Well everyone showed up except one of the ice wizards for our PBAOE group, so we're looking for one right now.
Times are 18:30-22:30 cet weekdays, and 11:00-17:00 weekends.
Preferable level : around 14, but if you got a wizzie around lvl 20 or so, let us know, we can pick you up along the way.
Interested? drop a reply in this thread and leave your ingame name aswell as your email (and make sure you read your email every day once atleast).
Times are 18:30-22:30 cet weekdays, and 11:00-17:00 weekends.
Preferable level : around 14, but if you got a wizzie around lvl 20 or so, let us know, we can pick you up along the way.
Interested? drop a reply in this thread and leave your ingame name aswell as your email (and make sure you read your email every day once atleast).