Looking for role-players



<chuckles from his corner of the bar>

ahh, the Ingun, it always causes such chaos... it tries to help, yet makes things worse...

<draws a throwing knife, and targets the groin attached string>

It holds still, this wont hurt it much...

Old Nicodemus

<Watches Krill pelvic thrust past him, then ponders the notice on the tavern wall behind him>

Maybe Krill has joined the new dance crazy of the celtic bard, Tom Jones. We knew he hung around milegates too much on his own.. those damn hibs have finally got to him.

<shakes his head and ruefully grins>

Best i go see this show then...

Hey Ayam! Dozi! Wait for me....

<Snatches his hat off of the table and hurries after the Krillateers>

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Tom Jones, eh?

If enough female trolls threw knickers at him we'd have enough parachutes to not waste Battery of Life at milegates.


I now have visions of kobolds parachuting into the middle of a battle, using giant underwear.

Damn you Ayam....


<Krill is suddenly bathed in torchlight as the room goes dark. He turns still strangely moving and starts to sing>

'Its not unusual to thump lurikeens
It's not unusual to have lunch on lurikeens
But when I see you hanging around with saraceeens
Its not unusual to see me cryyyy
Oh I wanna dieeeee

Its not unusual to go out to Odins Gate
But when I see you out and about it's such a crime
If you should ever want to be hammered by anyone
Its not unusual it happens every day, no matter what firbolgs say
Love will never do what you want it to
Why can't this crazy love be mine!

<as the crowd block their ears a strange parachute like cloth unfolds from the roof, filling the room with the stench of unwashed trolls. Soon it catches alight and flames move up to the ceiling>

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Mes bomb, mes bomb
You're my mes bomb
Breaking all my mesmerises
Typical troll

Eir Knebitar

Ingun runs quite far from the bar before she stops to put her purple cloak back on. The darkness of the night, hardly a sound. Suddenly she hears this terrible noice from behing. Thinking it is a giant beast, she turns around ready to cast a spell of rooting. But no, this sound is coming from the bar she just left. After listening for only a second, she realise what it is. Krill and Ayam singing!

"We askses the Hel, why it does this to us? We summonses spirits and sendses the deads to Valhalla. We prayses to the Hel and comeses when it sendses for us. Why it letses the ugly Krill and the Ayam do this to us?"

After this little outburst Ingun starts running - away. She doesnt care where she ends up as long as it is as far away from Krill and Ayam as possible.


<scratches his head and wonder why Dardamein has not been heard again>

<Takes a closer look at what is happening in the Inn and starts formulating a theory>

... sighs ...


<Behind Trigali's frowning face a large troll who's cloak is alight is belting out yet another song 'what's new taiga cat' and beating time on a table with a rather large hammer.>

Old Nicodemus

<Watches the flames begin to lick the wooden pillars of the inn.>

Come on Krill! Bring the house down! Belt out your favorite song...

After 3... 1 , 2 , 3....

Thor! Huh!

What is he good for?

Absolutley nothing!.. Say it again...

<watches in amusement as lightning starts to crackle around Krill's hammer. Leans over to Trigali and whispers.>

This one always brings the house down.




<walks in, sees strings, trolls, lotsa people being strange an' singin' badly. Grunts, Leaves>


Spug looked around frantically... things were taking a turn for the worse... first the inn was plagued by the "Dozi's Dance Revolution" craze, now it was troll Karoke... and from the looks of things the bar was about to be wrecked by a singing Thane angering Thor...

oh for the sanctitude of tailoring...

Spug stepped out from behind the roof support, and headed for the door, Whincing as Hufner broke into "its raining men"

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Purple Warriors trying the Glacier Giant again?


They'll never learn.


Whadda ya mean "never learn"??
Nothing to learn from it, just the pure fun of rushing headlong towards a biiig giant!
Not to mention rushing into the lair to try giving Gjalpingulva a kiss...

Sod it! Go!


Hehe perhaps it doesnt understand the Hufners, and the Purple Warriors reasons, being beaten up by the biggest things possible is what they do.

<Spug shoes the Wee Wolf under the table>

Urgat Rip-Eye


Thor! Huh!

What is he good for?

Absolutley nothing!.. Say it again...

The rumbling thunder of One-eyed Urgat laughing, rolls round the room.

"Guud uld Nico... Funny uumie"



Hargh feels all that Dwarven Stout about to break the seal and relives himself into the flames sending them into a steamy hiss and dousing them entirely.

"Har har, fire gone! More ale! More song!"

Roo Stercogburn


Slow to find you lot, been busy with other things.

I might be looking to recruit a team for a little job I have and you rag tag louts might be the ones to do it.

I can no longer summon spirits so I might (reluctantly) be forced to ask for help and as expected the dives and low life bars in Jordheim turn up the right sort of thu... adventurers.

I'll be in touch when I've found out what needs to be done.

<Mutters under breath> no-hopers but needs must as Hel drives.

OOC: Its a bugger to actually roleplay someone who's meant to be, basically, a git. Lets face it, hanging around with dead people, draining lifeforce from all and sundry. Not exactly a doughty defender of Midgard, more someone who dislikes Albs and Hibs even more than Mids. If I were to actually roleplay Roo more I'd probably fall out with half of Midgard. I mean the other half I haven't already. And just to tease, Ayam nearly stumbled onto this story after the dragon got killed ;)


[ooc bit] Kliren (my SM) simply lacks in people skills, unable to get real friends, he summons dead ones...

Old Nicodemus


Speak for yourselves!

The dead are there to be used and abused.... but I digress, those are the things that I do to the bodies of Albs and Hibs...


You abuse dead bodies, Nicodemus ?

Isn't that called necrophyllia ?

Old Nicodemus

How else is one supposed to learn about the enemy?

I suppose you'd all like to dance around the maypole with Luri's and Fibolgs? Run naked through the streets with Avalonians and Britons?

Who is to be feared more? Those who would pander to the very enemies we keep back from our homes or the hordes of Albions and Hibernians that assail us constantly?

This is a WAR!

And as such I will take every opportunity to experiment upon the dead, for it may save our lives. Never forget.. the enemy can breed faster than we can.

Now shhh!

Krill is about to sing again....


Hargh see dead forms help magic man. Hargh know dead things dont hurt Hargh. Many time Hargh fought with dead to defend friends and kill enemies.
Magic man use power for Midgard, dead of Midgard cannot mind disturbing rest for that!

Even magic men who raise bones make sure they clean - no rotting flesh to stink up Harghs day! Very nice of magic men.

Eir Knebitar

hah! we summonses the itses that dieses in bed - we thinkses that is terrible way to die - and sendses itses to valhalla. where the dead eatses and drinkses and fightses.

we is proud of sending dead itses to valhalla!

oh, and we thinkses that is nice place. the hel summonses us there some timeses and we sees many naked male kobolds that giveses us food and drinkses. we knows the valhalla is nice place to be.

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