try and level as much as possible outside. The frontier is good at certain levels with that nice outpost bonus.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
dark SMer is fotm i believe, but thats coz they absolutly own.

intercept pet with stun and other procs, pbaoe mezz, aoe mezz, lifetap (huge survivability and with cast speed etc i think its possible 2 hit 1.5sec cast speed), and they have there base nuke which with high dark spec should do LOADS of damage :) and they r good in pve 2 :D


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Cadelin said:
Nothing wrong with a supp runie. PBT makes you more group friendly than RC or dark. As a supp runie you can get yourself on a dragon raid should you wish to respec however all spec lines are pretty much equal when it comes to leveling and all useful in RvR.

If you are going runie, pick whatever spec you like best and try and level as much as possible outside. The frontier is good at certain levels with that nice outpost bonus.

the problem with supp is that the DD's are (or at least seemed to me :) ) very low dmg AND they still have the double resist chance (if you resist dd you resist snare, if you resist snare then you resist dd :( )

also since RvR is very caster focused at the moment pbt isnt the most useful thing, but with NF it might be handy to avoid guards bashing you! (and arrows too, though it doesnt block volley from archers). dark seems best if you know you are going to be in a group (especially if you team up with debuffer ;) ) otherwise the "darkcarver" approach still works reasonably well (48 RC, 22 dark, 11 supp, debuff your own nukes etc, still ok damage but not as high as normal dark anymore)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
Come back Bogrot :D and spend some time in varulv like you did before :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Hi Cerbie :clap:

Is it possible to buy the game in US and play on EU? They were selling the US vertion (all 3 games) for 30 dollars. The same here is about 60 pounds!!


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
US version ---> Mythic servers
EU verisob ---> GOA servers

Soz m8, u cant buy one version and then play in a different server :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
arawem said:
US version ---> Mythic servers
EU verisob ---> GOA servers

Soz m8, u cant buy one version and then play in a different server :(

thanks m8. I kinda thought that but wasnt too sure.

Anyone got a quick reminder of what i missed while away. (been away about 6 months) :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
You missed the TOA madness boggie :)

All the ml : great to do with real cool effects but a lot of patience is needed.
If you do them only to see the encounters (like doing quests) its great fun.
If you do them to get to ml 10 in a hurry its a pain .....

You are missing artifacts :) Wich is not so bad considering the fact that you have to level those to 10 also which is hard sometimes (very) if you don't have a buffbot. But still there is room for fun as you can group again to get the encounters and you need to follow some tactics to do it right. But then some selfish people come along who will try to do tricks to get the artifact from you by cheating on lotto and stealing the stuff. After that you need to level it, for that sometimes you need group or do RVR.

RVR : another pain. Emain has become a place where the elite is roaming and where there is no room for normal players. Don't go there :fluffle:
Keep taking is still great fun and so is Odins. Still the same old stuff of loosing and winning.

In a way not much has changed nor for the good nor for the bad. There are still a lot of nice people around allthough a lot of the old players left :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Bogrot returning to DAOC ?

I think you should try to roll a Cave/Aug shammy...

Probably a troll.....

Decent solo, as you well know and anyone trying to level solo without a BB will love to group with you & on the plus side you were one of the best shammies I ever saw in game.

If you cant be bothered with going to Moderna I would recommend you join a guild as well m8, some of the older more established guilds are still knocking around.If your determined to play a shieldtank then go thane I'm having a blast with mine atm...

Hope to see you come back mate


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
ye come back m8 would b good to c u playin again. n i would say eaiest solo class would b aug healer :) or cave Shammy. Or if u want rvr any caster


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Warrior works, but it's a very equipment dependant class, especially with toa. I'm nearly done - however - I would never even started if I knew how much work I had in front of me.

Healers are always wanted. Seems to me there is abit of lack on the rvr shaman toon as well, might be only me.

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