what they won't deal with is the deliberate rubbish fires set by kids, or the stolen cars that are set on fire by thugs, or the multitude of bonfires that people set and then neighbours call in
All it'll take is one preventable death and public opinion will swing completely against the firemen, those kids that chuck stones at them will be seen as having the right idea.
Personally I think modern bonfire night is a pussyish emasculated waste of time run by health and safety nazis.
Didn't firefighters strike a few years ago? Albeit maybe not on bonfire night.
I seem to recall that when they did, the army was drafted in (i think) to cover any fires.
I certainly recall seeing the old-style green fire engines around my way
Bonfire night was originally a celebration of the King's delivery from "evil", but it soon became a chance to vent one's spleen against Catholics, and the Pope, who was the original "Guy".
Its a 400-year-old relic, and I think a very important link to our history. Long may it continue.
The bonfires were originally part of the Celtic festival of Samhain. Ancient and pagan. Whether it be based on paganism or a party celebrating somebody being hung drawn & quartered I don't think it has much place in the 21st century.
One of the issues in the last strike was whether firemen on their night shift should have to undertake maintenance and training when not on calls, instead of going to sleep until the bell rang. What other job can you possibly get paid to sleep?
The RAF, Navy and Army? Airline pilots? Cabin Crew? Doctors on call? All sleep while 'on the job'. There's probably many more.
I take it you dont support Christmas either then?
The RAF, Navy and Army? Airline pilots? Cabin Crew? Doctors on call? All sleep while 'on the job'. There's probably many more.
Also, define 'well rewarded'. We talking about the fireworks fired at them, the needles left on door handles as traps, the cars set on fire down alleys as a come on, the broken windows on the fire engines from bricks? And their legal inability to protect themselves or their equipment from attacks.
And isn't it also called the Police Service? Can you imagine the headlines if the firebrigade gave the same level of service as the police? Fire engines turning up 4 hours late to a house fire, not arriving until 2 days after a car crash.
The bonfires were originally part of the Celtic festival of Samhain. Ancient and pagan. Whether it be based on paganism or a party celebrating somebody being hung drawn & quartered I don't think it has much place in the 21st century.
You'd be right. Being a miserable bugger I also object to the amount of debt people get into to buy presents they can't afford and provide stupid amounts of food and drink whilst 1/3rd of the world is starving.
No, people were encouraged to light bonfires and celebrate the King's survival, immediately following the plot's discovery. That's where the tradition comes from.
That wouldn't have happened to coincide with a crackdown on bonfires at any other time? If so, that's some classic usurpting/subverting/however-you wanna-call-it action.
my mate the firefighter
Guys why do you have such strong opinions on something you obviously know nothing about based on what you've heard from the government run media. That's where the public have it all wrong listening to the media. So you know, just over a month ago all 5500 firefighters were informed that their contracts of employment would be cancelled and they would be sacked if they refused the new contracts on offer. Contracts that have changes in shift times and more importantly many changes to terms and conditions which will ultimately lead to the closure of fire stations. Just to clarify your view that this is about second jobs, i dont have a second job and im striking....? Plus, my maths might not be right, correct me if I'm wrong... If firefighters agree to 12 hour shifts 8pm-8am (like they won't us to do) doesn't that mean they'll have more time to part time as they've got 12 hours before their next shift instead of of 9 hours that they currently have!? Therefore wouldn't we all be jumping at that offer!? We don't get paid during these strikes and obviously our friends and family are also put at risk. It's simple really, take away the threat of the sack and no more strikes so i guess it depends who you won't to blame for the strike, the firefighters who are trying to take a stand and not be bullied into something that will be detrimental to all of us or the fire brigade commissioner and politicians who won't take the gun from our heads..... (plus we know how honest politicians are)...
No firefighter wants to go on strike, especially on bonfire night. We were on strike on sat and that barely got any media coverage. This is a time critical situation as our contracts will be ripped up on the 26th of november. Now that bonfire nights been mentioned we hope the brigade management take it seriously and not allow it to get that far. The final decision on whether we go on strike is in their hands. We don't won't to strike, if they lift the threat of the sack we won't strike. So it's the brigade management that's actually making the decision to allow the strike to go ahead and it's them that will make the decision whether or not to put lives at risk
I remember having all these arguments with you last time too Rob, only on irc then so it was much more immediate.