it's the Jeremy Clarkson fanclub, hmm smell that manly testosterone.
it's guys on pushbikes, get over it already.
I'm a cyclist - but I also drive. Those guys are violating so many rules of the road it's a joke. It's massively dangerous to everyone involved, not just themselves. A car might swerve to avoid a crazy cyclist and end up losing control and nailing an innocent ped. Cunts, the lot of's the Jeremy Clarkson fanclub, hmm smell that manly testosterone.
it's guys on pushbikes, get over it already.
it's the Jeremy Clarkson fanclub, hmm smell that manly testosterone.
it's guys on pushbikes, get over it already.
Cyclist going the wrong way down the street - Shifts blame to the Man
Man not using a crossing - Accepts he was in the wrong
Who's in the wrong? from all PoVs.
I take it your a cyclist yourself?
I cycle to keep fit, around park paths for instance, and I would consider doing some of the organised events, but I don't want to use it as transport, because I don't want to be associated with the holy cyclists division.
On my way home last week a cyclist pulled out from a side street onto the main road. I had to slam my breaks on to avoid him as the bus coming the other way meant i could not go round the cunt. It is that kind of actions that leads me to hate them, if you are going to use the road respect the rules and don't fuck up other people just because you have built up a head of steam.
Wow you sure set me straight my attitude has been adjusted.On my way home last week a car pulled out from a side street onto the main road. I had to slam my breaks on to avoid him as the bus coming the other way meant i could not go round the cunt. The car plowed into the bus, killing 4 people, badly injuring 3 predestrians and closing the road for half a day.
But it's ok, take your anger out on cyclists, as they are by far the biggest cause of road accidents.
I one day hope to accidentally kill one of these guys with my car.